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Within 100m SSW of Roborough Down Earthwork there are many depressions which seem to mark out the existence of earlier structures. Some of these depressions could be socket where rocks have been removed for agricultural repurposing. Others where timber structures once set into the ground, have now rotted completely away. 

This picture shows four aligned depressions, spaced at about 3m and aroun
Submitted byIanP24
AddedJul 02 2020
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Within 100m SSW of Roborough Down Earthwork there are many depressions which seem to mark out the existence of earlier structures. Some of these depressions could be socket where rocks have been removed for agricultural repurposing. Others where timber structures once set into the ground, have now rotted completely away.

This picture shows four aligned depressions, spaced at about 3m and around 700mm dia. There are more aligned depressions in either direction, though they are into the gorse and bracken at either end. There is no sign of spoil around any of the holes, as there might be if it was a test digging.

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