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Li Mizzani Tomba di Giganti

Date Added: 19th Dec 2015
Site Type: Chambered Tomb Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 11th Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5

Li Mizzani Tomba di Giganti

Li Mizzani Tomba di Giganti submitted by DrewParsons on 1st Nov 2010. Tomba di Giganti Li Mizzani (Sardinia).
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Sceri Insediamento Nuragico

Date Added: 17th Dec 2015
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Sceri Insediamento Nuragico

Sceri Insediamento Nuragico submitted by SolarMegalith on 17th Dec 2015. Remains of a Nuragic hut located west of Nuraghe Sceri (photo taken on October 2015).
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Sceri Nuraghe

Date Added: 17th Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Sceri Nuraghe

Sceri Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 17th Dec 2015. The main tower of Nuraghe Sceri (photo taken on October 2015).
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Sceri Domus de Janas

Date Added: 17th Dec 2015
Site Type: Rock Cut Tomb Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Sceri Domus de Janas

Sceri Domus de Janas submitted by SolarMegalith on 17th Dec 2015. Well-preserved domus de janas in Sceri complex (photo taken on October 2015).
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Unia Nuraghe

Date Added: 16th Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 25th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Unia Nuraghe

Unia Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 16th Dec 2015. Nuraghe Unia - general view (photo taken on September 2015).
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Tana di Lu Mazzoni

Date Added: 16th Dec 2015
Site Type: Rock Cut Tomb Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 25th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Tana di Lu Mazzoni

Tana di Lu Mazzoni submitted by SolarMegalith on 16th Dec 2015. Stele of the tomb of Tana di Lu Mazzoni (photo taken on September 2015).
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Glenquicken Circle

Date Added: 16th Dec 2015
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Would like to visit

Glenquicken Circle

Glenquicken Circle submitted by Bladup on 18th Jun 2013. Glenquicken stone Circle with its centre stone and wonderful setting.
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Tradori Nuraghe

Date Added: 12th Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 19th Oct 2014. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Tradori Nuraghe

Tradori Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 12th Dec 2015. Nuraghe Tradori - view from the SE (photo taken on October 2014).
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Tracucu Domus de Janas

Date Added: 12th Dec 2015
Site Type: Rock Cut Tomb Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 27th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 4

Tracucu Domus de Janas

Tracucu Domus de Janas submitted by SolarMegalith on 12th Dec 2015. Domus de janas Tracucu - tombs IV and V (photo taken on October 2015).
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Mura Olia Nuraghe

Date Added: 10th Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 7th Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 4

Mura Olia Nuraghe

Mura Olia Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 10th Dec 2015. Niche in the tholos chamber of Nuraghe Mura Olia (photo taken on October 2015).
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Fund'e Monti Nuraghe

Date Added: 10th Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 27th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Fund'e Monti Nuraghe

Fund'e Monti Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 10th Dec 2015. The best preserved sector of masonry in Nuraghe Fund'e Monti (photo taken on September 2015).
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Longu Nuraghe (Sedini)

Date Added: 7th Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 10th Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Longu Nuraghe (Sedini)

Longu Nuraghe (Sedini) submitted by SolarMegalith on 7th Dec 2015. Nuraghe Longu (Sedini) - the main tower (photo taken on October 2015).
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Montilongu Nuraghe

Date Added: 7th Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 10th Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Montilongu Nuraghe

Montilongu Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 7th Dec 2015. Remains of Nuraghe Montilongu (photo taken on October 2015).
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Mura Figus Nuraghe

Date Added: 2nd Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 7th Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Mura Figus Nuraghe

Mura Figus Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 2nd Dec 2015. Nuraghe Mura Figus - view from the SW (photo taken on October 2015).
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Monte Atene Nuraghe

Date Added: 2nd Dec 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 25th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition -1 Ambience 3 Access 4

Monte Atene Nuraghe

Monte Atene Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 2nd Dec 2015. View across Monte Atene to the south. The nuraghe was probably located in the foreground (photo taken on September 2015).
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Pointe de la Guérite allée couverte

Date Added: 29th Nov 2015
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: France (Bretagne:Morbihan (56))
Visited: Would like to visit

Pointe de la Guérite allée couverte

Pointe de la Guérite allée couverte submitted by thecaptain on 7th Jun 2006. This little allée couverte sits right on the clifftop, and what a superb position it occupies, overlooking the splendid Cote Sauvage on the west of the Quiberon Peninsula.
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Tueri Grotta

Date Added: 29th Nov 2015
Site Type: Cave or Rock Shelter Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 30th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 4 Access 3

Tueri Grotta

Tueri Grotta submitted by SolarMegalith on 29th Nov 2015. Interior of Tueri cave seen from the entrance (photo taken on September 2015).
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Monte S'Orku 'e Tueri Nuraghe

Date Added: 29th Nov 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 30th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Monte S'Orku 'e Tueri Nuraghe

Monte S'Orku 'e Tueri Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 29th Nov 2015. Nuraghe Monte S'Orku 'e Tueri - the main tower (photo taken on September 2015).
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Iscretti Nuraghe

Date Added: 26th Nov 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 8th Oct 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Iscretti Nuraghe

Iscretti Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 26th Nov 2015. Main tower, bastion and courtyard of Nuraghe Iscretti (photo taken on October 2015).
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Aurras Nuraghe

Date Added: 26th Nov 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 30th Sep 2015. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 3 Access 4

Aurras Nuraghe

Aurras Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 26th Nov 2015. The only substantial sector of masonry preserved in Nuraghe Aurras (photo taken on September 2015).
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