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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Foales Arrishes

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Those two stones are really big, and my gut feeling is that they aren't in their natural position.  There's a proper little cubby-hole underneath, big enough to store something in or to squat under.
Don't  miss a visit to Pil Tor, above, where there are very odd features in the rock, including a long low passage orientated to NE, on the outer face of SE rocks, with a squared-off doorway!  Possibl
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedAug 25 2012
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Those two stones are really big, and my gut feeling is that they aren't in their natural position. There's a proper little cubby-hole underneath, big enough to store something in or to squat under.
Don't miss a visit to Pil Tor, above, where there are very odd features in the rock, including a long low passage orientated to NE, on the outer face of SE rocks, with a squared-off doorway! Possibly natural. On the outer face of the NW rocks, under a natural square opening, is a 'letterbox' (like a geocache) in full view .

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