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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 106 (View all trips)
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Buck Stane
Trip No.106 Entry No.1 Date Added: 5th Nov 2018
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 28th Oct 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Buck Stane submitted by Creative Commons on 15th Jan 2014. The Buckstane. The inscription reads:
This march stone, a relic of feudal times occupied a commanding site on the old Roman road about 250 yards north of this spot.
By tradition the name was derived from the stone having marked the place where the buckhounds were unleashed when the King of Scotland hunted in this region.
Copyright Callum Black and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
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Log Text: The Buck Stane, Braid Road, Edinburgh: Our first stop of the day in the Tour of Edinburgh Stones. The Buck Stone is in a niche on the western side of Braid Road, about 125m north of the junction with Buckstone Drive and before it turns into Buckstone Terrace.
There is a sign explaining what the stone is: The Buckstane. This march stone, a relic of feudal times, occupied a commanding site on the old Roman road about 250 yards north from this spot. By tradition the name was derived from the stone having marked the place where the buck hounds were unleashed when the king of Scotland hunted in this region”.
A nice, tidy, well looked after spot.
Caiy Stane
Trip No.106 Entry No.2 Date Added: 5th Nov 2018
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 28th Oct 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5
Caiy Stane submitted by crannog on 22nd Feb 2012. Edinburgh council has to be commended for the care they take in preserving ancient sites/monuments, like this. It is located at the end of a street with lots of homes all around.
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Log Text: The Caiy Stane, Edinburgh: It was a good job we had the SatNav to help us find this stone, as all the streets around were called ‘Caiy (something)’ and we could have been driving around for ages!
This is a magnificent stone, set back in a niche backing onto someone’s garden on Caiystane View. It is possible to walk all the way around it, so we saw the 6 cups marks and the more modern graffiti on the back face.
The small sign at the front base of the stone reads: “The Caiy Stone. The Property of The National Trust for Scotland.” The larger sign, on the low wall to the left of the stone reads: “The Caiy Stane. Standing at over nine feet high on a summit, originally with wide views, this broad slab of red sandstone includes a line of six, probably prehistoric, cup marks on its reverse face. / The stone may have been erected as early as the Neolithic period, possibly before 3000BC, to denote a ritual or burial place. Records of cairns, cists and urns found in the immediate vicinity show that the hilltop continued to be used for burial in the Bronze Age. / Discovery of these remains led to the supposition that Caiyside Hill was the site of a battle, variously suggested to have involved Romans, Danes (Vikings); ore Cromwellians. The Caiy Stane, also known as the Kel Stane, the Cat Stane or the Camus Stane, was thought to have been a battle memorial stone.”
Slidey Stane (Holyrood Park)
Trip No.106 Entry No.4 Date Added: 5th Nov 2018
Site Type: Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature
Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 28th Oct 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Slidey Stane (Holyrood Park) submitted by Anne T on 5th Nov 2018. The Slidey Stane is well hidden on this hillside, from above and below. From the path below, all that can be seen is a small dip in the slope of the hill. Similarly from the footpath running above the stone, although there are much larger chunks of bedrock sticking up at the side of the path.
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Log Text: The Slidey Stane, Holyrood Park: As we were in Edinburgh City Centre, we thought we'd try and find this large erratic stone which is featured on The Ancient Stones website, but my goodness - what a search we had!
We followed the directions given on The Ancient Stones, and even armed with the GPS we walked up and down and down and up and round and round. Eventually, I took my phone out and managed to find a forum post on the Modern Antiquarian which gave a link to a search by the park rangers. This, thankfully, included photographs of the route to find the stone. It is in fact at the location given by the Ancient Stones, but is so hidden in a dip on the hillside, that we were unable to see it, either from below or above. We finally saw it from a couple of metres away, but what a disappointment!
The stone is small, although the top is shiny as if it has been polished over the years. There are larger stones on the footpath running above the Slidey Stone.
Well, at least we found it, photographed it and have now posted the results here. We too a more accurate grid reference of NT 26766 72765.
Niddrie House
Trip No.106 Entry No.5 Date Added: 6th Nov 2018
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 28th Oct 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 5

Niddrie House submitted by crannog on 27th Feb 2012. Half-covered in ivy with a great splosh of pink paint covering the top, this wee stone sits surrounded by established housing with new-build developments blossoming all around.
Has one cup mark.
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Log Text: Niddrie House Stone: This has to be one of the saddest little standing stones I’ve seen. Largely hidden by ivy and surrounded by rubbish, in between a largish utility building and a padlocked, disused cemetery, with a bus stop about 10m to the south west and a new estate with many security cameras to the north east. And a splodge of what was red paint running down from the top of the stone, too. If I could have dug this up and taken it home with me, I would.
Boar Stone (Armadale)
Trip No.106 Entry No.7 Date Added: 6th Nov 2018
Site Type: Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature
Country: Scotland (West Lothian)
Visited: Yes on 28th Oct 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Boar Stone (Armadale) submitted by Anne T on 6th Nov 2018. This photo is looking east over the stone, towards Armadale. Daylight was fading fast, and while there were a few scars and scrapes on top of the stone, we did not see any carvings or markings.
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Log Text: The Boar Stone (Barbachlaw), Armadale: This is another site we'd picked up from the Ancient Stones website, and although it's not far from my daughter's house in Amadale, we wouldn't normally drive this road. This stone is clearly visible from the A89. We managed to park in the gateway to another field opposite, crossed the road and had to climb over the gate as it was tied shut with some very tight knots.
The field had been planted and there were some young seedlings showing through. By walking along the edge of the field, then up a tractor track, we managed to reach the stone and walk round it.
Goodness knows how much of this stone is underneath the ground – it was certainly large, and no wonder they hadn’t tried to move it!