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Getting closer to the Ter Hill Cross, the repair to its arm (a large iron clamp) is highly visible. According to Pastscape, the shaft was also broken prior to the arm and also repaired with an iron clamp, but this is no longer visible. F.H.Starkey tells us
Submitted byAnne T
AddedJun 10 2019
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Getting closer to the Ter Hill Cross, the repair to its arm (a large iron clamp) is highly visible. According to Pastscape, the shaft was also broken prior to the arm and also repaired with an iron clamp, but this is no longer visible. F.H.Starkey tells us "how a farmer at Sherburton in the valley of the Swincombe below took a fancy to this cross .. and however and removed it and set it up in his farmyard. The Duchy authorities objected to this however and it was returned and left lying at its original site until it was re-erected in 1885".

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