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All Countries: Wales: Ceredigion: Stone Circle

A ring of stones, sometimes at a henge. See also Ring Cairn and Standing Stones for related types

Search Results

Moel y Llyn Stone Circle Stone Circle in Ceredigion at SN7010091160
Posted by Bladup on Thursday, 17 December 2015
Condition: 4, Ambience: 5, Access: 3, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) 4 News and Comments

Lle'r Neuaddau Stone Circle in Ceredigion at SN75548465
Posted by postman on Friday, 26 October 2012
Condition: 4, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) 1 comment

Hirnant Stone Circle in Ceredigion at SN7532683939
Posted by Johnny on Sunday, 22 September 2002
Condition: 5, Ambience: 4, Access: 4, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 2 News and Comments

Ysbyty Cynfyn Stone Circle in Ceredigion at SN75257908
Posted by Johnny on Sunday, 22 September 2002
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Our Pic) 5 News and Comments

Bryn y Gorlan Stone Circle in Ceredigion at SN74945473
Posted by Tom_Bullock on Sunday, 22 September 2002
Condition: 3, Ambience: 4, Access: 2, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic) 1 comment

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1. Ysbyty Cynfyn
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5. Lle'r Neuaddau