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Rockcliffe (Cumbria)
Trip No.38 Entry No.3 Date Added: 18th Aug 2017
Site Type: Ancient Cross
Country: England (Cumbria)
Visited: Yes on 17th Aug 2017. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Rockcliffe (Cumbria) submitted by Anne T on 18th Aug 2017. First view of the Rockcliffe Cross from the iron gates by the mounting block. It sits to the right of the path leading to the south porch.
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Log Text: The Rockcliffe Wheel-headed Cross, Cumbria: From the centre of Carlisle, we followed the signs heading north on the A7, out to the large Asda by the M6. Just before junction 44, a road north west into the industrial estate, clearly signposted to Rockcliffe.
This road leads straight into the village, with the church being on the south western corner of the village where the minor road turns right. There is room to park by the main iron gates to the church, next to the mounting block, in a small triangular piece of road.
Immediately inside the gates, the cross is straight in front of you, just to the right of the path leading to the south porch. Nearby is a modern grave marker in a smaller, but similar shape.
The church sits on a promontory, and as you walk down to the south porch a bend of the River Eden comes into view. On the north side of the church the land drops sharply down to Rockcliffe Beck with some graves on the terrace below. Even I was intrigued enough to walk the narrow path along the northern side of the church because I wanted to see the layout of the churchyard.
Sadly the church was locked, as I’d loved to have seen inside.