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A very tranquil spot. About an hour walk from Crediton Railway Station
Submitted byBjornTheExplorer
AddedOct 16 2022
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A very tranquil spot. About an hour walk from Crediton Railway Station

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2022-10-16)
Thanks for this Bjorn. A friend and I looked for the way to this one a few years ago, but haven't had time to go back. It's not down that green lane then??
BjornTheExplorer (2022-10-17)
The entrance to this wonderful spot is through a small opening in a bramble hedge. As you are leaving Uton going west, the spring is in the small wooded area just after the last house on the right.
AngieLake (2022-10-18)
Thanks Bjorn. (Late Monday night) Have uploaded two photos taken on our search in Spring 2012, together with report at the time (friend and I searched the wider area around Bow for the site of a possible major Celtic Sanctuary). Hard to see exactly the steep narrow green lane, but you may recognise it, and also the cottage nearby.

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