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This peaceful spring has a spout coming out of what was once a lion head.

According to James Rattue in “The Holy wells of Buckinghamshire” local folklore tells how a witch’s pupil gave the sight back to a Gypsy tinker. The rhyme from “Romance around Stoney Stratford”
“When Gorrick’s Spring flows fast and clear,
 Stoop down and drink, for health is here, 
If Gorrick’s Spring
Submitted byLouisaJaneReece
AddedJun 24 2024
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This peaceful spring has a spout coming out of what was once a lion head.

According to James Rattue in “The Holy wells of Buckinghamshire” local folklore tells how a witch’s pupil gave the sight back to a Gypsy tinker. The rhyme from “Romance around Stoney Stratford”
“When Gorrick’s Spring flows fast and clear,
 Stoop down and drink, for health is here, 
If Gorrick’s Spring shuld e’er run dry,
 Beware, for pestilence is nigh.”

Location: Calverton village on Calverton Road there is a lay-by (see Google maps image). There is a section fenced off with no public access on the left, but there are some slab steps to the right which will take you to the spring (see image with arrow). You will need to wear suitable clothing as you’ll have to wade through Stinging Nettles and Brambles but it’s well worth the effort.

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