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Woodhenge (Wiltshire)

Date Added: 23rd Jul 2016
Site Type: Henge Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 1st Aug 2009. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5

Woodhenge (Wiltshire)

Woodhenge (Wiltshire) submitted by sem on 7th Sep 2015. Woodhenge -The Model One picture taken of a 3D model conceived during a wet weekend. Projects like this can reveal previously unseen features. I would point out that the henge itself is now thought to have been built after the timbers decayed.
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Durrington Walls

Date Added: 23rd Jul 2016
Site Type: Henge Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 1st Aug 2009. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Durrington Walls

Durrington Walls submitted by dodomad on 9th Sep 2015. Ground penetrating radar survey showing rows of large pits. The blue is where there is no survey data thanks to a hedge and a road (with thanks to Mike Pitts) Photo Credit: Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project / Ludwig Boltzmann Institute
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Mane Guen Pierre de Sacrifice

Date Added: 11th Sep 2015
Site Type: Rock Art Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 10th Sep 2015

Mane Guen Pierre de Sacrifice

Mane Guen Pierre de Sacrifice submitted by Ogham on 10th Sep 2015. The stone of sacrifice with a human shape cut into the rock.
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Stèle de Guehénno

Date Added: 22nd Aug 2015
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 21st Aug 2015

Stèle de Guehénno

Stèle de Guehénno submitted by Ogham on 21st Aug 2015. Looking back towards the church.
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Kerzerho Alignements

Date Added: 11th Aug 2015
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 19th Jun 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Kerzerho Alignements

Kerzerho Alignements submitted by ermine on 1st Jul 2004. Kerzerho Alignments Brittany, Morbihan 47.634690N 3.148402W GPS onsite You can still walk among the stones at Kerzerho (in 2002 at east) which are near Carnac but not quite so busy. Head up the D781 to Erdeven. You can park nearby, and from there you can also take the path to the large stones of the Table du Sacrifice
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Log Text: Easy to get to site with access all year.

La Table du Sacrifice

Date Added: 14th Jul 2015
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 19th Jun 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

La Table du Sacrifice

La Table du Sacrifice submitted by LizH on 6th Nov 2007. In this picture, the furthest north stone (lying) can be seen. Behind it, however, at the back of the picture, this stone looks more as if it could be a 'table' and even possibly a 'sacrifice table' in the minds of those who named it. I am not sure which one is the official 'Table du sacrifice'.
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Log Text: Easy to find as it is with the Giants.

Crucuno Cromlech

Date Added: 14th Jul 2015
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 19th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Crucuno cromlech

Crucuno cromlech submitted by thecaptain on 21st Dec 2007. There are 22 remaining stones, on average 2 metres in height, arranged in a rectangle measuring about 33 metres by 25 metres.
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Log Text: A nice stroll along a quiet dirt road to the site a goat farm at the end of the lane has no access signs up, this is for the farm not the stones.

Beg-er-Goalennec Menhirs

Date Added: 14th Jul 2015
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 7th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Beg-er-Goalennec menhirs

Beg-er-Goalennec menhirs submitted by thecaptain on 5th Jun 2006. Beg er Goalennec menhir B is a heart shaped menhir which stands 3 metres tall right beside the Cote Sauvage road. It is splendidly situated to sit and watch the waves break over this spectacular coastline.
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Log Text: Nice site to visit out of tourist season, it would also be good in a westerly storm for photo opportunities.

Carthage Punic Tomb 1

Date Added: 16th Nov 2014
Site Type: Rock Cut Tomb Country: Tunisia
Visited: Yes on 18th Oct 2014. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Carthage Punic Tomb 1

Carthage Punic Tomb 1 submitted by AlexHunger on 1st Apr 2008. Punic rock cut tomb near the Antonine baths. There was room for 2 sarcophogi.
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Date Added: 16th Nov 2014
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Tunisia
Visited: Yes on 21st Nov 2014. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4


Thysdrus submitted by AlexHunger on 29th Mar 2008. Amphitheatre in modern El Jem. The back side is unfortunately missing as it was destroyed when Berber tribes resisted the Arab invasion in the 7th Century. The theatre is still used for spectacles today.
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Menhir de Kerlivio

Date Added: 12th Sep 2014
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 12th Sep 2014

Menhir de Kerlivio

Menhir de Kerlivio submitted by ogham on 12th Sep 2014. The menhir is seen well from the road.
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Menhir de la Chapelle de la Houssaie

Date Added: 18th Jan 2014
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 18th Jan 2014

Menhir de la Chapelle de la Houssaie

Menhir de la Chapelle de la Houssaie submitted by ogham on 18th Jan 2014. The menhir can be seen well from the graveyard.
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Sépulture circulaire de Pontivy

Date Added: 18th Dec 2013
Site Type: Cairn Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 18th Dec 2013

Sépulture circulaire de Pontivy

Sépulture circulaire de Pontivy submitted by ogham on 18th Dec 2013. Site in Bretagne:Morbihan (56) France Side view of the cairn.
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Fontaine Saint-Gildas

Date Added: 26th Nov 2013
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 6th Nov 2013

Fontaine Saint-Gildas

Fontaine Saint-Gildas submitted by ogham on 6th Nov 2013. Site in Bretagne:Morbihan (56) France The path to the site comes in from the left under the trees.
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Menhir de Kerhoret

Date Added: 26th Nov 2013
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 14th Nov 2013

Menhir de Kerhoret

Menhir de Kerhoret submitted by ogham on 14th Nov 2013. It is a good 4 metres wide across this face and it looks to the south west.
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Kerhoret menhirs

Date Added: 26th Nov 2013
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 14th Nov 2013

Kerhoret menhirs

Kerhoret menhirs submitted by ogham on 14th Nov 2013. This menhir is 1.5 metres tall, 0.75 metres across the face and 0.25 metres thick.
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Kermabon Dolmen

Date Added: 26th Nov 2013
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 15th Nov 2013

Kermabon dolmen

Kermabon dolmen submitted by ogham on 15th Nov 2013. The dolmen is not sign posted and there is no footpath to it.
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Southdown (Dorset)

Date Added: 25th Nov 2013
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 9th Aug 2008. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 2

Southdown (Dorset)

Southdown (Dorset) submitted by JimChampion on 28th Oct 2006. Looking ENE, three of the four barrows in this linear group can be seen. In the foreground is a very low-profile barrow, grid reference SY75098258. To the left of this, on the other side of the lane is the barrow at grid reference SY74938260. To the left of this, almost hidden in shadows, is the most westerly barrow at grid reference SY74678259. Early evening is a good time to try and photograph these tumuli - the shadow from near-horizontal sunlight gives contrast against the surroundings.
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Log Text: Stunning views of the area around the west Dorset coast.

Chaldon Down

Date Added: 25th Nov 2013
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 9th Aug 2008. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 2

Chaldon Down

Chaldon Down submitted by JimChampion on 3rd Jan 2008. Christmas Eve 2007. Looking south towards the pair of bowl barrows centred on grid reference SY77918102. The easternmost barrow (on the left) is 12 metres in diameter and 1 metre high. The other barrow (on the right) is 16.5 metres in diameter and 2 metres high. Both mounds appear to have mutilations to the centres of the mounds.
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Log Text: I parked the car on the downs above Ringstead and followed the inland footpath towards White Nothe point, return to the car via the coastal path.

Wardstone Barrow

Date Added: 25th Nov 2013
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 9th Aug 2008. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 2

Wardstone Barrow

Wardstone Barrow submitted by JimChampion on 31st Dec 2007. Looking north towards the Wardstone Barrow. The track on the right leads to Chideock Farm, and is a permissive footpath. There was originally another barrow in the field to the right, but it is destroyed. Presumably the wooden posts around this one mark the limit of the scheduled ancient monument. It was a very grey and dull Christmas Eve, this was the only decent photo that I took of the site!
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Log Text: It is in a magnificent location on the chalk downs above the coastal path.

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