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Stueh Grabhuegelgruppe
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 12th Mar 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Stueh Grabhuegelgruppe submitted by CharcoalBurner89 on 12th Mar 2021. The bronze age barrow cemetery is largely overgrown by natural plants and forestry management. The tumuli are extremely difficult to find and hardly visible in wood because they are not very high.
On the photo you can see the tumulus located northeast (exact location: Latitude: 53.45813N, Longitude: 9.24708E).
You can find more information in this book:
Tempel, Wolf-Dieter (1999): Auf ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Spuren durch den Landkreis Rotenburg, Wegweiser zur Vor- und Frühgeschicht...
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Log Text: The bronze age barrow cemetery is largely overgrown by natural plants and forestry management. The tumuli are extremely difficult to find and hardly visible in wood because they are not very high.
On my photo you can see the tumulus located northeast (exact location: Latitude: 53.45813N, Longitude: 9.24708E).
You can find more information in this book:
Tempel, Wolf-Dieter (1999): Auf ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Spuren durch den Landkreis Rotenburg, Wegweiser zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Niedersachsen - Heft 22, Oldenburg p. 84
Hellingst Schalenstein
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Rock Art
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 20th Feb 2021. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Hellingst Schalenstein submitted by Martin_L on 24th Apr 2009. The erratic granite block is heavily eroded (left). Without additional lighting the cup-marks are nearly invisible (right).
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Log Text: Unfortunately, the cup-marks are not very clearly visible on the stone. You have to look very carefully or feel it on the stone. There is an information board next to the stone.
Steden Seemoor Huegelgraeber
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Cairn
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 20th Feb 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Steden Seemoor Huegelgraeber submitted by Martin_L on 8th May 2012. Real-size reconstructions of different internal lithic structures discovered in prehistoric barrows/cairns in this area.
Photo taken in 2009
The site is part of an archaeological trail which start at Rothermundsmoor Hügelgräberfeld and includes two megalithic tombs (Steden I und Steden II ) and a cup-marked erratic.
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Log Text: The circles of the former tumuli are clearly visible and very well reconstructed. Information boards give very detailed information about the Funnelbeaker culture and their burials.
Steden Grab 2
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 20th Mar 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Steden Grab 2 submitted by Martin_L on 12th May 2008. The lateral passage, looking north.
Steden Tomb 2,
Sprockhoff No. 628
[April 2008]
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Log Text: A well-preserved and very well signposted grave, which can be easily reached via a history trail for tourists.
Meyenburg Steingrab
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Meyenburg Steingrab submitted by hermitano on 21st Apr 2005. Closer view of Steingrab Meyenburg, showing the last remaining capstone.
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Log Text: Right next of a path, so that it can also be reached by car (although the path is not easy to drive on for standard cars).
Lehnstedt Steingrab 4
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Lehnstedt Steingrab 4 submitted by hermitano on 28th Apr 2005. Chambered tomb in the Düngel forest north of Bremen.
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Log Text: Easy to reach after a long hike. The grave is clearly visible from a path, so that the last 50 meters through the forest can be mastered without any problems.
Heine Steingrab 2
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 3

Heine Steingrab 2 submitted by Martin_L on 11th Jan 2008. Heine Tomb 2 (Sprockhoff No. 626)
The southend of the chamber.
Most likely the two southernmost uprights on the western- and eastern chamberside were removed in historic times. So there is some evidence, that the large southern capstone was originally placed on 5 uprights. In general this is a rare feature in this area but there is another example in the neighbourhood (Lehnstedt, Tomb 1, Sprockhoff No. 621).
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Log Text: A really beautiful dolmen even if it is heavily overgrown. There is no direct path to reach it, so you have to find a route through the forest via GPS.
Heine Steingrab 1
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Chambered Tomb
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Heine Steingrab 1 submitted by Martin_L on 13th Mar 2009. From the North. Chamber's main part, including the orthostats, is possibly still hidden in the barrow (May 2008)
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Log Text: The grave is badly damaged, but easy to find due to the nearby second grave. However, it was very overgrown when I visited.
Lehnstedt Steingrab 2
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Lehnstedt Steingrab 2 submitted by Martin_L on 19th Oct 2009. Nebulous dawn at the site in October 2009.
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Log Text: Very easy to reach by car. The last around 150 meters must be walked. A really nice place in my opinion, even if it is in the middle of agricultural land.
Lehnstedt Steingrab 3
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Lehnstedt Steingrab 3 submitted by hermitano on 27th Apr 2005. Chambered tomb in a patch of forest northeast of Meyenburg, Lower Saxony.
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Log Text: After a bit more of a little hike, you can easily reach this grave. However, it is right next to the A27 motorway, so it is more of a choppy place.
Osterholz-Scharmbeck Huenenstein
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 2 Access 5

Osterholz-Scharmbeck Huenenstein submitted by Martin_L on 10th Aug 2011. Pole aerial view from the NW. The massive 8 x 4m chamber is oriented NW-SE. The lateral entrance was located between orthostats SW2 and SW3. Also visible are several cup-marks on capstone C2. It is tightly packed with cup-marks of varying size. March 2010
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Log Text: Very easy to reach by car. Parking is not available, however, so you have to park a few streets further and walk the last few meters.
Lehnstedt Steingrab 1
Date Added: 23rd Apr 2021
Site Type: Chambered Tomb
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 5

Lehnstedt Steingrab 1 submitted by hermitano on 29th Apr 2005. The appearance of the Lehnstedt site varies according to the viewing angle. Here it looks rather like a giant tortoise.
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Log Text: Very easy to reach by car.
Fischbeker Heide Archäologischer Wanderpfad
Date Added: 15th Apr 2021
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery
Country: Germany (Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg)
Visited: Yes on 15th Apr 2021. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Fischbeker Heide Archäologischer Wanderpfad submitted by Creative Commons on 1st Apr 2015. Archaeologic scenic route at Fischbeker Heide, station 3. Tumulus of the elder Bronze Age. Cared by Archaeological Museum Hamburg / Helms-Museum, Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.
Creative Commons Licence photo by Bullenwächter
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Log Text: Very nice and long hiking trail with many different tumuli and reconstruction work. The information boards are something and have suffered a bit. Still one of the most beautiful archaeological hiking trails that can be found near Hamburg.
Anderlingen Steinkistengrab mit Bildstein
Date Added: 30th Mar 2021
Site Type: Cist
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jan 2021. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 4 Access 4
Anderlingen Steinkistengrab mit Bildstein submitted by AlexHunger on 7th Nov 2005. 3 Anthropomorphic figures on slab
formely part of Anderlingen Steinkistengrab which is also located in the garden of the Niedersächsischen Landesmuseums in Hannover
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Log Text: One of the best reconstructions that can be found in northern Germany. Both the remains of the burial mound found in Anderlingen have been reconstructed (including the picture stone) and a complete tumulus.
Very easy to get to by car. It is right next to a street in the village of Anderlingen, with easy parking.
Godenstedt Steingrab
Date Added: 30th Mar 2021
Site Type: Chambered Tomb
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Godenstedt Steingrab submitted by CharcoalBurner89 on 4th Mar 2021. March 4, 2021
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Log Text: The stone grave can be reached on a small path from the south as well as from the west. Coming from the south it is best to park on the dirt road there, while coming from the west it is best to park behind the Oste-bridge at the river mill.
Steinfeld Steingrab 1
Date Added: 30th Mar 2021
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2021. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 2 Access 4

Steinfeld Steingrab 1 submitted by holger_rix on 11th Aug 2007. Steinfeld Spachelsberg Steingrab..
View on the entry.
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Log Text: This grave monument can be admired right next to the road from Zeven to Steinfeld. It is best to park next to the grave at the small peat factory. From there it is only a few steps to the stone grave.
Gnarrenburg Eichholz Steingrab
Date Added: 30th Mar 2021
Site Type: Chambered Tomb
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 24th Jan 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Gnarrenburg Eichholz Steingrab submitted by Martin_L on 13th Jan 2009. Chambers' NE-End. (May 2008)
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Log Text: The path through the forest to the stone grave is very well signposted. Signs can be found on the street.
Granstedt Grabhuegelfeld
Date Added: 30th Mar 2021
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 27th Jan 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Granstedt Grabhuegelfeld submitted by Krautrock on 20th Apr 2010. Granstedt Grabhuegelfeld
April 2010
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Log Text: There are good parking possibilities in the immediate vicinity, so that you only have to walk the last 500 meters. There are also very good information boards on site of the tumuli.
Ostereistedt Steingrab
Date Added: 30th Mar 2021
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 17th Jan 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Ostereistedt Steingrab submitted by holger_rix on 19th Apr 2010. Comparably lengthy Chambered Tomb, chamber was
build with 7 orthostats on each long side in NE-SW orientation.
The NE single orthostat on the short side is in situ.
There are 4 orthostats of the NW long side still in position,
5 on the opposite. (According to Sprockhoff's text)
Nowadays it seems that you can see the tips if one
more orthostat on each side.
Remains of most likely a former capstone are resting
in the chamber. More remains of former capstones are
scattered around ...
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Log Text: The biggest problem is that all ways to the grave are overgrown or no longer exist. Sometimes you even come across signs in the forest that show you nonexistent paths. It's best to rely on your GPS to find it.
Nartum Steingrab
Date Added: 30th Mar 2021
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jan 2021. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Nartum Steingrab submitted by stollentroll on 11th Oct 2007. Chambered tomb Nartum
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Log Text: The Long Barrow is right next to the local village cemetery. There are very good parking facilities and the grave is not very difficult to miss due to the large oak tree next to it.