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AuthorStonehenge, reason for location


Messages: 801
from Forest of Dean


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 08:30   
This is Rune's image folks

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Messages: 2826
from Brecon Beacons


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 09:09   
I was thinking about ordinary shadows too NRG, but I'm not sure that shadows cast by the sun would fit the gravity theory. It seems to me, after a very quick read on it, to be about particles called corpuscles that move in every direction rather than light rays coming from one direction only. The shadow would be a kind of eclipse type affair, with the lack of corpuscles caused by two bodies(more are available) blocking their path in the alignment between the bodies creating a kind of corpuscle vacuum between the bodies that cause them to be drawn together.
It's quite an interesting theory, but a more thorough read is needed.


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Messages: 1594
from Shropshire


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 10:46   

Not building up any heat at all. I made perfectly straightforward and rational statements and asked questions with similar attitude. Then all of a sudden someone turns it into this...nonsense. So basically I've made closing remarks and I'm no longer interested in pursuing what initially appeared as if we might move positively forward in an entirely open-minded manner. Such is life.

As per your image, indeed, another way of asking the question which is real - the circle or the square. You may remember that I illustrated this by way of spinning the square some time ago on Stockdale's thread. Spin it fast enough and you will see a circle, in fact a thick circular band which approximates to the circumpunt as often depicted - for various reasons such as representing the universe or Sun.

Both approaches relate to light. In your instance it's the direction, in my case it's the speed. Since light is a waveform, as are many "energies" (to avoid going into definitions etcetera) it is quite feasible that some people may be able to see "circles" and "squares" in a completely different way - or perhaps "patterns". Which is basically what I was initially asking - surely there must be patterns that can be shown and investigated scientifically...

then the responses turned that innocent approach pear shaped!


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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 11:55   
Thank You Rune,

I just don't understand on a forum that has You AGAIN point out is for the discussion of a specific subject, that this outbreak of skeptic attack seems to have to rage .

We are all here because We are interested in the megalithic strange world.

I really wish that I could disprove Myself and what is detectable, as I could then just wander about under cloud laden skies and watch them been bulldozed into the ground ever more.
like the vast herd that couldn't give a jot .

I have made countless sets of dowsing rods (as I work at a recycle centre, coat hangers by the thousands) and have shown equally as many how to use them, the young are easy to show, whilst older men in particular are resistant like rocks...

If the word dowsing brings anyone out in a rash, don't read about it, there are other sections of this forum where We hardly venture into, as We are kept locked away down here ( joke).

Google earth is roughly revealing the matrix of straight line alignments, but it is far more complicated than mere single lines, and it is the LOCATION of very special meeting points of this complex series of alignments that the megaliths and later churches and cathedrals are located to best interact/divert with.

The measure of this matrix is NOT to feet and inch's, and metric clouds the issue with o many numbers .

I know the measure, I know the matrix, I know how consciousness (stuff) operates on the matrix , and I am not special , and have far more to learn from our ancestors who clearly ( to myself) knew how to locally interact with and live and die with this system.

The current materialistic scientific world is totally blind to what is how creation operates.


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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 12:08   

"offensive to cancer sufferers"

As I held My fathers hand as He died screaming in pain , then slipped away as the morphine did it's job, I swore I would puzzle out how We operate in this universe, and try to kick such as cancer in the long grass.

What is OFFENSIVE is how such as Royal R Rifes cures were destroyed, and boy did he try to PROVE what He invented, He was working with living , and knew how to eliminate each with attuned frequencies.

And that is exactly what IMHO the megalithic builders were able to achieve with interacting with that which is detectable by other living entities.

As for wifi, mobile phones, and the looming 5g your welcome to such garbage.
As for this forum "been taken over by dowsers" …...what a surprise.

I found Your "offensive " remark sickening.


[ This message was edited by: cropredy on 2019-07-22 12:55 ]

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Messages: 3944
from UK


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 13:40   
In addition to the image, I'd like to say a bit about senses. Most people are au fait with five, sight sound touch taste and smell, but they are largely unaware of the others, vestibular, proprioception, interoception, exteroception and nociception, there may be more.
Info on the first eight are here

We all accept that some peoples' senses are more over or under-developed than our own, or that ours are different to theirs, without question. I'd hazard a guess that the other senses also are over or under-developed in some sections of the population.

People think in different ways, I'm talking about the actual process of thinking, not thinking styles. Synesthesia has been recognised for a comparatively long time
Aphantasia has fairly recently been studied and i don't doubt there's a lot more ways of thinking than we recognise at present.

TL . DR A wider appreciation of peoples' differences and experiences should be accepted. The human sensory and cognitive system is not yet fully understood and by the rationale that the common 5 senses can be over or under-developed in some people, I'd guess the others could well be too.
Just because you as an individual have not experienced something, that does not mean that experience does not exist for someone else.

Let's have more tolerance of other peoples' experiences please, and let it lead to understanding that different people have different experiences. At the very least, agree to disagree, but don't denigrate someone else's experiences and opinions because they are outside your own sphere of perception.


Edited to say the TL . DR gremlin got me and posted a big grin instead.

[ This message was edited by: Runemage on 2019-07-22 13:44 ]

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Messages: 318
from Derbys, Notts, Leics


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 14:38   
" ...say a bit about senses". Thank you for the link Rune.

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Messages: 15
from Banbury


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 15:58   
Rune, very interesting references . The brain is a wondrous thing, I am right handed but left eyed. Give me a compass and a map and i am quite happy to navigate anywhere. Remove the compass and my sense of direction goes about 180 degrees out of phase.
My father did a lot of dowsing but i never got consistent results.
One very memorable occasion happened when i was using a metal detector, while using it i tended to go into a sort of meditative state just listening to a gentle hum from the machine. On this occasion while in this state i suddenly thought of a cartwheel penny, on the next sweep of the coil what popped up the very same. Coincidence ??? If it works for you do it..

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Messages: 1041
from Coventry


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 16:26   
Having bone cancer from the age of 8 to 12 years old I think Im allowed to talk about cancer, and its not from living near any Leys from my experience.But Black Water Lines thats something else, avoid living near those at all costs in my experience, thats why I clear those when ever I can world wide.They form 9 feet blocks where they cross with free radicals released at each 9 feet corner, live/sleep above these and you are in trouble folk.
So the dowsing forum has too many dowsing posts, thats easy to sort, I will take my thoughts and dowsing some place else, I love this forum but feel like Im in the naughty corner.So better to walk away than cause yet more problems.If my posts upset folk Im sorry, its not what I wish for, I was asked to keep in the dowsing section, but now thats not appreciated, so Im off to clear the air okay.
I will still visit and watch for new pictures and ancient sites reported,I come alive when I see new pictures, not able to walk more than a few steps Google Earth lets me wander where ever I will, and without that life would be so dull for me.I take pictures looking for ufos every day, I have some really good ones from back in 2013/14, its my two interests really, but getting them downloaded is like pulling teeth, your own I mean.
Thanks to everyone here, I am happy I may have interested some folk over the months I have been back, and perhaps even got them to try the old L rod in the garden shed collecting cob webs.

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 16:46   

Don't you dare go anywhere.

Very appropriate that this professor is called ..Dr Chi.

It appears as if it is ok for him (been a professor) to suggest that there is far more to the biosphere We occupy than our normal senses can detect.

There sure is, and You know mmike that it is all about location , and the complex consequences that occur at such locations.

I happen to admire mmike enormously, and applaud His endless striving to clear the harmful locations as He has for so long.

This forum is exactly where You are needed, and the revelations approaching will reveal ever so much about this fabulous universe we are part of, but not top dogs of, as such.


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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 17:21   
The location of Stonehenge is a confluence of what is often called Chi, it is where 495 streams meet, and they are of universe.

Thus the consequences of universe resistances created by huge heavenly bodies is best sensed there.

At the dictates of the moon/sun and other planets and their moons.

If our ancestors had an in depth knowledge of this and it's relationship to our birth and death cycles, then it makes sense that they would choose the best location/s.


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Messages: 2826
from Brecon Beacons


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 17:47   
mmike, no one on here gets universal approval for their posts, including everyone who has complained about yours, so take no notice.

I once let a lady have a go with my new copper L rods, just bought from Avebury. She'd never dowsed before and had no idea what to look for, but she wanted to try it out. I had her walk a zigzag line across a sloping bog with the instructions to only look forward and just let the rods do their thing. Off she went and sure enough the rods crossed, much to her delight. I planted a flag wherever her rods crossed. After 100 yards or so we stopped and looked back. All the flags were in line. She went home with some shiny new copper L rods and a renewed sense of the magical.

Skepticism is a dead fire antidote to intuition, and it's a waste of time trying to combat it.


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Messages: 895
from west yorkshire


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 19:21   
no need to leave. I’m not anti dowsing. I’m anti dogma.
I got upset because my comments are always denigrated and i’m told i'm stupid and narrow minded if i say anything different to the gospel according to.......
you belong here. It’s me that doesn’t.

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 22-07-2019 at 19:49   
Before Stonehenge existed.....

IMHO...….So according to dotty.

A large fairy ring will most probably have been evident there.

They grow exactly in the self same location that SH occupies, weird nature lover, some say dotty that I am, I bother to check such things.

I do not wonder about the geometry that fairy rings grow to, as I check the consciousness flows circulations where they are, neither do I wonder about why fairy rings tend to enlarge and shrink in 13 inch diameter variations.

I do not wonder about the variant geometries relative to so called stone circles, as I bother to check again the consciousness flows circulations and how the stones were placed to suit such, just as the mushrooms do.

……..dotty kevin

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Messages: 522

 Posted 23-07-2019 at 23:46   
All quiet huh, come on there was a minor spat we are all adults.

When l was a kid, eleven or twelve and early teen l was fortunate to grow up in an area rich in megaliths and energy lines, l did not know what energy lines were at the time. However there were certain places which as they dark encroached we found creepy, fear could be contagious in these locations and often we would make a sharp exit.
Many, many folk experience this well into later life, similarly many experience a certain Je ne sais quoi in old churches and megalithic sites. This is your dowsing sense even if you don't acknowledge it consciously, it is not the gift of the few.
I know now that the energy lines were the root of the experience and that the sense can be trained and developed, scoff from your electricity lit homes and sunny megalithic circles, alone in the night is a different experience,

[ This message was edited by: rogeralbin on 2019-07-23 23:51 ]

[ This message was edited by: rogeralbin on 2019-07-23 23:57 ]

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Messages: 801
from Forest of Dean


 Posted 24-07-2019 at 07:34   
OK, Roger, I'll bite...
I discovered early in my career that people were convinced they could never learn to do what I did - energy sensing, or as I prefer to call it now, the sensing of the effect of the energy. However, if they suspended their disbelief and just 'went for it' they discovered it wasn't just for the select few, but a free resource open to everybody. A bit like the Common Market...

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Messages: 522

 Posted 24-07-2019 at 10:47   
Earlier this morning l drove past a site, the lane so near a stone row l could almost have touched the stones through the passenger window, the car radio hissed with static as the electrical resistance interrupted the station signal.
A similar effect is seen some nights where ribbons of mist form along the energy lines from charged water vapour and flow downhill to collect in the low lying areas.

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Messages: 1041
from Coventry


 Posted 24-07-2019 at 11:45   
Remember the station frequency Roger ? That might be a clue to the first electronic dowsing tool, set a radio frequency to that level and compare at other ancient sites for something like that same static, it just might work !! Im stirred to post here reading that post, its important to grasp every chance to improve things dowsing wise whenever you can. Could be the angle you approached the ancient site,it had to be running alongside it on the road, so you could have crossed any number of Leys feeding this site ? Just a thought mate.Has it ever happened here before can you remember ? Guernsey has two radio transmitters, one at 93.20 FM and the other 225.648 MHZ, so having a scanner or radio with these bands might pick up static at ancient sites on Guernsey ? But remember Guernsey is unique and it might have no static on the UK mainland picked up near ancient sites, its something to check out no doubt both here and on Guernsey just the same !!

[ This message was edited by: mmike on 2019-07-24 16:10 ]

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Messages: 7181
from Oxon


 Posted 24-07-2019 at 14:07   
Consciousness is the central reason for stonehenge been located where it is.

This link is fabulous in asking what is obvious to Myself.

"While physical properties cannot explain conscioiusness,

consciousness is needed to explain physical properties."


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Messages: 522

 Posted 25-07-2019 at 01:03   
Radio 4, yes it often happens to me, BUT...
As you Know l am a big fan of Mercury and l tend to look more and at sites that l think will respond to events such as Inferior Conjunction July 21 2019. As Cropredy says syzgy and for me it is Mercury. Kev appears to be quite interested in Lunar syzgy, l am very interested in the run up to the visible transit of Mercury 11 Nov 2019, put it in your diary dowsers. For me this is the night/day of Tuetates, Halloween Gregorian, the Gaulish Mercury of the Roman commentators, Tuatha, Arthur.
The May 9 2016 Transit from a dowsers point of view was impressive, l expect the 11/11/19 to be an event as Nov Transits are less Frequent than May ones

[ This message was edited by: rogeralbin on 2019-07-25 01:27 ]

[ This message was edited by: rogeralbin on 2019-07-25 01:34 ]

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