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AuthorStonehenge, reason for location


Messages: 318
from Derbys, Notts, Leics


 Posted 16-07-2019 at 02:47   
"...why did people in very early times find special places"?

Natural landmarks, such as Glastonbury Tor, must have always been significant as places from which to establish their calendrical directions. Nottingham's Castle Rock is one as I'm most familiar with.
From the day/night ratio extents given in the Luminaries section of the Book of Enoch, it should be possible to ascertain if his solstice description matches the latitude of Stonehenge.

[ This message was edited by: ESgt on 2019-07-16 02:57 ]

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 16-07-2019 at 08:57   
Tonight is a full moon, the actual alignment time is 22.38 ( syzygy)
It is called buck moon due to deer starting to grow antlers now ( antenna)

The consequence of such an alignment is not fully comprehended merely in the visual sense We have, but is detectable via dowsing as the field condition locally is varied relative to the sun/earth/moon positions.

SH is located where these field variations throughout time are best detected, and are at their most potent.

Such variations are wrongly attributed to gravity , with the severn bore, and trent bore showing the consequences in a physical and visual manner.

The fluid water is responding not to a mythical gravity, but to the flows of consciousness, and those flows have a duality of spin that are tidal in their flows relative to the sun/earth/moon locations in particular.

SH occupies a location that the matrix ( fixed) of universe meets in it's highest number of alignments, thus all variations in the consequences are best detected there, and more importantly are best interacted with there for the shamans agendas.


[ This message was edited by: cropredy on 2019-07-16 09:01 ]

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Messages: 3944
from UK


 Posted 16-07-2019 at 11:05   
"...why did people in very early times find special places"?

Some places look visually stunning.
Croagh Patrick in Ireland looks like a white quartz pyramid from some directions and it dominates the landscape.

Kevin, tonight is a partial Lunar eclipse.

Moon will rise eclipsed at 21.08
Max partial eclipse 22.31
Eclipse ends 23.59

Also visible in Europe, Southern USA and Australia.

Info from my Astro-Moon Diary bought from the Megalithic Portal Shop which lists all things lunar and has a monthly section for Night Sky this Month.


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Messages: 2819
from Bridgend,S.Wales


 Posted 16-07-2019 at 11:52   
Oh and one thing I have never read anywhere but becomes very obvious when you visit Stonehenge, is the 360 degree view of a flat horizon. Perfect for viewing the rising and setting of any object in space.

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 16-07-2019 at 14:21

Here comes the moon....George Harrison.


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Messages: 2329
from UK


 Posted 16-07-2019 at 17:05   
becomes very obvious when you visit Stonehenge, is the 360 degree view of a flat horizon

I know what you mean, not exactly 360 though. On the South Downs, there's only one location with a good 360 view. Along those Downs, one group of monuments tend to be set up so that each one is inter-visible with the next (these are always small) and then very large monuments interspersed where really good views over sea is possible. This group is always within a hundred yards or so of the really old track-ways.

But there's another type of arrangement which are off the trackways. These tend to be in rather inaccessible places. Some are inter-visible with each other but they never end up joining up to some sort of inter-visibility with the main trackways. All of these are arranged similarly to Stonehenge: The best angular view of the distant hills and/or far horizon. They have some other common features, but this one is really striking when you see it repeated over and over again. These are not defensive because the position is always arranged to see the far horizon to the detriment of short views (at one of the larger ones of this type you couldn't see raiders if they had walked from a mile away to within 20 yards of the position.. so it's as useless as a chocolate teapot if it was meant to be a look out post).

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 16-07-2019 at 20:37   
It's just about syzygy and its too overcast to see the moon, but it doesn't matter when one can detect it.
The flows have now fully reversed, if I were at Sh this would mean that the circulations radiating the central location would now be spinning in opposite directions, and the main four cross feature flows would be in reverse flow directions.


To our ancestors this would have been when the eternal return.


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Messages: 1041
from Coventry


 Posted 17-07-2019 at 11:09   
I dowse both Silbury Hill and Snake Mounds in the US now spinning anti clockwise and Stonehenge which I know goes clockwise for most of the year,I wonder how long this change happens, a day or a week or a month ? Good post Kevin.Never saw the Moon last night, too cloudy, and I did stay awake long enough to look,even at my age its a wonderful Cosmic sight.You are never too old to experience the magic around us for those with eyes to see, just a case of having an open mind.

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Messages: 1041
from Coventry


 Posted 17-07-2019 at 19:41   
In view of English Heritage and the National Trust overseeing the building of the roads under Stonehenge, I think it would be a good idea to record all the forces around Stonehenge, to see a before and after picture.Knowing what happened at Silbury Hill anything might happen in the way of lost earth forces, so its important we know what was there before any tunnelling/work takes place at Stonehenge dont you think.To many folk earth forces are a thing just out of touch and reach, but over time more folk will come to understand at any ancient site all you see is not the full story, more exists there than what you can see and touch.You cannot work at ancient sites like its a coal mine,its just too harsh to cut and slash and to ground earth forces at these places,more care needs to be used, and a better understanding of earth forces which are found at all ancient sites both here and around the world....Give it a few days for the flows to settle and male and female forces to return to normal, and I will dowse the Stonehenge area to see whats what, before the tunnel machines crank up and all hell breaks loose.

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Messages: 318
from Derbys, Notts, Leics


 Posted 18-07-2019 at 02:19   
"Such variations are wrongly attributed to gravity , with the Severn bore, and Trent bores showing the consequences in a physical and visual manner".

The waters are lifted in response to changes of air and radiation pressures.

Please have a look for a plausible explanation of dowsing in:

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 18-07-2019 at 08:28   

Any amount of descriptive words can be invented, but it is consciousness, and it is a duality of spin.

I have been trying constantly to comprehend dowsing, to better explain the responses only living entities can achieve.

The question though relates to how our ancestors reacted to such locations, and why they constructed the constant variations in the self same location.

I cannot help but report that which I detect, it does not fall into the current materialistic science based evidence reality, but neither did our ancestors.

Such as google earth are revealing the straight line alignments that the ley hunters ( My great respect) have found so brilliantly, but once I then began to detect the duality of spin flows travelling along the super complexity of straight lines and how such react to the path of least resistances ( yes the moon creates a resistance) that the megalithic constructions began to reveal their design criteria to myself.

How in variety of ways it was the interaction with the flows of consciousness that was driving it all.

It's life Eric, but not how We currently comprehend it.


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Messages: 1594
from Shropshire


 Posted 18-07-2019 at 12:23   
In response to Esgt:

and interesting video at bottom of the above

In short air speculations? - already accounted for. Radiation pressures? You need to provide the mathematical calculations and baseline predictions together with predicted effects, and then do a comparative study with real events. Effects probably minimal and considerably less than known secondary factors - that's your scientific challenge before such rhetorical claims as yours can be made.

Your first reference has nothing to do with tidal bores, only where Earth's water came from, and this theory is drowned by external, e.g. cometary theories.

Just being scientific about it!


"...Knowing what happened at Silbury Hill..."

You don't know what the energy situation was at Silbury Hill before its construction around 2350 BC, or do you? If you do please explain with some short bullet points.

As to the current situation, what are the references that show details, including your own if you have published? Again, if yes, do they include

i) measurements from on the Hill itself, i.e. did you or others get formal permission to scale the Hill?

ii) from within, when the Hill was excavated

iii) have they been undertaken with collaboration with Historic England, National Trust etc. such that you have a case for them doing such a survey at Stonehenge - i.e. where are the results of such investigations specifically mentioned by these organisations as "archaeologically" important enough for pre and post tunnel monitoring.

Very straightforward arguments for your suggestion, and why has no one during the whole course of pre application and current Examination progress never mentioned "energy" issues as evidence for or against the tunnel - as far as I know, but I stand to be corrected if I am wrong.

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Messages: 1041
from Coventry


 Posted 18-07-2019 at 18:48   
Hi Orpbit, No Im not that old, but I have walked around Silbury Hill a few times dowsing the forces going in and out, a long while before Silbury Hill was entered the last time.The forces there pass through both south to north and east to west and every direction, on the north side I dowsed over 160 off the top of my head, my old notes are in the garage in boxes since I moved house.During the last dig I got permission to dowse again around Silbury, just to compare what was happening there since the last time I visited, and a huge change had already taken place.The north side was pretty intact counting the forces there, BUT on the south side/half it was a terrible situation of about 4 Leys coming out now, at least 97% of the earth forces had been killed/removed.These feed all ancient sites to the south and west and east of Silbury where they feed out,so imagine how this feels to know the damage caused here,and I could do nothing.Yes I emailed both English Heritage and National Trust about the problem digging inside Silbury Hill would cause, with any metal/road chippings placed inside the tunnel during its repair.I got a polite return email from each and nothing else, my comments were ignored, and both groups dont have a dowser on staff, so their knowledge of Leys/earth forces is very limited as you would expect....Dowsing is something regarded as all in the mind of the dowser, and has no genuine worth, so while folk think along those lines our ancient sites are at great risk, from the very people who should protect them.Any ancient site large or small is like an iceburg, you ONLY ever see part of whats there,the best part is hidden in the forces involved at each and every site,its a magical place for sure our ancient folk found and marked for us, so we never lost our heritage.

I have never climbed Silbury, but I walked around this wonderful ancient site many times,its now a mere shadow of what was once there, it breaks my heart really.

My only claim to dowsing fame was 2002/3 Orpbit, when I dowsed blindfolded to two nominated genuine crop circles with my mate driving the car and taking instructions from me.One was 95 miles away and the other 98 miles away as I remember off the top of my head, a report was wrote in the CCCS Circular magazine at the time, by the driver Ray Cox.Every genuine crop circle does offer earth forces like those of ancient sites, radial and concentric lines from each site centre, which you can dowse and follow from great distances.

[ This message was edited by: mmike on 2019-07-18 19:14 ]

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Messages: 1030

 Posted 19-07-2019 at 09:11   
Hi mmike. In your last post you commented that: "Every genuine crop circle does offer earth forces like those of ancient sites, radial and concentric lines from each site centre, which you can dowse and follow from great distances."

Could you tell me, can everyone and anyone detect these earth forces? If so, does a particular type of equipment need to be used to achieve this and can the results or evidence be independently and scientifically recorded?

For as you say, "Dowsing is something regarded as all in the mind of the dowser".

Best wishes

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Messages: 1041
from Coventry


 Posted 19-07-2019 at 16:11   
Hi Stockdale,
I use an L rod to dowse with, as this is okay to use in the car without knocking someones eyes out ,its a shade over 9 inches.I dont know of any electrical equipment that can can dowse, but Im sure something will come along in time.All genuine crop circles are very like ancient sites world wide with their earth force of concentric and radial lines coming from the exact centre of the formation, I was for many years second field officer for the CCCS crop circle group before it disbanded, dowsing with Jim Lyons all crop circles that appeared in the UK during that time.
I know many people can dowse from pictures and a tv screen and Google Earth, its not that hard really, you just need to practice and practice again to achieve this skill.Any dowser can check and dowse others work, if you are confident post up your findings and allow other dowsers to check out what you post, its that simple.No dowser will always in every circumstance get everything correct, as no two dowsers work the same way, some are positive and some are negative dowsers, which means the focal point of energy moves within a crop circle/ancient site from its centre to the outer wall edge of influence.
Anybody who is really educated will find it harder to switch off to dowse at a higher level, the logic of life always gets in the way of having a truly open mind needed for dowsing.It can be done, one of my friends dowsers very well, and he is a University lecturer still working and still active dowsing, but its something not everyone wants the world to know, as dowsers can be seen as working with the devil even today....Cannot remember all your questions Stockdale, but I hope this covers everything mate.

If dowsing blindfolded is seen as something magical and following earth forces of a nominated site impossible, perhaps I should do it again, say Bedworth to Avebury or Stonehenge, those sites are still active and powerful, its been a while since I last did this,about 17 years ago !!

[ This message was edited by: mmike on 2019-07-19 16:18 ]

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Messages: 1594
from Shropshire


 Posted 20-07-2019 at 14:23   
Hi mmike.

Thanks for your reply.

I'm not that old either! But the point I make in my posts is that there is a scientificly valid and acceptable way of going back to that time in terms of solar, lunar and stellar astronomy. So what I was aiming at was a possible response to validate your (dowsers in general) "energy" hypotheses. I would have thought that with so many dowsers and claimed results, over many decades (?), that there at least should be some sort of clear pattern and changes to those patterns as a result of development or land practices that can be statistically analysed. Has this ever been done?

As regards survey at the top of Silbury Hill, if you have gained permissions to survey around the Hill, did you ever seek permission to do similar on top, and if so what was the response? Clearly the situation up there needs to be assessed if there is to be any credence to results on the ground.

As regards astronomy, the problem with gaining permission to scale the Hill is that there is really no way of telling that the weather conditions will behave at the permitted time. So if you are travelling hundreds of miles the chances of success are slim, and even if you live locally it's often still hit and miss. Nine times out of ten when the weather looks fine I've been to my local site but on arriving there is always that unwelcome band of cloud which messes up the anticipation. I've lost count of the amount of time and cost involved to get just those occasional positive results.

So lets just say that I know that the results for Silbury Hill have been achieved!

The point is that where bonafide scientific reasons are behind the request, then there should be a general permission available to allow access at anytime. Archaeoastronomy is a scientific discipline that has the clout to provide the evidential support. However, despite the profuse number of posts that you have made over the previous months, there still doesn't appear to be any scientific backing which can help dowsers move forward in terms of gaining scientific recognition. Clearly, this has to change if dowsers' efforts are not to just remain recycling through limited clubs and forums, such as this, to eventually disappear into the ether in generations to come (?) or forever remain trapped in Earth's "gravity" until the end of time!

I suppose one way of moving forward would be to repeat your "dowsing fame", as you put it, under scientifically controlled conditions. In answer to Stockdale you mention an academic practicising the art (or science) of dowsing. I would have thought that such a person should be more than willing to use their academic clout to engage with independent researchers and pursue scientific credibility to help the future cause.

One of my reasons for pursuing the Stonehenge Tunnel issue was to further the cause of independent research, and I made that clear when I did my - all too short - 5-minute presentation. My draft for my introduction was;

Speaker introduction:
My name is Richard Bartosz and I am representing myself as an individual Stakeholder and by association, I am also representing the cause of those engaging in independent research, and the potential positive contribution that has and may continue to accrue. In the interests of efficiency I prepared a transcript which I forwarded to your Case Team, and from which I will read.

On the day it didn't quite come out as written, but close enough to get my point over. As far as I am aware the only other active independent archaeoastronomer presenting evidence is Simon Banton. Whether or not, in due course, our efforts will help gain a little more respect across the archaeological community, I don't know, but at least we are giving the "authorities" a great deal of food for thought. Both our written and oral contributions (by way of audio recordings of the respective hearings) will be accessible to download for five years after the decision.

It's a case of putting one's head on the block, so to speak, for good or bad, which in the end is what every academic does anyway - it's the method that differs!


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Messages: 1041
from Coventry


 Posted 20-07-2019 at 16:11   
Hi Orpbit,
Thanks for your reply, the last time I dowsed to two nominated crop circles it was just me in the passenger seat wearing very dark blacked out sun glasses made up for the day.I must have looked like a Bank robber, but at least I could not see anything like road signs, and the only time I lost contact with my target was when I passed over the Michael/Mary line I was told later.
I passed very close to Avebury and Silbury Hill but the forces here did not disrupt my focus of the crop circle picture/energies I had in my head, I looked at both formation pictures, and then we set off from Halesowen to arrive at Wiltshire some time later with Ray taking my direction instructions.
I did just after this experience approach Guiness Book Of Records, but they wanted £250 to record this dowsing long distance, and needless to say I never had the money at that time with a young family to bring up.So it remains something from the past which might have proved dowsing has a place with all ancient sites/genuine crop circles,I wish I had done this years ago,but the family needs always come first.
At my age now I still love the experience of ancient sites, but now its on Google Earth or from pictures on MP I check out from time to time,I offer opinions and hope others will go dowsing a site near them to double check my posts,its a fun thing for me, and always will be.Thank you and I understand where you come from,but in my heart I dont believe I have anything to prove to anyone, I know dowsing works and it opens an entire new world on our view of ancient sites....But I might take up your suggestion,as long as the price has not gone up from 2004 !! As for others dowsing from distance or picking up earth forces at ancient sites, I just dont know if other dowsers can do this, I imagine so as I am nothing special really.Its a case of keep dowsing and the more you do the better you get, and above all keep an open mind at all times, and always protect.

[ This message was edited by: mmike on 2019-07-20 16:26 ]

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 20-07-2019 at 17:57   
Just watched a program about tree rats ( squirrels)
The apparently bury 10,000 nuts per annum, and remember were 9,000 are.

I admire squirrels , I admire moles, I admire eels, I admire the wise salmon, I admire the migrating birds, I admire the bees and wasps, they are fellow dowsers.

Humans are strange.

They want scientific proof by killing dowsers and studying their brains, beware MMike.

I recently checked were the tree rats were burying their nuts in My lawn, they were precise to the crossing points of the matric N/S.

As much as they annoy Me, I will not kill them as so called scientists do ( They are looking at all dead at rest)

The materialistic dead so called science is utter crap.


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Messages: 1594
from Shropshire


 Posted 20-07-2019 at 18:49   

The reason you can quote those figures is precisely because they are a result of extensive scientific investigation. But there still remains debate about the relative percentage, which varies from a mere 26% to 95% depending on location species etcetera.

You fail to mention however, that it boils down mostly to memory. This is the reason why squirrels are very good at locating their own stashes but pretty bad at finding those of other squirrels. In fact they regularly revisit their own stashes, eat some of the buried nuts and then hide elsewhere, specifically to stop other squirrels pilfering, when they accidentally come across them or were lucky to see another squirrel in the process of hiding nuts.

In short, if all squirrels were able to utilise Earth energies to hide and find their own stashes, they should theoretically be able to find those of others' just as easily. But this is not the case. How they, and other animals navigate, is quite different from how many they are able to retrieve.

Unfortunately, as with CJD and vCJD, confirmation was and still is a matter of autopsy after death. But scientists don't, nor have a licence to, kill people to research. On the other hand, if so much of the claims made are because dowsers can just do these things, then why don't they donate their brains for post mortem examination in the interests of scientific investigarion...what have they got to lose...some kind of secret!

Your last sentence is, how can I put it, eccentric...or did you just get out the wrong side of your bed today! I know precisely where I can find my ground almonds, but unless I put them down on my shopping list, my retrieval rate is pretty poor these days...or I go round to a member of the family and have some of theirs instead...such is life!

Yes, humans are strange...say no more...


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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 20-07-2019 at 20:22   
This thread is all about location.

The location of Stonehenge is simple, if You can attune to that location.

The moles certainly can, there are countless of them there, and they are underground.

It is not about memory, it is about attunement, and the ability to attune to very specific living signals.
Science is only tuned to the dead at rest.

Consciousness/philo/logos/aether/Michael and mary/holy ghost/aether or any one of countless names that are the self same substance of creation and dissolvement.

Living entities are compressions of the duality of consciousness, as is the planet, and as such can interact with all other living entities.

The location of Stonehenge is where duality of flows spiral into and out of a finite point there, 495 lines meet there with the centre 55 been central, the rest create circulation zones about the central location.
that is 495 flows of consciousness .

If You can attune to this system, as Mike and Myself can, then all We can do is report this, dead science is totally blind to this.

Our ancestors were clearly totally attuned to this system as You cannot help but find megalithic constructions exactly FITTING the matrix, I wish it didn't , then I could be rid of all this skeptic ridicule.

Kevin....wood pecker that has just had a rubber beak implant.

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