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Extracted from the LiDAR 1m DSM,
©Environment Agency 2019
Submitted byrogerfentiman
AddedAug 04 2020
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Extracted from the LiDAR 1m DSM,
©Environment Agency 2019

Posted Comments:

Bladup (2020-08-05)
Amazing, I've been here in the flesh before but didn't even take any photo's, These Lidar images are great for the sort of site where nothing is very visible using a normal camara (unless the light is right), Look how it even picks out the later ridge and furrow perfectly, This has become a very important way to show and protect our heritage
Andy B (2020-08-05)
Yes good isn't it. Some Geograph contributors have managed to get shots of the earthworks, see the thumbnail images lower down on our main page, it also shows up well on the visible aerial views linked from the blue aeroplane square buttons.
Bladup (2020-08-06)
Oh wow, i didn't know they were there! how long have they been there?
Andy B (2020-08-06)
They've been on Geograph for a while I think but only showed up in our local image search when Roger sent in the new page. You could download them and add them to our page if you like (with credit) as they are Creative Commons.

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