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Thor Stone Standing Stone (Menhir) in Oxfordshire at SP35932208
Posted by Celia_Haddon on Sunday, 11 February 2001
Condition: 3, Ambience: 3, Access: 5, Accuracy: 4 (Our Pic)Match on Title and Article's text
1 comment

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Stone Journals - journeys to the mysterious standing stones of Europe by Patrick Ford

 Stone Journals - journeys to the mysterious standing stones of Europe by Patrick Ford

Site Type Selection

Ancient Cross 953 84%
Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry 275 51%
Ancient Palace 65 69%
Ancient Temple 890 71%
Ancient Trackway 152 72%
Ancient Village or Settlement 4378 50%
Artificial Mound 834 49%
Barrow Cemetery 2020 63%
Broch or Nuraghe 1431 58%
Burial Chamber or Dolmen 8288 48%
Cairn 2202 73%
Carving 371 86%
Castro or Chafurdão 1128 6%
Causewayed Enclosure 88 48%
Cave or Rock Shelter 1260 32%
Chambered Cairn 685 78%
Chambered Tomb 1762 65%
Cist 556 55%
Class I / Class II Hybrid Pictish Symbol Stone 4 100%
Class I Pictish Symbol Stone 121 65%
Class II Pictish Symbol Stone 30 76%
Class III Pictish Cross Slab 25 56%
Clava Cairn 13 92%
Court Tomb 70 61%
Crannog 93 53%
Cursus 314 7%
Early Christian Sculptured Stone 267 74%
Henge 184 54%
Hill Figure or Geoglyph 43 65%
Hillfort 2071 69%
Holed Stone 66 77%
Holy Well or Sacred Spring 1860 68%
Long Barrow 1716 72%
Marker Stone 298 80%
Misc. Earthwork 620 56%
Modern Stone Circle etc 1057 82%
Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue 159 83%
Museum 1155 62%
Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature 1290 72%
Not Known (by us) 79 48%
Passage Grave 1362 72%
Polissoir 147 46%
Portal Tomb 74 81%
Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle 211 68%
Pyramid / Mastaba 207 37%
Ring Cairn 392 47%
Rock Art 4234 53%
Rock Cut Tomb 375 75%
Rock Outcrop 237 63%
Round Barrow(s) 5060 56%
Round Cairn 271 76%
Sculptured Stone 529 76%
Souterrain (Fogou, Earth House) 78 64%
Standing Stone (Menhir) 5561 67%
Standing Stones 1052 76%
Stone Circle 2480 60%
Stone Fort or Dun 379 52%
Stone Row / Alignment 816 64%
Timber Circle 88 31%
Turf Maze 40 65%
Vitrified Fort 14 78%
Wedge Tomb 125 91%