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The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map : Index >> Stones Forum >> Major Lunar Standstill South 2006
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AuthorMajor Lunar Standstill South 2006


Messages: 108
from A Cumbrian Lass


 Posted 08-04-2006 at 20:36   
On my web journeying this evening, I was checking to see if I will be lucky enough to experience a full moon when I am in Gwyneth and Mona.
I came across this very interesting url describing the lunar standstills.
This article indicates that we have two chances this summer to witness the major lunar standstill south, when the moon stays very low on the horizon, and from some megalithic sites the moon skirts along the skyline, Callanish for example.
This year its will happen on the 11th June and 11th July.
Last year was also a major lunar standstill south, it happened at the solstice, and I was lucky enough to witness it from Long Meg Stone Circle. We camped out there for the night. It was quite fantastic, though it didn't follow any hills along the skyline, as the hills are to the east and west at Long Meg.
The question is, where should I go this year to see this fantastic lunar event......
Where will you be......

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Messages: 116

 Posted 08-04-2006 at 23:54   
sounds like a fun evening if you can get enough people to attend (but not too many). Keep me posted, I will try to come if my boss let me...

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Messages: 781
from Milkyway


 Posted 09-04-2006 at 11:29   
Mentioned in the book Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland by Clive Ruggles are the Recumbant Stone Circles in Scxotland.
It appears these have various alignments to positions of the moon.
This link has some info on the circles:

[ This message was edited by: coldrum on 2006-04-09 11:31 ]

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