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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 74  (View all trips)
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National Museum of Scotland (Early Christian Stones)

Trip No.74  Entry No.1  Date Added: 20th May 2018
Site Type: Ancient Cross Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 17th May 2018. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

National Museum of Scotland (Early Christian Stones)

National Museum of Scotland (Early Christian Stones) submitted by Anne T on 18th Jan 2018. This Whithorn Style Cross Shaft is on display in the 'Early People's Exhibition on Level -1. It comes from Craiglemine, Glasserton, Wigtownshire near Whithorn, Dumfries and Galloway. Submitted with the kind consent of National Museums of Scotland. Exhibit X.IB 122. Dates from 900-100 AD.
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Log Text: Early Christian Stones at the National Museum of Scotland: We returned to go to the Research Library to find out more about the Pictish Stones, and to photograph some more exhibits, only to find Tim Peake's Spacecraft had arrived that morning, with a PR exercise in full swing and the gallery we needed to get to had been closed off until 2pm (didn't say anything about this on the web site, until we dug deeper into the events schedule). Fortunately, by the time we'd been and looked at some casts of grave slabs in part of the Kingdom of the Scots exhibit, the gallery we wanted to go to was temporarily re-opened and we managed to get in and out in between the various waves of visitors and school children. The space craft was minute, and like a cross between something out of Dr. Who and The Clangers. Apparently, Tim Peake had attended earlier that morning, but we'd missed him.

I spent an hour in the research library, coming away with some photocopies and the names/details of a number of reference books.

We also managed to go into the 'Early People's Exhibit' which had been closed during our last visit - more Pictish Symbol stones and Early Christian stones, which more than made up for the disappointment of having arrived at 10.30am and being told we'd have to wait until 2pm to get in because of Tim Peake!

National Museum of Scotland (Pictish Stones)

Trip No.74  Entry No.2  Date Added: 20th May 2018
Site Type: Museum Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 17th May 2018. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

National Museum of Scotland (Pictish Stones)

National Museum of Scotland (Pictish Stones) submitted by Anne T on 18th Jan 2018. A collection of 3 Pictish stones on display behind glass in Level -1 of the Tower. From front to back these are: Boulder from Letham Grange, Angus; Slab reused in a burial cist from West Yardhouse (?); and a slab from Lamancha.
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Log Text: Pictish Stones at the National Museum of Scotland: See visit report for the National Museum of Scotland (Early Christian stones). Also went to the Research Library and came away with some great information on all the Pictish Symbol Stones held by the museum, and the names/details of various reference books.

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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 74  (View all trips)
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