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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 14  (View all trips)
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Bell Mount

Trip No.14  Entry No.1  Date Added: 3rd Apr 2017
Site Type: Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 25th Mar 2017. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5

Bell Mount

Bell Mount submitted by Anne T on 3rd Apr 2017. This stone sits almost on the brow of the hill. There are striations on its surface (plough or glacial?) indicating it has lain prone at some point in its history. There is slight evidence it is set within a depression.
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Log Text: Bell Mount Erratic (or standing stone?): Saw this very briefly on our first visit to Newbeggin, but whizzed by in the car and didn't stop. This time, we parked by the open gate to the field. There being no stock, we took the chance to walk up the grassy slope to see this stone. Whilst it's not marked on the OS map (neither is the Sewborwens stone not far away), it showed distinct striations on one of the surfaces indicating it had lain prone at some point and been stood up. My geology isn't good enough to tell it the marks were as a result of glaciation or the plough, although the stone seemed to be set into a slight depression which was even all round, and didn't look like stock had been rubbing around it. Note to self: need to check geology of the area.

Newbeggin Stone Row

Trip No.14  Entry No.2  Date Added: 28th Apr 2017
Site Type: Stone Row / Alignment Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 25th Mar 2017. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Newbeggin Stone Row (Possible)

Newbeggin Stone Row (Possible) submitted by Anne T on 28th Mar 2017. This stone is built into a stone wall on a footpath which follows the Carlsike Burn, around Hoghouse Hill to Newbeggin. Located at NY 48058 29531. Note: 3rd April 2017. The Lead Officer for the Historic Environment and Commons says "This is slightly more interesting. I would not like to guess at when this might have been erected."
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Log Text: Newbiggin Stone Row, Near Penrith: Following our first visit to try and find the standing stones mentioned on the village website, but drawn a blank, we did find 2 of the 4 wells, and recorded these in photographs. An email to the Parish Council, who'd featured one of these stones on their website, resulted in us being put in touch with Dr. Alan J Rich, the local historian. He was enormously helpful and emailed me across a map of 5 of the stones to be found around the immediate bounds of the village.

Also intrigued by The document “The Prehistoric Remains on Moordivock, near Ullswater” by M. Waistell Taylor MD, FSA, dated 1885 on page 342 and 343 talks about “remnants of former alignments of megaliths may still be made out elsewhere, in various localities in the district around Penrith, a few appearing as Standing Stones, and some partially sunk, or walled into the breast of fences. For instance in the direction from the S end of the village of Newton Reigny, by Mossthorn, on over Pallet Hill to Newbiggin; also from Sewborrens over the Riggs Farm to Newbiggin some few exist, and I have seen old people who remembered the removal of many of these stones at the beginning of the century. These lines may have been in connection with the barrows and stone circles, of which the dilapidated remains and half buried relics are frequent over this locality.”

Taking advantage of the sunny, spring weather, and armed with Dr. Rich's maps and book, we headed back to Newbiggin for a wander around the lanes and pathways in and around this long, linear village. In total we saw a total of 10 possible standing stones, and I've emailed details to the County Historical Officer to see if these can be verified as such, as they are not mentioned on the OS map. Curiously, plotting the grid references on UK Grid Finder, apart from the stone near Bell Mount, there is an alignment running north-east from Newbiggin towards Newton Reigny.

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