Megalithic Portal Map Search

All Countries: United States: Henge

Narrow down your selection by Region using the filter above. Roughly circular prehistoric earthwork consisting of a non-defensive ditch and bank with a level plateau in the centre. A henge does not have to contain a stone circle but many do - (see the separate listing)

Search Results

Mounds (Indiana) Henge in Great Lakes Midwest
Posted by bat400 on Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 8 News and Comments

New Castle Complex Henge in Great Lakes Midwest
Posted by nephilimchronicles on Monday, 23 August 2010
Condition: 3, Access: 4, Accuracy: 3 (Image) 2 News and Comments

Cambridge City Henge Complex Henge in Great Lakes Midwest
Posted by nephilimchronicles on Sunday, 22 August 2010
Condition: 1, Accuracy: 4 (Other Pic) 2 News and Comments

Chrysler Enclosure Henge in Great Lakes Midwest
Posted by bat400 on Monday, 15 January 2007
Condition: 4, Ambience: 2, Access: 5, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 2 News and Comments

Mounds (Indiana) - Great Mound Henge in Great Lakes Midwest
Posted by bat400 on Saturday, 26 August 2006
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 6 News and Comments

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Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion

Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion