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Maronzu Nuraghe

Date Added: 18th Sep 2015
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 19th Oct 2014. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Maronzu Nuraghe

Maronzu Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 18th Sep 2015. Best preserved sector of masonry in Nuraghe Maronzu (photo taken on October 2014).
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Martine Nuraghe

Date Added: 15th Jun 2012
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Saw from a distance on 10th May 2012. My rating: Condition 2 Access 3

Martine Nuraghe

Martine Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 15th Jun 2012. Nuraghe Martine - view from the west (photo taken on May 2012).
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Martingiana Nuraghe

Date Added: 14th Dec 2017
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 16th Sep 2017. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Martingiana Nuraghe

Martingiana Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 14th Dec 2017. A general view of Nuraghe Martingiana (photo taken on September 2017).
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Masala Nuraghe

Date Added: 7th Jun 2012
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 9th May 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Masala Nuraghe

Masala Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 7th Jun 2012. One of the niches inside the tholos chamber (photo taken on May 2012).
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Mascaliu Nuraghe

Date Added: 1st Aug 2022
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 8th Apr 2022. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5

Mascaliu Nuraghe

Mascaliu Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 1st Aug 2022. Nuraghe Mascaliu - partly preserved tholos chamber (photo taken on April 2022).
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Maso Maiore Nuraghe

Date Added: 20th Feb 2022
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2021. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Maso Maiore Nuraghe

Maso Maiore Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 20th Feb 2022. The main tower of Nuraghe Maso Maiore (photo taken on June 2021).
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Masoni Porcus Nuraghe

Date Added: 16th Oct 2019
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 14th Sep 2019. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 2

Masoni Porcus Nuraghe

Masoni Porcus Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 16th Oct 2019. Nuraghe Masoni Porcus - view from the SE (photo taken on September 2019).
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Date Added: 7th Sep 2016
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 18th Aug 2016. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5


Matfen submitted by PaulH on 2nd Mar 2003. In the village of Matfen. About 2km north of the B6318, the modern road that follows the course of Hadrian's wall. NZ032705
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Matta Tramontis Nuraghe

Date Added: 25th Apr 2017
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 10th Apr 2017. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Matta Tramontis Nuraghe

Matta Tramontis Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 25th Apr 2017. Nuraghe Matta Tramontis - view from the west (photo taken on April 2017).
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Date Added: 5th May 2013
Site Type: Wedge Tomb Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Would like to visit


Maulagowna submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. Looking uphill this is unusually intact.
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Maumbury Rings

Date Added: 24th Oct 2011
Site Type: Henge Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Oct 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Maumbury Rings

Maumbury Rings submitted by mattimpey on 10th Nov 2009. Maumbury Rings is now a public park and has been used for open air concerts and performances.
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Date Added: 30th Jan 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Mexico (Yucatan)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2002. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4


Mayapan submitted by SolarMegalith on 17th Aug 2008. Mayapan - view for the main pyramid. The city was an important political centre in final period of Mayan civilization (photo taken on March 2002).
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McCole's Castle

Date Added: 19th Aug 2011
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

McCole's Castle

McCole's Castle submitted by SolarMegalith on 19th Aug 2011. McCole's Castle chambered cairn - view from the south (photo taken on July 2011).
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Meayll Hill

Date Added: 10th Mar 2017
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: Channel Islands and Isle of Man (Isle of Man)
Visited: Would like to visit

Meayll Hill

Meayll Hill submitted by h_fenton on 2nd Feb 2008. Mull Circle / Meayll Circle Summer 2000
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Meayll Hill

Date Added: 10th Mar 2017
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: Channel Islands and Isle of Man (Isle of Man)
Visited: Would like to visit

Meayll Hill

Meayll Hill submitted by h_fenton on 2nd Feb 2008. Mull Circle / Meayll Circle Summer 2000
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Mechelsdorf Grossdolmen

Date Added: 8th Nov 2020
Site Type: Chambered Tomb Country: Germany (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Visited: Yes on 19th Sep 2020. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Mechelsdorf Grossdolmen

Mechelsdorf Grossdolmen submitted by stollentroll on 11th Apr 2006. chambered tomb Mechelsdorf 2
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Mechelsdorf Langbett

Date Added: 8th Nov 2020
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Germany (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Visited: Yes on 19th Sep 2020. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Mechelsdorf Langbett

Mechelsdorf Langbett submitted by stollentroll on 11th Apr 2006. Remains of the chambered tomb Mechelsdorf 1
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Mechelsdorf Urdolmen

Date Added: 13th Nov 2020
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Germany (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Visited: Yes on 19th Sep 2020. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Mechelsdorf Urdolmen

Mechelsdorf Urdolmen submitted by stollentroll on 8th Feb 2007. Chambered tomb Mechelsdorf 3.
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Meckelstedt Steingrab

Trip No.4  Entry No.15  Date Added: 1st Oct 2010
Site Type: Chambered Tomb Country: Germany (Lower Saxony, Bremen)
Visited: Yes on 25th Jul 2002. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 5

Meckelstedt Steingrab

Meckelstedt Steingrab submitted by SolarMegalith on 19th Jul 2008. My favorite of all the dolmens, the magnificent Huenengrab in Meckelstedt. Only one capstone and 3 carrying stones are left, but it's location and ambience are wonderfull.
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Medmenham Camp

Date Added: 1st Feb 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Buckinghamshire)
Visited: Yes on 1st Feb 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Medmenham Camp

Medmenham Camp submitted by SolarMegalith on 1st Feb 2011. Medmenham Camp - western part of the rampart and a ditch (photo taken on February 2011).
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Log Text: Well-preserved rampart in the Western, Northern and SE part of the hillfort, ditch only from the West.

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