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Sunrise at avebury after a long and fairly soggy night but it was all worth it
Submitted byNasher
AddedJun 21 2006
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Sunrise at avebury after a long and fairly soggy night but it was all worth it

Posted Comments:

creators (2006-06-21)
You know, it was like the sun was having a game with the clouds, like play fighting and everyone ends up giggling. I think we were spoiled last year, Leah, but it was still a lovely dawn. Thanks for offering to share your tripod when I forget the quick release plate for mine, I am still shaking my head at my numptiness.
aluta (2006-06-22)
Probably not, but could that lump on the horizon to the left possibly be Silbury?
creators (2006-06-22)
I am afraid not, aluta, Silbury is about a mile to the south of Avebury.

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