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All Countries: Sweden: Barrow Cemetery

Narrow down your selection by Landskap using the filter above. A collection of round barrows, long barrows etc. Usually a sacred area used over thousands of years for burials. See also Round Barrow(s)

Search Results

Hogas gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Västergötland
Posted by CharcoalBurner89 on Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Hindalebyns gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Västergötland
Posted by CharcoalBurner89 on Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Gravfältet vid Källby Hallar Barrow Cemetery in Västergötland
Posted by CharcoalBurner89 on Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Båstad Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Skåne
Posted by NeolithicFanatic on Sunday, 22 August 2021
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Västerhejde Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by NeolithicFanatic on Monday, 16 August 2021
, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Grönehøg Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Bohuslän
Posted by Tonnox on Saturday, 12 October 2019
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Vitlycke gravfelt Barrow Cemetery in Bohuslän
Posted by kenntha88 on Thursday, 26 September 2019
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 1 comment

Kånna Högar Barrow Cemetery in Småland
Posted by Oskmey on Thursday, 26 September 2019
Condition: 4, Ambience: 5, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Vattjom Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Medelpad
Posted by Oskmey on Wednesday, 05 June 2019
Condition: 4, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Rone 112:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Monday, 01 April 2019
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Ullviar Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Sunday, 31 March 2019
, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Lilla Ihre Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
Condition: 4, Accuracy: 4 (No Pic) 1 comment

Hörsne 14:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
, Accuracy: 4 (No Pic) 1 comment

Hejde 34:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
, Accuracy: 4 (No Pic) No Comments

Hangvar 34:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
, Accuracy: 4 (No Pic) 1 comment

Bjärs Gravfält (Hejnum) Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
, Accuracy: 4 (No Pic) 2 News and Comments

Lilla Bjärs Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Vallstena 72:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
Condition: 2, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Norrlanda 29:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Kräklingbo 12:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) 1 comment

Digarojr Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by ShamrockStone on Saturday, 30 March 2019
Condition: 2, Ambience: 4, Access: 3, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Gynge Hög Barrow Cemetery in Öland
Posted by Aska on Monday, 10 October 2016
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Mysinge Hög Barrow Cemetery in Öland
Posted by Aska on Monday, 10 October 2016
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Tjushög Barrow Cemetery in Öland
Posted by Aska on Sunday, 09 October 2016
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Fullerö Barrow Cemetery in Uppland
Posted by SolarMegalith on Sunday, 11 September 2016
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Valsgärde Barrow Cemetery in Uppland
Posted by SolarMegalith on Sunday, 11 September 2016
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Snäckedal Grävfält Barrow Cemetery in Småland
Posted by regina on Sunday, 22 November 2015
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Högoms gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Medelpad
Posted by Ogneslav on Thursday, 14 May 2015
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 5, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Ytterselö 147:1 Barrow Cemetery in Södermanland
Posted by Ogneslav on Monday, 11 May 2015
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Björklunds hage Barrow Cemetery in Uppland
Posted by Ogneslav on Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Condition: 4, Ambience: 3, Access: 5, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Zamores kulle Barrow Cemetery in Uppland
Posted by Ogneslav on Monday, 27 April 2015
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Jättahögen Barrow Cemetery in Halland
Posted by Bjorn on Monday, 19 December 2011
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Gålrum Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by DrewParsons on Thursday, 27 October 2011
Condition: 3, Ambience: 5, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Boge 33:1 Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by DrewParsons on Monday, 24 October 2011
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Annelund Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Gotland
Posted by DrewParsons on Monday, 24 October 2011
Condition: 2, Ambience: 3, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Vrångstads Nedre Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Bohuslän
Posted by DrewParsons on Sunday, 23 October 2011
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Vrångstads Övre Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Bohuslän
Posted by DrewParsons on Sunday, 23 October 2011
Condition: 4, Ambience: 5, Access: 2, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Massleberg Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Bohuslän
Posted by DrewParsons on Friday, 07 October 2011
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Pilane Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Bohuslän
Posted by DrewParsons on Wednesday, 05 October 2011
Condition: 4, Ambience: 5, Access: 3, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) 1 comment

Skävesund Norr Gravfältet Barrow Cemetery in Närke
Posted by DrewParsons on Thursday, 29 September 2011
Condition: 2, Ambience: 3, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

Toftaholms Gravfält Barrow Cemetery in Småland
Posted by FAE on Monday, 07 June 2010
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 5, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 1 comment

Nordians hög Barrow Cemetery in Uppland
Posted by meginring on Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) 1 comment

Hemlanden Barrow Cemetery in Uppland
Posted by Ogneslav on Sunday, 27 July 2008
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 3, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 2 News and Comments

Högaberg Barrow Cemetery in Halland
Posted by Bjorn on Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Condition: 2, Ambience: 3, Access: 4 (Our Pic) No Comments

Greby Barrow Cemetery in Bohuslän
Posted by greywether on Monday, 26 September 2005
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) 3 News and Comments

Gamla Uppsala Kungshögarna Barrow Cemetery in Uppland
Posted by greywether on Monday, 26 September 2005
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) No Comments

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