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These two huge stones stood beside a trackway leading up the Meavy towards Hart Tor stone rows. (That must be Hart Tor above the stone on R?)  Sandy and Dave were down near the river inspecting a ruin.  Photos show there are a lot of large stones lying around; plenty of building material.
14 May 2019
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedMay 26 2019
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These two huge stones stood beside a trackway leading up the Meavy towards Hart Tor stone rows. (That must be Hart Tor above the stone on R?) Sandy and Dave were down near the river inspecting a ruin. Photos show there are a lot of large stones lying around; plenty of building material.
14 May 2019

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2019-05-26)
No, I think I was wrong, Hart Tor is just to the left. The R one might be Cramber Tor.
SandyG (2019-05-27)
Yes Angie. That is Cramber Tor on the right. Hart Tor is just out of sight on the left. The photograph was taken from just above the tin mills at Black Tor Falls.

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