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Looking down at the water of Libbett's Well.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedOct 03 2011
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Looking down at the water of Libbett's Well.

Posted Comments:

pab (2011-10-03)
Great to find something like this tucked out of sight! Is this the view through that aperture Angie - I wondered what was on the other side of the 'window'?
AngieLake (2011-10-03)
Yes, isn't it pab?, and I *think* it's the same site John Ross of Crediton was talking about while emailing me about Bow Henge last year. (If you read this John, can you please confirm?? And maybe post the photo you were telling me about? [which I can't find now!!]) Pab... I'm pretty sure the garden of Libbett's Cottage is through the 'window'. Couldn't really see from that angle, without paddling!

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