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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 98  (View all trips)
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Grassmarket modern menhir

Trip No.98  Entry No.1  Date Added: 21st Sep 2018
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 18th Sep 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Grassmarket modern menhir

Grassmarket modern menhir submitted by ladrin on 8th Mar 2018. Modern menhir on the Grassmarket, Edinburgh.
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Log Text: Modern Megalith, Grassmarket, Edinburgh: This stone was on our walk for the afternoon. It took a bit of finding, located behind the bins and underneath the trees. This modern megalith stands under a group of trees on the paved area of Grassmarket. In the time we spent photographing it, no-one else appeared remotely interested, despite the large numbers of tourists in the area.

It has a plaque which reads: “This plaque was unveiled on 3rd of October 1977 by the Rt. Hon. Kenneth Borwick, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh, to commemorate the 500th anniversary of a reorganisation of Edinburgh Markets authorised by King James III on 3rd of October 1477. The Cattle Market was situated at the western end of the Grassmarket and in King’s Stables Road. This area was then just outside the Burgh.” Underneath this larger plaque is a smaller one which says: “Stone laid by Grassmarket Area Traders Association, 3rd October 1977.”

Edinburgh Runestone

Trip No.98  Entry No.2  Date Added: 21st Sep 2018
Site Type: Carving Country: Scotland (Midlothian)
Visited: Yes on 18th Sep 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Edinburgh Runestone

Edinburgh Runestone submitted by Anne T on 7th Jan 2018. The Runestone seen by clambering up the steep muddy track from Princes Street Gardens, just below the Castle Esplanade. The runes read: ""Ari engraved this stone in memory of Hialm his father. God help his soul."
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Log Text: New site of the Edinburgh Runestone (not been moved yet): As we were going to a building near to hear, we thought we’d do a detour to this part of the University.

We wandered around George Square first of all, but only found a modern sculpture called The Dreamer. We then identified 50 George Square (taken from the BBC article about the relocation of the stone), but only spotted a large hole in the middle of a square flower bed, hedged by low privet, around the side of the building. Having walked all around it, we went into check and I asked the security guard at the reception desk. He told us the stone hadn’t yet been moved, but the hole had been dug in preparation. I thanked him and went to take a photograph of the new site.

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Sites Anne T has logged on trip number: 98  (View all trips)
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