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The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map : Index >> Sacred Sites and Megalithic Mysteries >> What is a lunar standstill?
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AuthorWhat is a lunar standstill?
Andy B


Messages: 12321
from Surrey, UK


 Posted 11-10-2016 at 17:39   
[Update - if you'd like a simple explanation of the lunar standstill start with my post on page 3 of this thread]

But to jump in at the deep end:
What is a lunar standstill - minor lunar standstills and the dark moon by Lionel Sims

AB - The second section is an argument for prehistoric interest in the 'dark moon' rather than full moon. Also we were discussing in another thread about stone circles as menstrual predictors:


While we have derived this model through the archaeoastronomy of solarised lunar monumental alignments, it converges with the predictions of sex strike theory (Knight 1991) that, in conditions of abundant mega-fauna, monthly dark Moon menstrual seclusion rituals of matrilineal siblings were used by Palaeolithic women to motivate prospective 'husbands' from other clans for hunting services.


Prehistoric monument alignments on lunar standstills currently are understood for horizon range, perturbation event, crossover event, eclipse prediction, solstice full Moon and the solarisation of the dark Moon. The first five models are found to fail the criteria of archaeoastronomy field methods. the final model of lunar-solar conflation draws upon all the observed components of lunar standstills & solarised reverse phased sidereal Moons culminating in solstice dark Moons in a roughly nine year alternating cycle between major and minor standstills. !his lunar-solar confiation model is a syncretic overlay upon an antecedent Palaeolithic template for lunar scheduled rituals and amenable to transformation

Paper at

[ This message was edited by: Andy B on 2020-10-30 19:23 ]

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Messages: 895
from west yorkshire


 Posted 12-10-2016 at 03:16   

Not a paper for the faint hearted lay reader? Some fairly opaque language in parts. I got a bit lost on the crossovers: a diagram would help. Lionel starts easy and then sticks the knife in quite deep. He’s a great myth debunker in some ways. The astronomy seems spot on, not sure if I agree with the anthropology according to Knight’s 1991 menstruation theories, which just kindof popped into the narrative. Is there any evidence that Neolithic people suddenly started to behave like modern patriarchs? The thinking on this from young researchers is that life was more egalitarian than previously supposed. The NEBARSS conference in November is aptly named ‘Anarchy in the UK?’

----- ‘the transiting moon as seen in the sky by any observer without the intermediary of a monument alignment’-- I’ll agree with the alignment bit, but a row/circle of stones does provide a framework/lattice to view full moons, crescents and sun, especially at northern latitudes. Maybe people were interested in sky/horizon segments: stars only, moon and star segments, sun and moon segments.

I pretty much agree with the general premise that the movements of celestial objects was important, not in exact alignments, but in complex cosmologies intertwined with social organisation.

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Messages: 7182
from Oxon


 Posted 12-10-2016 at 08:16   
Sorry if I sound like a repeating nuisance.

It is the consequence of field interactions , especially the moon/sun and earths that is the design criteria of megalithic structures.

Everyone accepts that the moon causes tidal water movements?

Well it does, but there is no such force called gravity.

The field about the moon interacts with the field about the earth, it has nothing to do with mass as such, exactly as stone circles are not about the mass itself, but about the field location they are sited locally , and how the unique field of variant stones ( or trees) then responds to the constantly variable local field flows that are detectable.

As modern man relies on five senses , it is been ASSUMED that the monuments are relative to those senses, they are somewhat, but really it is all about non visual flows of consciousness.

The moon is the BIG BIG clue.


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Messages: 2329
from UK


 Posted 12-10-2016 at 08:52   
Wow: 510 words in one paragraph. That is seriously impressive. Some of the words used are so far away from their dictionary definition that they require meaning to be interpreted by the reader in the context of the paper. This paper is a masterpiece of this genre.

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Messages: 895
from west yorkshire


 Posted 13-10-2016 at 17:17   

jonm quote
Some of the words used are so far away from their dictionary definition that they require meaning to be interpreted by the reader in the context of the paper. This paper is a masterpiece of this genre.

haha very well put-a lot of guesswork involved in interpretation, or does the twisted vocabulary cover up a lack of substance. what is the genre called? Occam's pudding?

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Messages: 1329
from Derbyshire


 Posted 13-10-2016 at 20:32   
Wow: 510 words in one paragraph. That is seriously impressive. Some of the words used are so far away from their dictionary definition that they require meaning to be interpreted by the reader in the context of the paper. This paper is a masterpiece of this genre.

much respect Jon

it has been taken to the next level

this guy is a serious academic

they are getting away with blue murder, the full cohort

he knows JS about anything

The first five models are found to fail the criteria of archaeoastronomy field methods. the final model of lunar-solar conflation draws upon all the observed components of lunar standstills & solarised reverse phased sidereal Moons culminating in solstice dark Moons in a roughly nine year alternating cycle between major and minor standstills. !his lunar-solar confiation model is a syncretic overlay upon an antecedent Palaeolithic template for lunar scheduled rituals and amenable to transformation

i would post LOL but let's get it straight

laugh out loud

plonkerism taken beyond the imaginable

but it is most marvellous, syncretic overlays with sunset boulevards describing incandescent imagintive musical rhapsodies

pure mellow yellow

what kind of mind enhancing substance is simms on

it is good stuff

he really figured it out

this stuff has come back in fashion

[ This message was edited by: DavidK on 2016-10-13 20:37 ]

[ This message was edited by: DavidK on 2016-10-13 20:43 ]

[ This message was edited by: DavidK on 2016-10-13 20:48 ]

[ This message was edited by: DavidK on 2016-10-13 21:02 ]

[ This message was edited by: DavidK on 2016-10-13 21:04 ]

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Messages: 2329
from UK


 Posted 14-10-2016 at 08:54   
Occam's pudding?

That's a great name. Some archaeological papers are worded so obscurely that future generations may set up their own Portal to try to work out what the authors were trying to say: This could be a major contribution to future archaeology. Perhaps this should be honoured with a Portal "Occam's Pudding" award?

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Messages: 7182
from Oxon


 Posted 14-10-2016 at 18:58   
In simple words...
Gravity does not exist.

In simple words....
Gravity is a net difference between implosion over outrush of consciousness .

That consciousness creates a dual spin field about every so called atom.

When two masses near each other ( earth and moon) that their consciousness fields interact with each other relative to locations of each masses poles and equator regions.
Then the fields about the individuals atoms of water best reveal the consequence as they displace relative to the variation in attraction between the two fields.

The rate of implosion over outrush relative to earth is 55 over 34, that is the net difference between the consciousness used up in the creation of matter and mass and the maintenance of same.


Means that the variations over time periods that create the various lunar movements are both detectable at multiple locations on the surface of the earth, and that the consequenctial reversals in the directions of spiral implosion and spiral outrush flows have been utilised by megalithic humans to interact with consciousness locally.


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Messages: 895
from west yorkshire


 Posted 16-10-2016 at 03:43   
i like the idea of a Portal "Occam's Pudding" award, jonm

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Andy B


Messages: 12321
from Surrey, UK


 Posted 16-10-2016 at 09:00   
Sounds good to me. I'm sure we can get a suitably cheap trophy made. We need a judging panel and some nominations of papers (or books / blogs?).

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Messages: 1596
from Shropshire


 Posted 16-10-2016 at 10:33   
In my folder for Lionel Sims I have this:

It's part of the three "m's" to understanding prehistory.

Materialisation, Modeling and Mystification. Great for selling books which never answer the questions - especially Stonehenge - so what's new about this paper, I chuckle to myself!



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Messages: 2329
from UK


 Posted 16-10-2016 at 16:42   
We need a judging panel and some nominations of papers (or books / blogs?)

Sounds a plan. Panel or general voting form? Perhaps nominate papers in a thread that's periodically bumped then assemble one post containing links towards the end of the year?

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Messages: 895
from west yorkshire


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 05:46   
Perhaps we should point out that to qualify for the pudding prize a paper has to be so poorly written that it is unintelligible to the audience it is targeted at, not just any paper that is actually pretty good but the nominator cannot understand it or has not even read it.

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Messages: 7182
from Oxon


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 08:09   
Right now there is a giant sized moon nearly opposite the rising sun.

The flows have been in reverse, and are slowly stopping , to then revert to normal.

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Messages: 1329
from Derbyshire


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 09:03   
The moon last night was absolutely huge.

Richard said'Materialisation, Modeling and Mystification. Great for selling books which never answer the questions - especially Stonehenge - so what's new about this paper, I chuckle to myself! '

In the paper it says

'The most important feature of this new creation is that it is a number system that contains all the usual real numbers R that mathematicians routinely use—the whole numbers, the rational numbers or fractions, and the irrational numbers (like
pi and square root 2)—but it also contains infinitesimals. Yes, Abraham Robinson’s number system R contained the elusive figments that Isaac Newton had conceived three hundred years earlier.'

Inversion to infinity perhaps 1/1000 etc to the limit as we seem to have seen or 1/11?

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Messages: 1596
from Shropshire


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 10:15   
Just to clarify, I wasn't proposing this as a candidate. Rather its 334 pages on the subject of mathematics is daunting to the average person, never mind...! It is, however, very interesting reading covering relevant historical aspects.

So David, well done since that extract is at P 266!

It is also about calculus but the resonance of the text is what is important to finding ways of decoding the stone monuments. To continue:

"What is important to understand here is that Robinson’s construction
of the nonstandard reals is completely rigorous. Using subtle techniques from algebra and logic—like the idea of an ultrafilter—Robinson gives an explicit and irrefutable construction of this new number system. And the infinitesimals are plainly and explicitly exhibited. What is more, this new number system also contains numbers that are infinitely large; we call these infinitary numbers. An infinitary number has the extraordinary property that it is larger than 10, larger than 1000, larger than 1000000, larger than 10100, larger than the diameter of the sun measured in microns—in fact larger
than every ordinary real number. Robinson’s new idea came as a bolt from the blue. Now one had an entirely new universe in which to practice mathematics. And it actually came to pass that mathematicians could discover new facts, new truths, new theorems in the nonstandard real world that in fact had never been known before in the ordinary world of the real numbers. Best of all, after a new
theorem was proved in the nonstandard context, it usually could be pushed back down into the ordinary world of the real numbers. So one actually obtained a new theorem in the context of traditional mathematics...

...It is a bit like looking for a lost child in the wilderness. One climbs into an aircraft and searches in a new way—that would be inconceivable if one were confined to the ground. One can see further, and one can peer deeply into the forest in ways that would be impossible for someone on foot. Finally one spots the child and radios a ground crew that can go quickly to the location and rescue the lost one. The point is that the aircraft is an intermediary tool that has nothing to do with the ultimate goal: to find the child. The airplane gives one additional powers that make the solution of the problem
more expeditious and more sure. But, once the problem is solved, the aircraft is put back into the hangar and life resumes its ordinary form. So it is with the nonstandard reals R. They are a tool that gives one greater power, and enables one to see things that otherwise would be infeasible. Once the infinitesimals have done their work, they are put back on the shelf. The problem is solved and one can resume life in the ordinary real numbers."

It really is "thinking outside of the box", and our ancestors did exactly that. And in the their own way they Modeled, Materialised and made things Manifest. It appears that modern archaeology has a long way to go before the "Manifest", so we have to put up with the ridicule...!

That's not to say that LS' paper helps in the process, even though I understand most of it - with some difficulty, as per criticisms raised, unfortunately!



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Messages: 1329
from Derbyshire


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 14:15   
Simm's paper is not available and just because the cavalier use of language has been criticised it doesn't mean that it is not worth reading. I can't get on to the academia website so have not read it.

This idea of infinite and irrational numbers is covered in the imperial with Pi represented as 22/7 and 12 inches in the foot, converting the infinite numbers.

The infinite 3.66 recurring feet becomes 44 inches.

4.6666 rec x 22/7 = 14.6666 rec feet

this is 56 inches x 22/7 = 176 inches

All the bases from 1 to 13 divide into the imperial miles 5280 feet except for 7 and 13.

These numbers are modelled into Pi to deal with the MY and the imperial numbers. This just seems to be so practical.

1760/560 and 1632 / 520.

1760/66 = 26.6666 rec back to the infinite

but the Thom system gives 1632 / 68 = 24 no adjustment is required.

So the imperial is x 3 to get rid of the infinite and give 80 a key number within the imperial system

5280 / 80 = 66.

However in Thom's system 5440 / 1632 is 3.333333333 rec back to the infinite it all seems to be very deliberate.

The two systems are vrtually identical but there are several quirky relationships in particular 4 meg feet in one meg yard but only 3 in the imperial yard. Thom proved statistical that 3 meg feet was not used in the design of circles even though it works for Hugh Franklin.

The quirks can be traced back to practical reasons that link infinitely small numbers to infinitely large ones.

These infinite numbers crop up unexpectedly when their monuments are analysed for example between SH and the lesser cursus a distance of 7000 feet giving a diameter of 14000 feet circumference 44000 feet.

44000 / 360 = 122.2222222 rec feet.

So the lesser cursus is 1320 feet / 122.22 rec in degrees and this is 10.8 degrees.

So the lesser cursus measures azimuths 302.6 degrees to 313.4 degrees accurately.

360 / 10.8 = 33.33333 rec

The relationships are built in possibly deliberately.

Midsummer solstice sunset always sets within these limits from the centre of SH and the movement of first magnitude stars can be easily tracked within this simple system of accurate measurement to enable precession to be tracked and measured.

Richard Bartosz has also identified a precessional model at SH and in doing so he predicted the existence of an unknown circle ( at the time) that has subsequently been discovered. ( I hope this is the correct interpretation.)

[ This message was edited by: DavidK on 2016-10-17 14:42 ]

[ This message was edited by: DavidK on 2016-10-17 14:47 ]

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Messages: 1596
from Shropshire


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 15:38   

Richard Bartosz has also identified a precessional model at SH and in doing so he predicted the existence of an unknown circle ( at the time) that has subsequently been discovered. ( I hope this is the correct interpretation.)

It was Bluestonehenge. Of course, at the time I was in the early days of my archaeoastronomy and didn't really know what to make of what I had done, yet alone discovered! Currently, however, I remain unconvinced that this is all to be found there. My exact spot is further towards the Avon between which and Bluestonehenge is a channel and an island, where I think there might have been a landing stage. This time I have referred the issue to MPP, so it stands as a matter to investigate, if it's ever considered worthy of such. But, this is not the thread to say any more about the matter, otherwise it will get seriously confused with talk about "puddings" not monuments!



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Messages: 7182
from Oxon


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 17:58   
The next phase to be aware of is third quarter moon,


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Messages: 7182
from Oxon


 Posted 17-10-2016 at 18:08

The light is an occurrence between fields, Sundays blood moon light was an occurrence between the earths field and the moons field, it is not been reflected off the moon.

We currently have been indoctrinated to BELIEVE that light travels, and is created by a light bulb called the sun.

Our ancestors would have had no such belief.

There is no light in space.


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