Favourite Ancient Site: castlerigg
Your Location: cumbria
Your Occupation: musician
Your Interests: history,music,etc
Actual User Status: Offline

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Pictures posted by Skipper


Carrock Fell
Carrock Fell - PID:3669
Oct 17 2003 by Skipper
Votes: 2 Hits: 2409
Comments: 1  Size: 640x480
Carrock Fell
Carrock Fell - PID:3670
Oct 17 2003 by Skipper
Votes: 2 Hits: 2042
Comments: 0  Size: 640x480
Long Meg
Long Meg - PID:4475
Dec 08 2003 by Skipper
Votes: 0 Hits: 1264
Comments: 0  Size: 640x480
Long Meg
Long Meg - PID:4476
Dec 08 2003 by Skipper
Votes: 0 Hits: 1301
Comments: 0  Size: 640x480
Reecastle Crag
Reecastle Crag - PID:3342
Sep 26 2003 by Skipper
Votes: 0 Hits: 1570
Comments: 0  Size: 640x480
Reecastle Crag
Reecastle Crag - PID:3343
Sep 26 2003 by Skipper
Votes: 0 Hits: 1590
Comments: 0  Size: 640x480
Reecastle Crag
Reecastle Crag - PID:3344
Sep 26 2003 by Skipper
Votes: 0 Hits: 1482
Comments: 0  Size: 640x480