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Sample pages from the first comprehensive book about megaliths of Britiain and Ireland to be published in Japan. Image copyright Lithosgraphics

Megaliths; visiting ancient Britain and Ireland, a book for Japanese readers

[888 x 634 jpg]

Submitted bylithosgraphics
AddedFeb 03 2010
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Sample pages from the first comprehensive book about megaliths of Britiain and Ireland to be published in Japan. Image copyright Lithosgraphics

Posted Comments:

pab (2010-02-07)
Sorry, but I worry about adding rainbows artificially - I prefer them natural! The stones are so powerful in themselves, why add a rainbow that wasn't there? My profuse apologies if I am wrong, but the shadows of the stones on each other make that an impossible rainbow for this shot!
AngieLake (2010-02-07)
Each to his own, pab. Normally I'm not keen on photos that are too 'tarted up', but I love this one, and it's my favourite site (though that is a hard choice to make!)
pab (2010-02-08)
Love the site Angie, just don't think the artificial rainbow adds to it!
lithosgraphics (2014-03-08)
Hi, I'm the photographer and the author of the book. It's not the artificial rainbow. It's NATUAL!

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