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St Winning's Well (Kirkgunzeon)

Trip No.182  Entry No.1  Date Added: 20th Jul 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Yes on 19th Jul 2022. My rating: Condition 2 Access 4

St Winning's Well (Kirkgunzeon)

St Winning's Well (Kirkgunzeon) submitted by Anne T on 20th Jul 2022. The stand of trees showing it in context with the small white cottage (now offices) with the rusty remains of a threshing (?) wheel at its end.
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Log Text: St Winning's Well, Kirkgunzeon: We parked near the telephone kiosk in the village, at about NX 86783 66771, and walked back to the small cross-roads, then north-westwards up the little dead-end lane. A very pretty spot. We had the grid reference of the well, so were looking around, when the owner of the large house round the corner came out to see if we were lost. He also warned us that the person who lived in the cottage at the very end of the lane was very wary of strangers, so helped us find the well. of which he told us there was nothing left. There is a small section of closely mown grass at the end of the white cottage with old threshing (?) wheel at the end, and the stand of trees under which the well is located. We walked up the 10m or so of this path and were able to see into the bowl of what was the well. It was dry at the time of our visit, although some remnants of the stonework forming its crude bowl were visible under the shrubbery. Better, perhaps, to visit in the winter when this has all died down.

Rumbling Well (Buittle)

Trip No.182  Entry No.2  Date Added: 20th Jul 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Couldn't find on 19th Jul 2022

Log Text: Rumbling Well, Buittle: Unable to get to. Since the Google Earth images and the map on Canmore were produced, an additional lake with platforms for fishing has been introduced at the head of the reservoir.

We parked in the 2-car layby by the footpath sign at NX 80296 61523 and made our way across the fields towards the reservoir, thinking we’d be able to walk around the head of this new lake. What we should have done was parked further north at about NX 80275 61662 (but this was only a field gate with no footpath sign and only passing places to park in), and walked towards the northern side of the reservoir.

With a party of teenagers arriving to swim in the waters, and temperatures in excess of 30 degrees C, the call of cross fragments and other sites called louder, so we gave up, saying we’d come back another day, as there is so much to see in this area.

Roman Bridge Remains (Bitts Park)

Trip No.181  Entry No.1  Date Added: 17th Jul 2022
Site Type: Ancient Trackway Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 17th Jul 2022. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 1 Access 4

Roman Bridge Remains (Bitts Park)

Roman Bridge Remains (Bitts Park) submitted by Anne T on 17th Jul 2022. The main bulk of the stones from the old Roman Bridge dredged from the River Eden are now displayed between the river and the main avenue through the northern side of Bitts Park. It's not at all obvious what these stones were from, as there was no information board at the time of our visit.
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Log Text: Roman Bridge Remains, Bitts Park: A lovely park, and a lovely walk. Stones are hidden largely in deep shade between the main avenue running along the northern side of the park and the river. We needed to drop down onto the sandy paths below the avenue, and follow the river along. The four stone 'sculptures' come into view first. The rectangular 'display' of stones is about another 100m further westwards.

Cross Shaped Stone of Keverigg

Trip No.180  Entry No.4  Date Added: 11th Jul 2022
Site Type: Ancient Cross Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 9th Jul 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Cross Shaped Stone of Keverigg

Cross Shaped Stone of Keverigg submitted by MonumentMan on 13th Oct 2019. 'Cross-Shaped' stone of Keverigg in Shap Blue granite due south of the 19thC cross carved boulder of the same name which marks the parish boundaries of Shap, Crosby Ravensworth and Sleagill.
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Log Text: Cross Shaped Stone of Keverigg: We went looking for the boundary stone inscribed with a cross, as marked on the modern OS map, but were unable to find it (grass too high and lots of lichen and moss on surrounding rocks to be able to make out the carved cross).

My impression of this particular stone is that it's the remnants of a quarried stone (or natural), as it lies on/near a long line of limestone pavement.

Cross Stone of Keverigg

Trip No.180  Entry No.3  Date Added: 11th Jul 2022
Site Type: Ancient Cross Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Couldn't find on 9th Jul 2022

Log Text: Cross Stone of Keverigg: The location of the stone was clearly marked on the Historic England Map search map, but despite my husband clambering (very carefully) over the dry stone wall and stock fence at the eastern end of the access land, he was unable to find the stone. There was considerable growth of grass and weeds in the area, and plenty of moss and lichen on the surrounding stones. He did, however, find the Cross Shaped Stone that MonumentMan has submitted (SID 52464), 23m away.

St Michael's Well (Shawk)

Date Added: 10th Jul 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 25th Jun 2020. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

St Michael's Well (Shawk)

St Michael's Well (Shawk) submitted by Anne T on 10th Jul 2022. Looking back towards the footpath down through the wood (approached from the western side of the woodland).
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Log Text: St Michael's Well, Shawk: Situated in a very lovely, heavily wooded area, to the east of a stream, Chalk Beck, which has stepping stones over it (these appear to move and be replaced when the stream floods, as there are several sets).

There is no mention on Pastscape or HE, although the HE map search shows a ‘W’ at the location of the well.

To reach the well, we parked on the grass verge at NY 33234 47664, and walked down the (private?) lane leading first south, then largely eastwards, past a number of properties, including the first which is called ‘Farthings’. At NY 33679 47362, the footpath carries on eastwards, through a gate; there is a private road which continues to the south. Our OS map indicated the well was nearer a footpath which started at NY 33653 47097, and which ran largely eastwards, but after 150m or so, it became so overgrown, we turned back.

We proceeded down the marked footpath at NY 33679 47362, where there are now a couple of wooden stables/sheds. There is an old hollow way which runs alongside the western side of the wood here, and we continued along this, through another gate, and followed the path which ran downhill, with a steep gorge to our right hand side. This path winds downhill, eventually coming to some stones laid across the course of Chalk Beck. We gingerly crossed this (wouldn’t like to try when the river is in flood or after it had been raining heavily). The well is immediately to our right hand side, about 20m to the east of the beck, largely hidden by tall grass and bracken.

The well structure is stone, with an opening in the top. The well was about 1/3 full of water, although we didn’t try and sample the water, as someone had thrown in a beer/lager can (a real shame). No visible signs of any ornamentation on the well housing.

The bedding planes on what we thought are red sandstone here were very clear, with a cliff on the western side of the river. Impressive!

Bampton Grange Cross

Trip No.180  Entry No.2  Date Added: 10th Jul 2022
Site Type: Ancient Cross Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 9th Jul 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Bampton Grange Cross

Bampton Grange Cross submitted by Anne T on 10th Jul 2022. The cross / boundary marker has some amazing views across the fells.
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Log Text: Bampton Grange Cross: A glorious day. We'd previously seen this cross in August 2020, when lockdown restrictions had been briefly lifted for a short time, but I didn't post any photographs. That day had been grey and the cemetery busy with people strimming grass around family graves. Today was glorious, and we had the cemetery to ourselves (living people, that is).

This cross has had a hard life, but has spectacular views over the fells.

We finished this visit with a trip to the Bampton Village Store which served teas, toasties and cream teas, and were made very welcome. NY 51505 18200, with a parking area to the side of the store.

Plague Stone (Penrith)

Trip No.180  Entry No.1  Date Added: 10th Jul 2022
Site Type: Ancient Cross Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 9th Jul 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Plague Stone (Penrith)

Plague Stone (Penrith) submitted by Anne T on 10th Jul 2022. The cross base/plague stone is sadly being used as a rubbish bin by all the passing walkers.
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Log Text: Plague Stone/Cross Base, Penrith: We've driven by this site many a time without realising this stone was here. A bit difficult to find somewhere to park, as the stone is near the hospital, community college and fire station, but there is a modern housing estate, so disk parking is available along Tynefield Drive.

The stone was easily found, once we picked it out from amongst the shadows of the surrounding trees.

I wasn't aware of The Great Plague of Cumbria until I researched more about this stone. Definitely a re-purposed cross base. Shame it's being used as a rubbish bin by people who pass by.

St Mary's Well (Heversham)

Trip No.179  Entry No.4  Date Added: 22nd Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

St Mary's Well (Heversham)

St Mary's Well (Heversham) submitted by Anne T on 22nd Jun 2022. Standing across the road from the well, looking at the pump and well trough (both now appear to be dry).
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Log Text: St Mary's Well, Heversham: Spotted the blue 'W' on the HE map search when looking up information for St Peter's Church, so decided to have a look. Actually found the well purely by chance, when we drove past looking for a parking spot, then doubled back and parked near the lych gate, walking back to the well after we'd photographed the Anglo-Saxon stone fragments.

Having escaped the noise of building work (and radios) at home, we arrived to find the builders in the house opposite the well blasting out very loud rap music. Not a great visit as a result, as we couldn't hear ourselves think, but good to have added another well to the list I've seen.

Anchorite Well (Kendal)

Trip No.178  Entry No.2  Date Added: 22nd Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 4

Anchorite Well (Kendal)

Anchorite Well (Kendal) submitted by Anne T on 22nd Jun 2022. Looking southwards towards Anchorite Cottage. Whilst the cottage looks relatively modern, the style of the windows indicate this structure is older than it looks (but not as old as the original hermitage!).
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Log Text: Anchorite Well, Kendal: a short-ish walk from Trinity Church (Kendal Parish Church), through a modern housing estate. The roads have some interesting names: Buttery Well Road (couldn't find the well, though), Mint Cake Cottages and Kirkbarrow.

The well was easily spotted as there is a large green metal sign at the entrance to the site.

Beautifully clear water. Would have liked to have been able to walk all the way around the well pool, but the western side path was private access only to the cottages.

St Peter's Church (Heversham)

Trip No.178  Entry No.3  Date Added: 22nd Jun 2022
Site Type: Ancient Cross Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

St Peter's Church (Heversham)

St Peter's Church (Heversham) submitted by Anne T on 22nd Jun 2022. Heversham 01, located in the south porch, near the south door. Dating to the late eighth century. The church guide says that the war memorial in the churchyard is probably a replica of what this cross would originally have looked like.
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Log Text: St Peter's Church, Heversham: A lovely little village, but so very full of builders with loud radios, which there was no avoiding.

Inside the church was quiet, but a number of other visitors who came and went. We looked at the cross shaft (and the very old south door) in the south porch, and easily found the small fragment in the external wall to the east of the porch, in the south wall.

The church itself was simple and unremarkable, apart from an old wooden pew which was carved with the date 1626, and a huge chest at the east end of the north aisle, which dates from1400.

The Kendal Cross

Trip No.178  Entry No.1  Date Added: 21st Jun 2022
Site Type: Ancient Cross Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

The Kendal Cross

The Kendal Cross submitted by Sunny100 on 30th May 2010. The Kendal Cross, Cumbria, at SD.517922.
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Log Text: The Kendal Cross: located on a window sill in the Lady Chapel (east end of south aisle) in the Parish Church of Kendal, Holy Trinity.

The fragment was sited in strong sunlight at the time of our visit, so difficult to photograph.

Such a huge church, apparently the widest in Cumbria, and also the oldest in Kendal, with the site older than the building, as 'evidenced by the 8th/9th century cross shaft'.

A replica of the cross sits outside the western end of the church, on the green between the western entrance gates and the church.

Ladye Well (Terregles)

Trip No.177  Entry No.2  Date Added: 8th Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Couldn't find on 6th Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 1

Log Text: Ladye Well, Terregles: Armed with the OS map and a description from “Saints in Scottish Place-Names”, we went back (after many, many years) to Terregles. This well is on private ground, so I found myself chatting to a lady who was gardening just opposite the village hall about how we might be able to ask for access.

She was very cagey about giving us any information at all, telling us in order to see it, we’d have to walk half-way down someone’s driveway. I did explain the purpose of our visit – my ‘holy well’ project, and that we used to live in the area - which didn’t seem to convince her.

I did try and knock on the door of the house at the very end of the village, at NX 92749 77497, but no-one was at home, apart from the dogs. Just to the west of this house there was an access road into a building plot, and with no-one around to ask, we ventured down this track to the back of the "garden". All was derelict ground with weeds galore.

Finding nothing, we made our way back to the road, and I was going to walk down to Ladywell House, which was some distance down a long driveway, with the house not visible, only for a second lady who drove out of Ladywell House and parked up just down the road, to speak to the Gardening Lady (presumably waiting for us to walk up). I went up to them and told the Gardening Lady we couldn’t find the well, found myself telling them we used to live around here years ago, and my kids went to Shawhead School (only 4 miles away). The New Lady said “there’s nothing to see – it’s all weeds. Even the site of the old chapel is just a lump at the end of the field, covered in weeds. Nothing to see at all”. So that was us told!

We felt really unwelcome, which was very sad.

We went onto see a named well (not a holy well or sacred spring) at Kingholm, and our reception was completely different. Two of the residents were enormously helpful, even giving us a guided walk of the field with possible locations of the well and associated spring.

Brow Well (Ruthwell)

Trip No.177  Entry No.1  Date Added: 6th Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Yes on 6th Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Brow Well (Ruthwell)

Brow Well (Ruthwell) submitted by Anne T on 6th Jun 2022. Getting a bit closer to the well pool.
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Log Text: Brow Well (Ruthwell): Having escaped the noisy builders across the road, we decided on the spur of the moment to visit the Brow Well, as it’s only about half an hour’s drive away. We bombed off up the M6, turned off onto the A75 at Gretna, turned off down a side road which turned left at NY 13732 69544 (note: HUGE mistake – too many large, enormous pot holes – continue on down to the B725!), only to find the cottage next to the well was blasting out music at huge volume. Boo hoo.

In addition, the area around the well had been turned into a building site, meaning the entrance to the small parking area was blocked off, so we pulled into a gateway a few metres from the well.

The well was almost dry, very muddy, and not very nice to visit at all. So disappointed after all the photographs I’ve seen on the internet. We found out from the couple we were speaking to at Kingholm (Lady’s Well) that the bridge by the well had recently collapsed and had just been replaced.

The information board tells us:
“Healing powers of water.
Brow Well is a chalybeate spring with natural iron-salt rich water believed to cure a multitude of ills and was popular with the residents of Dumfries at the time of Burns. From early times spring water was believed to have healing qualities and many locations in Scotland were renowned for their holy or healing wells. In the 17th century spas with mineral rich waters became fashionable locations to visit in the pursuit of health and beauty. Later sea-bathing emerged as part of a growing activity and built on popular traditions that saw seawater as having healing powers.”
That Robbie burns bathed in the well in 1796 but died 3 days later isn't a hugely great advert for the healing properties of this chalybeate well!

Finglandrigg Spa Well (Chalybeate)

Trip No.176  Entry No.2  Date Added: 6th Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 4th Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 3

Finglandrigg Spa Well (Chalybeate)

Finglandrigg Spa Well (Chalybeate) submitted by Anne T on 5th Jun 2022. There's nothing left of the information board shown on old photographs of this well. See Heritage and History for photographs taken in 2009.
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Log Text: Finglandrigg Spa Well: A very pleasant walk through this nature reserve, although the well is not where the published map says it is. In the end, we walked round and round, then tried to find a spot with a phone signal so we could find a rough grid reference, which we acquired from the Old Cumbria Gazetteer. Some 50m from the published path, down a grassy 'lane'. Ruined, but ticked this one off the list. Am trying to trace what properties this water had, and added the nearby Toddel Well to my list of places to visit in the near future.

Hyssop Holme Well (Carlisle)

Trip No.176  Entry No.1  Date Added: 6th Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 4th Jun 2022. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 4

Hyssop Holme Well (Carlisle)

Hyssop Holme Well (Carlisle) submitted by Anne T on 5th Jun 2022. The well was in deep shade at the time of our visit. A slow, steady trickle of water emerged from the pipe at the back of the well, trickling down the moss into the small well basin, then out to modern drains to a small pond/water feature.
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Log Text: Hyssop Holme Well (Carlisle): A very pleasant, short walk down slope to this well house, the sound of wood on willow from the nearby Cricket Ground accompanying our steps. Am trying to trace the Antiquarian history books which mention this site, as I'm trying to ascertain if the well predates the 1817 date on the keystone, and why the water was regarded as a spa in days gone by, and what properties the water had.

Homeacres Holy Well (Stanwix)

Trip No.114  Entry No.2  Date Added: 5th Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 9th Jan 2019. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 4

Homeacres Holy Well (Stanwix)

Homeacres Holy Well (Stanwix) submitted by Anne T on 10th Jan 2019. My husband was brave enough to slide down one of the old paths to the well, from the small road leading to the Rickerby Park car park. This path starts at approx. NY 40399 57112, at the top of the slope and almost immediately due north of the well.
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Log Text: Homeacres Holy Well, Rickerby Park, Carlisle: We just about had time to stop off and find this well on our way home. Parking by the lawn tennis club just down the road, we walked to see what we thought was the stump of an old cross at approx. NY 40142 56900, but it turned out to be the stump of an old tree trunk which had been carved into what looked like an old boundary marker.

We headed off north east until we reached the junction of Well Lane and the B6264 (Brampton Road), then walked down the road leading to the car park in Rickerby Park. Reaching the junction with the footpath leading almost due west at NY 40510 57081, we walked past a marshy/boggy area which had wooden boarding at one end and a sign saying ‘deep water’.

Walking through the gate across the footpath, we peered deep into the undergrowth and eventually spotted what looked like a railway sleeper running about 6-8ft horizontally across the bank with a black void underneath. We tried to walk across the grassy area to the fence to get nearer to take a photograph, but the land was very waterlogged and we retreated.

Going back up towards Brampton Road, just past the cattle grid, there are faint traces of a footpath which runs down towards the well. Andrew made it down to the well and took some photographs. Having hurt my shoulder, I decided to stay on (this very busy) road. Andrew said there were also traces of another footpath running towards the well from the southern side of Brampton Road, just opposite Well Lane, but we would have had to climb over the metal railing to access it; the path was just visible, but very overgrown.

The well still had water in it. A couple of passers by on the lower path looked us with curiosity, one man asking us what we were looking at. When we told him a holy well, he looked at us in disbelief. I thought the nearby 'Well Lane' might have been a clue, although we initially thought the well was located down Well Lane and not in the park.

St Cuthbert's Stone and Well (Waverbridge)

Date Added: 4th Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jun 2020. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

St Cuthbert's Stone and Well (Waverbridge)

St Cuthbert's Stone and Well (Waverbridge) submitted by Anne T on 4th Jun 2022. Looking at the un-mown section of grass where the site of the well is shown. No water was showing in the field, but there was a pipe under the roots of the tree leading into the drainage ditch at the far side of the tree in the photograph.
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Log Text: St Cuthbert's Stone & Well: We were making our first (and only for a long time) essential trip out, and passed within 400m of this well, so screeched to a halt at the entrance to the track (Watergate Lonning) at its junction with the B5302 at NY 21277 49139, and took our daily exercise walking down slope towards the well.

There is some sign of the well - in the field as an un-mown area of grass and in the hedge-line under the tree are remnants of a stone structure between the tree roots and along the bank of the ditch. All along the left hand side of the track (eastern side) is a drainage ditch, which we presume took the water from the fields, then when you get to the well, the water from the well joins the ditch. The well was dry at the time of our visit.

The stone was marked on the OS map, but was several fields away, with no gates in sight, so with time pressing, I photographed the well and we set off for our destination. So very odd to be out-and-about after months at home, but lots of other cars on the road, and difficult to rejoin the main road due to the high speed traffic.

Fairy Well (Aikton)

Date Added: 4th Jun 2022
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jun 2020. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 1 Access 5

Fairy Well (Aikton)

Fairy Well (Aikton) submitted by Anne T on 4th Jun 2022. Parking at the side of the small road running west-east past the site of this well, referring to the old OS map from the National Library of Scotland, the well is located where the white arrow is pointing - in a ditch, but well hidden by both the hedge and the surrounding foliage.
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Log Text: Fairy Well (Aikton): just after lockdown rules were relaxed marginally, and it was possible to travel short distances for reasons other than work or exercise, we needed to travel very near to Aikton, so took a short detour to try and find this well. There were plenty of walkers and other cars, but, as defined by lockdown law, no shops open, and no well to find!

Actually, not quite true, as peering down into the ditch, some water was visible bubbling up from the ground, running along a ditch to the south side of the hedge running along the northern edge of the field, but it was very difficult to find.

The gate into the field was open, so we looked along the other side of the hedge - all we could see were huge lumps of stone and concrete, which had been dumped along the ditch-line. Apart from a large lump of stone by the field gate, which looked as if it had simple architectural carving on it.

Hallrigg Standing Stone

Trip No.175  Entry No.1  Date Added: 28th May 2022
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 28th May 2022. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 1

Hallrigg Standing Stone

Hallrigg Standing Stone submitted by nicoladidsbury on 9th Apr 2007. Hallrigg Standing Stone - rediscovered standing stone, 2 miles north of Lowhouse Standing Stone, 5 miles north of Penrith. It appears to be red sandstone, approx 1.5m tall
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Log Text: Hallrigg Standing Stone, Plumpton: The nearest we could get was the very back (staff only area) of the Pot Place Car Park, and we asked permission to take this photograph from the member of staff working in this area.

We did try numerous other ways to get closer to the standing stone, but couldn't even find a track and/or gate to walk across the fields, or who to ask permission off.

Photo taken with a tripod and 50-300mm zoom lens at maximum zoom, but even this didn't give an excellent photo, given the haze in the atmosphere.

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