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Cairn of Elsay

Date Added: 3rd Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 5 Access 4

Cairn of Elsay

Cairn of Elsay submitted by SolarMegalith on 14th Aug 2011. Remains of the walls (photo taken on July 2011).
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Log Text: Wonderful location near the cliffs.


Date Added: 3rd Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 7th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3


Brounaban submitted by SolarMegalith on 11th Aug 2011. Brounaban broch - view from the west (photo taken on July 2011).
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Log Text: Most of the preserved masonry seems to be 19th century repairs.

Hempriggs Broch

Date Added: 3rd Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 8th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Hempriggs Broch

Hempriggs Broch submitted by SolarMegalith on 3rd Aug 2011. Hempriggs broch - view from the south (photo taken on July 2011).
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Cairn of Humster

Date Added: 3rd Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 6th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Cairn of Humster

Cairn of Humster submitted by SolarMegalith on 3rd Aug 2011. Cairn of Humster - view from the south with visible modern cairn on top (photo taken on July 2011).
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Log Text: Access to the broch is limited by fences.

The Pap

Date Added: 3rd Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 12th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

The Pap

The Pap submitted by cosmic on 14th Oct 2007. Remains of Pap Broch
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Date Added: 2nd Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4


Cairnquoy submitted by SolarMegalith on 6th Aug 2011. Remains of the broch - view from the NW (photo taken on July 2011).
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South Yarrows Long Cairn

Date Added: 1st Aug 2011
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 4

South Yarrows Long Cairn

South Yarrows Long Cairn submitted by howe on 11th Jun 2009. South Yarrows S south cairn. View of the entrance to the east chamber. Some of the walling is a more modern addition.
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South Yarrows Chambered Cairn

Date Added: 1st Aug 2011
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 4

South Yarrows Chambered Cairn

South Yarrows Chambered Cairn submitted by howe on 11th Jun 2009. South Yarrows S North Cairn. View of the terminal chamber from the rear showing the remaining uprights of the stalled arrangement.
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Gansclet Standing Stone

Date Added: 1st Aug 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3


Gansclet submitted by cosmic on 13th Oct 2007. Gansclet from East
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Log Text: None

Cairnfield (Weydale)

Date Added: 1st Aug 2011
Site Type: Cairn Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Cairnfield (Weydale)

Cairnfield (Weydale) submitted by SolarMegalith on 1st Aug 2011. Cairn near Cairnfield farmstead - view from the south (photo taken on July 2011).
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Log Text: None

Keiss Broch

Date Added: 1st Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 15th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Keiss Broch

Keiss Broch submitted by h_fenton on 4th Jul 2011. Keiss Broch, nr Keiss, Caithness. At the time of my visit in May 2011 this broch looked a right mess full of rubbish plus old lobster pots and fish boxes, although recognisable as an ancient site, it would have been better to have backfilled this site after excavation, If you want to see a decent broch at Keiss walk c.150metres northeast to Whitegate Broch. A incomplete and badly stitched Kite Aerial Photograph, I was really struggling with strong gusty winds to try and get some photograp...
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Log Text: None

Whitegate Broch

Date Added: 1st Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 15th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Whitegate Broch

Whitegate Broch submitted by h_fenton on 4th Jul 2011. Whitegate Broch, near Keiss, Caithness. Kite Aerial Photograph 10 May 2011
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Tannach Mains

Date Added: 31st Jul 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 3 Access 4

Tannach Mains

Tannach Mains submitted by SolarMegalith on 31st Jul 2011. Tannach Mains broch - view from the NW (photo taken on July 2011).
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Cairn of Sibmister

Date Added: 30th Jul 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Cairn of Sibmister

Cairn of Sibmister submitted by SolarMegalith on 30th Jul 2011. Possible remains of a broch - view from the south (photo taken on July 2011).
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Tulloch of Shalmstry

Date Added: 30th Jul 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

Tulloch of Shalmstry

Tulloch of Shalmstry submitted by SolarMegalith on 20th Aug 2011. Remains of the wallcourse in western part of the broch (photo taken on July 2011).
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Log Text: None

Thrumster Little Broch

Date Added: 30th Jul 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 6th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Thrumster Little Broch

Thrumster Little Broch submitted by cosmic on 14th Oct 2007. Thrumster Little Broch
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Hempriggs Chambered Cairn

Date Added: 30th Jul 2011
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Hempriggs Chambered Cairn

Hempriggs Chambered Cairn submitted by cosmic on 13th Oct 2007. Hempriggs from South
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Log Text: None

Thrumster Mains

Date Added: 30th Jul 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 5th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Thrumster Mains

Thrumster Mains submitted by Andy B on 13th Jul 2011. Leonie and Cezary (SolarMegalith) excavate the primary entrance area at the Thrumster Broch community excavation Photo copyright AOC Archaeology
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Log Text: None

Tulloch of Achavarn

Date Added: 30th Jul 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 3 Access 4

Tulloch of Achavarn

Tulloch of Achavarn submitted by cosmic on 14th Oct 2007. Grassy mound is all that remains
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North Calder

Date Added: 29th Jul 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 4

North Calder

North Calder submitted by SolarMegalith on 29th Jul 2011. North Calder broch - view from the north (photo taken on July 2011).
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Log Text: None

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