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Wied Filep B

Date Added: 26th Mar 2013
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Malta (Mainland)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5

Wied Filep B

Wied Filep B submitted by enkidu41 on 3rd Oct 2004. The smaller of 2 dolmens standing about 10' apart near Mosta. The capstone is about 10' long.
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Wied Filep A

Date Added: 26th Mar 2013
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Malta (Mainland)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5

Wied Filep A

Wied Filep A submitted by enkidu41 on 27th Apr 2004. The larger of 2 dolmens standing about 10' apart near Mosta. The massive capstone is 12'6" long by 5'3" wide and stands nearly 5' high.
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Wick Burial Chamber (Gloucestershire)

Trip No.21  Entry No.4  Date Added: 1st Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: England (Gloucestershire)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Jun 2010. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Wick Burial Chamber (Gloucestershire)

Wick Burial Chamber (Gloucestershire) submitted by hamish on 4th Feb 2004. ST706718 South Gloucestershire Nr Wick. Turn off the A46 to Kingswood and take the third turning to the left to Upper Cheyney.Follow this road to a fork and take a left to Coldharbour Farm.Ask at the farm for permission to go into the field and mind the cows.Well worth a visit.
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Whittondean Cairn C

Date Added: 9th Oct 2012
Site Type: Cairn Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 6th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whittondean Cairn C

Whittondean Cairn C submitted by SolarMegalith on 9th Oct 2012. Cairn C near Whittondean - view from the east (photo taken on October 2012).
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Whittondean Cairn B

Date Added: 9th Oct 2012
Site Type: Cairn Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 6th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whittondean Cairn B

Whittondean Cairn B submitted by SolarMegalith on 9th Oct 2012. Cairn B near Whittondean - view from the SE (photo taken on October 2012).
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Whittondean Cairn A

Date Added: 9th Oct 2012
Site Type: Cairn Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 6th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whittondean Cairn A

Whittondean Cairn A submitted by SolarMegalith on 9th Oct 2012. Cairn A near Whittondean - view from the north (photo taken on October 2012).
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Whitton Burn N03

Date Added: 17th Dec 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 10th Dec 2012. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whitton Burn N03

Whitton Burn N03 submitted by SolarMegalith on 17th Dec 2012. Whitton Burn N03 in its landscape location, although the stone has probably been moved (photo taken on December 2012).
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Whitton Burn 3

Date Added: 11th Oct 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 6th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Whitton Burn 3

Whitton Burn 3 submitted by SolarMegalith on 11th Oct 2012. One of the cup-marks on Whitton Burn 3 panel. For the purpose of the photograph the turf was gently raised, but not removed (photo taken on October 2012).
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Whitton Burn 2b

Date Added: 10th Oct 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 6th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 3

Whitton Burn 2b

Whitton Burn 2b submitted by SolarMegalith on 10th Oct 2012. Landscape location of Whitton Burn 2b panel - view from the SW (photo taken on October 2012).
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Whitton Burn 2a

Date Added: 10th Oct 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 6th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 3

Whitton Burn 2a

Whitton Burn 2a submitted by SolarMegalith on 10th Oct 2012. Whitton Burn 2a rock art panel (photo taken on October 2012).
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Whitton Burn 1b

Date Added: 12th Dec 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 10th Dec 2012. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whitton Burn 1b

Whitton Burn 1b submitted by SolarMegalith on 12th Dec 2012. Not sure of identification, but this seems to be the cup-mark in question. Indeed, as Archaeology Data Service says, it is likely to be a natural feature (photo taken on December 2012).
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Whitton Burn 1a

Date Added: 12th Dec 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 10th Dec 2012. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whitton Burn 1a

Whitton Burn 1a submitted by SolarMegalith on 12th Dec 2012. Whitton Burn 1a boulder and me (photo taken on December 2012).
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Whitsunbank 3

Date Added: 9th Oct 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Oct 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whitsunbank 3

Whitsunbank 3 submitted by SolarMegalith on 9th Oct 2013. Cup with single ring on Whitsunbank 3 panel (photo taken on October 2013).
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Whitsunbank 2b

Date Added: 7th Oct 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Oct 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Whitsunbank 2b

Whitsunbank 2b submitted by SolarMegalith on 7th Oct 2013. Well-defined cup-mark in the artificial lighting (photo taken on October 2013).
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Whitsunbank 2a

Date Added: 7th Oct 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Oct 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Whitsunbank 2a

Whitsunbank 2a submitted by SolarMegalith on 7th Oct 2013. The main motif on Whitsunbank 2a panel (photo taken on October 2013).
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Whitsunbank 1b

Date Added: 5th Oct 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Oct 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Whitsunbank 1b

Whitsunbank 1b submitted by SolarMegalith on 5th Oct 2013. The motif on Whitsunbank 1b is covered with lichen (photo taken on October 2013).
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Whitsunbank 1a

Date Added: 5th Oct 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Oct 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Whitsunbank 1a

Whitsunbank 1a submitted by SolarMegalith on 5th Oct 2013. The main motif on Whitsunbank 1a seen in the artificial lighting (photo taken on October 2013).
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Whiteleen Standing Stones

Date Added: 17th Aug 2011
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 3

Whiteleen Standing Stones

Whiteleen Standing Stones submitted by Tom_Bullock on 9th Feb 2005. Photo used by kind permission of Tom Bullock. More details of this location are to be found on his Stone Circles and Rows CD-ROM
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Whiteleen Cairn

Date Added: 5th Aug 2011
Site Type: Cairn Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 21st Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Whiteleen Cairn

Whiteleen Cairn submitted by SolarMegalith on 5th Aug 2011. Whiteleen cairn seen from the NW and view towards the coast (photo taken on July 2011).
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Whitehill Stone Circle

Date Added: 21st Apr 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Scotland (Aberdeenshire)
Visited: Would like to visit

Whitehill Stone Circle

Whitehill Stone Circle submitted by cosmic on 4th Apr 2004. Whitehill in Aberdeenshire at NJ 643135 is Graded as ruined but recogniseable but still appears in his Guide to Stone Circles. Recently the surrounding wood has been harvested so it can be seenin context. Only the West flanker (about 8 fett tall) and a stone in the NW corner are still standing but the general shape is obvious from the fallen stones and the cairn inside.
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