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Yarrows Fort

Date Added: 29th Sep 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Yarrows Fort

Yarrows Fort submitted by SolarMegalith on 29th Sep 2011. Hill with remains of the hillfort seen from the east (photo taken on July 2011).
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Xuberaxain Harria Dolmen

Date Added: 25th Apr 2019
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Aquitaine:Pyrénées-Atlantiques 64)
Visited: Would like to visit

Xuberaxain Harria Dolmen

Xuberaxain Harria Dolmen submitted by irundarra on 26th Nov 2012. Site in Behe Nafarroa
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Date Added: 21st Apr 2011
Site Type: Pyramid / Mastaba Country: Mexico (Tlaxcala)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2004. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 4


Xochitecatl submitted by SolarMegalith on 15th Dec 2009. Pyramid of the Flowers - view from the road to Cacaxtla (photo taken on March 2004).
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Log Text: There is easy approach from the parkplace, but I recommend taking the footpath from Cacaxtla.

Xemxija Tombs

Date Added: 8th Apr 2013
Site Type: Rock Cut Tomb Country: Malta (Mainland)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Xemxija Tombs

Xemxija Tombs submitted by enkidu41 on 11th Jan 2005. Tomb 1 showing the circular accuracy of both the opening and the entrance to its 3-lobed chamber. The similar tomb 2 is just to the right. The tombs now connect underground due to the separating wall having collapsed.
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Xemxija Temple (2)

Date Added: 10th Apr 2013
Site Type: Ancient Temple Country: Malta (Mainland)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Xemxija Temple (2)

Xemxija Temple (2) submitted by SolarMegalith on 10th Apr 2013. These two stone blocks might be remains of a megalithic temple (photo taken on March 2013).
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Xemxija Roman Apiaries

Date Added: 8th Apr 2013
Site Type: Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry Country: Malta (Mainland)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Xemxija Roman Apiaries

Xemxija Roman Apiaries submitted by enkidu41 on 27th Apr 2004. Roman beehives. Sadly no more Romans and no more bees.
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Xemxija Caves

Date Added: 8th Apr 2013
Site Type: Cave or Rock Shelter Country: Malta (Mainland)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Xemxija Caves

Xemxija Caves submitted by enkidu41 on 11th Jan 2005. The original semi-detached urban dwelling! The caves are cut into the 'step' of the plateau.
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Xaghra Circle

Date Added: 26th Mar 2013
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Malta (Gozo)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Xaghra Circle

Xaghra Circle submitted by enkidu41 on 5th May 2004. Also known as Brochtorff's Circle. The actual circle is about 120' in diameter. Only about 85' of the circumference still stands and is obscured by by soil pile up and thick vegetation. The rest of the circle is outlined by a modern wall. The feature shown here is the central excavation in which Herr Brochtorff supposedly found other megaliths including an altar-like structure. The remains are thought to be of a temple smaller than but similar to the nearby Ggantija temple.
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Wyfold Castle

Date Added: 24th Mar 2012
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Oxfordshire)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Mar 2012. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Wyfold Castle

Wyfold Castle submitted by SolarMegalith on 24th Mar 2012. View from the rampart for the ditch and counterscarp bank of Wyfold Castle (photo taken on March 2012).
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Wychbury Camp

Date Added: 12th Mar 2013
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Worcestershire)
Visited: Would like to visit

Wychbury Camp

Wychbury Camp submitted by Andy B on 18th Jun 2011. Wychbury Hill Fort - Southern Rampart The hill fort occupies a position on the end of the Clent Hills. It is very much hidden by the trees but would have views to other forts on the Malverns, Clee Hill and Dudley. Copyright John M and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
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Wren's Egg

Date Added: 11th Sep 2013
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Yes on 8th Sep 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Wren's Egg

Wren's Egg submitted by cosmic on 7th Oct 2004. The Wren's Egg
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Worlebury Camp

Date Added: 12th Feb 2013
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Somerset)
Visited: Would like to visit

Worlebury camp

Worlebury camp submitted by Arjessa on 4th Apr 2006. Worlebury hill-fort, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset. (In reference to article, "The Origins of the Dobunni").
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Woden Law

Date Added: 22nd Aug 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: Scotland (Scottish Borders)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 25th Jul 2011

Woden Law

Woden Law submitted by dodomad on 8th Jan 2005. Aerial view of Woden Law fort, Scottish Borders. SC677288 Crown Copyright: RCAHMS
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Winklebury Camp (Hampshire)

Date Added: 30th Jan 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Hampshire)
Visited: Yes on 28th Jan 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 5

Winklebury Camp (Hampshire)

Winklebury Camp (Hampshire) submitted by SolarMegalith on 28th Jan 2011. Footpath running through the bottom of the ditch, embankment visible on the left - view from the South (photo taken on January 2011).
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Log Text: The earthwork is particularly well preserved in the Eastern part.

Windmill Hill (Avebury)

Date Added: 1st Oct 2010
Site Type: Causewayed Enclosure Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 1st Jul 2008. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 3

Windmill Hill Barrows

Windmill Hill Barrows submitted by SolarMegalith on 28th Jul 2009. Round barrows on Windmill Hill located in the middle of the hillfort's earthwork (photo taken on 2008).
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Winay Wayna

Date Added: 19th Dec 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Peru
Visited: Yes on 1st Jul 2003. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 3

Winay Wayna

Winay Wayna submitted by SolarMegalith on 22nd Nov 2010. Lower part of Winay Wayna settlement (photo taken on July 2003).
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Wilsford Cum Lake Bowl Barrow

Date Added: 1st Jul 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jun 2011. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 4 Access 4

Wilsford Cum Lake Bowl Barrow

Wilsford Cum Lake Bowl Barrow submitted by SolarMegalith on 1st Jul 2011. A Bronze Age bowl barrow near Wilsford Cum Lake - view from the SW (photo taken on June 2011).
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Willy Hall's Wood Stone

Date Added: 12th Aug 2019
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (West))
Visited: Yes on 2nd Aug 2017. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Willy Hall's Wood Stone

Willy Hall's Wood Stone submitted by stu on 11th Oct 2003. oh nice one....
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Wildmoor Bowl Barrow

Date Added: 24th Mar 2012
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Shropshire)
Visited: Would like to visit

Wildmoor Bowl Barrow

Wildmoor Bowl Barrow submitted by TheWhiteRider on 26th Jun 2006. Wildmoor Bowl Barrow.
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Wietrzychowice Long Barrows

Date Added: 30th Jan 2011
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Poland (Kujawsko-pomorskie)
Visited: Yes on 1st Aug 2004. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 4 Access 4

Wietrzychowice Long Barrows

Wietrzychowice Long Barrows submitted by SolarMegalith on 17th Aug 2008. Site in Kujawsko-pomorskie Poland: Wietrzychowice - one of the neolithic long barrows.
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