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Dolmen de Men-Gouarec
Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 8th Jul 2011

Dolmen de Men-Gouarec submitted by Ogham on 8th Jul 2011. Passage grave at Mein Gouarec, it is well sign posed and the farmer has ensured it is accessable even when crops are growing
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Tiwanaku - Akapana Pyramid
Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Pyramid / Mastaba
Country: Bolivia
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2011

Tiwanaku submitted by Ogham on 18th Jul 2011. Interesting area with stone heads in the wall.
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Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement
Country: Peru
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2011

Cusco submitted by Ogham on 18th Jul 2011. Close up view of the stone with 12 angles.
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Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement
Country: Peru
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2011

Ollantaytambo submitted by Ogham on 18th Jul 2011. The Inca granaries.
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Machu Picchu.
Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement
Country: Peru
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2011

Machu Picchu. submitted by Ogham on 18th Jul 2011. The sun gate which is the main access point from the 4 day treck on the inca trail.
Site in Peru
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Soldier's Ring
Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Hillfort
Country: England (Surrey)
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2011
Soldier's Ring submitted by Ogham on 18th Jul 2011. Soldier's Ring can be approach from Crooksbury Hill car park. It is a steep climb up through the woods. It is wooded with mature trees but you can see the bank and ditches.
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Coët-er-Rui Dolmen
Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 6th Aug 2011

Coët-er-Rui dolmen submitted by Ogham on 6th Aug 2011.
The dolmen has collapsed but the location is very atmospheric. It is in a secluded woodland glade. You will have to walk to it unless you have a 4x4. it is about 1km up a dirt track from the main road
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La Haye tumulus
Date Added: 20th Oct 2011
Site Type: Chambered Tomb
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 6th Aug 2011

La Haye tumulus submitted by Ogham on 6th Aug 2011.
It is very close to the position marked on the map. It is by the side of the road. Drive slowly or you will miss it as it is well overgrown with mature trees.
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Menguen Lanvaux menhir
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 2nd Nov 2011

Menguen Lanvaux menhir submitted by Ogham on 2nd Nov 2011. Menguen Lanvaux menhir
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Ty Neüé menhir couché
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 3rd Nov 2011

Ty Neüé menhir couché submitted by Ogham on 3rd Nov 2011. The menhir is by the side of the road in the edge of a field. There is rubbish and rubble being thrown agaist it. 2.5-3 metres long it is slim and tapers to a point.
The location of the stone is
47 46.864N 002 48.507W
this wa taken with a hand held GPS.
Site in Bretagne:Morbihan (56) France
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Colého Menhir
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 19th Dec 2011

Colého menhir submitted by Ogham on 19th Dec 2011. Site in Bretagne:Morbihan (56) France
The menhir is well hidden in the woods at GPS location
47 47.943N 002 45.029W it is 6m in height, 1m in width and 0.5m in depth.
The location was obtained by hand held GPS.
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Goh Menhir menhir
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 19th Dec 2011

Goh Menhir menhir submitted by Ogham on 19th Dec 2011. Site in Bretagne:Morbihan (56) France
The menhir is located on the edge of a field and looks fantastic as you walk out of the dark woods. The location is
47 48.674N 002 45.182W it is 7m high, 1.5m wide and 1m in depth.
location obtained by hand held GPS.
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Bézo menhir
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 19th Dec 2011

Bézo menhir submitted by Ogham on 19th Dec 2011. Site in Bretagne:Morbihan (56) France
This menhir sits in a field by the side of the road and can be seen from a car at this time but there are young trees planted around it so as time goes on it will be lost in the trees.
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Fontaine de Barenton
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring
Country: France (Bretagne:Ille-et-Vilaine (35))
Visited: Yes on 19th Dec 2011

Fontaine de Barenton submitted by Ogham on 19th Dec 2011. This site is quite easy to find by following the signs to the car park near Folle Pensee.
The GPS location is 48 02.333N 002 14.813W.
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Tombeau des Anglais (Paimpont)
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: France (Bretagne:Ille-et-Vilaine (35))
Visited: Yes on 19th Dec 2011

Tombeau des Anglais (Paimpont) submitted by Ogham on 19th Dec 2011. This site is quite difficult to find as the signs suddenly stop showing Tombeau des Anglais and you have to follow signs to Les Brosses Noires. GPS location 48 04.977N 002 08.055W.
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Dolmen de Roh Du 1
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 20th Dec 2011

Dolmen de Roh Du 1 submitted by Ogham on 20th Dec 2011. The trees around the site are now in the process of being felled allowing in more light.
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Ménec alignements
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 21st Dec 2011

Ménec alignements submitted by Ogham on 21st Dec 2011. The alignments are open to the public from October to March
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Overton Hill barrow cemetery
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery
Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 21st Dec 2011

Overton Hill barrow cemetery submitted by Ogham on 21st Dec 2011. One of those great days for landscape photography. Bright sun and heavy showers producing the rainbow.
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Kermario Alignements
Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue
Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Yes on 22nd Dec 2011

Kermario alignements submitted by Ogham on 22nd Dec 2011. Kermario alignements on a cold winters day, with not many tourists around is a good time to visit them.
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Date Added: 9th Jul 2012
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Dec 2011

Avebury submitted by Ogham on 22nd Dec 2011. Druid ceremony in the moon circle.
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