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Cairnholy 4

Date Added: 13th Sep 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Yes on 7th Sep 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Cairnholy 4

Cairnholy 4 submitted by SolarMegalith on 13th Sep 2013. Cup with two rings, the main motif on Cairnholy 4 panel (photo taken on September 2013).
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Cairnholy 5

Date Added: 13th Sep 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Yes on 7th Sep 2013. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Cairnholy 5

Cairnholy 5 submitted by SolarMegalith on 13th Sep 2013. Heavily eroded cup-and-ring mark on Cairnholy 5 panel (photo taken on September 2013).
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Cairnholy 9

Date Added: 13th Sep 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway)
Visited: Yes on 7th Sep 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Cairnholy 9

Cairnholy 9 submitted by SolarMegalith on 13th Sep 2013. Cluster of simple cup-marks on Cairnholy 9 panel (photo taken on September 2013).
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Date Added: 2nd Aug 2011
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4


Cairnquoy submitted by SolarMegalith on 6th Aug 2011. Remains of the broch - view from the NW (photo taken on July 2011).
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Caithness Broch Centre

Date Added: 16th Oct 2011
Site Type: Museum Country: Scotland (Caithness)
Visited: Yes on 15th Jul 2011. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

Caithness Broch Centre

Caithness Broch Centre submitted by SolarMegalith on 16th Oct 2011. Part of the exhibition with artefacts from Caithness brochs interpreted as stone balls (on the right), gaming pieces made of fish vertebrae (left, down) and bone dice (middle).
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Log Text: Small but interesting exhibition with finds from Keiss brochs, Nybster, Kettleburn and other broch towers. Unfortunately, the descriptions are quite short and not very informative.

Caiu Nuraghe

Date Added: 30th May 2012
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 11th May 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Caiu Nuraghe

Caiu Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 30th May 2012. Ruins of the main tower (photo taken on May 2012).
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Cala Blanca

Date Added: 27th Jan 2020
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Spain (Balearic Isles (Menorca / Minorca))
Visited: Yes on 15th Apr 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5

Cala Blanca

Cala Blanca submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Jan 2020. A Bronze Age naviforme of Cala Blanca (photo taken on April 2015).
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Cala Morell Naviformes

Date Added: 8th Mar 2020
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Spain (Balearic Isles (Menorca / Minorca))
Visited: Yes on 13th Apr 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 4

Cala Morell Naviformes

Cala Morell Naviformes submitted by SolarMegalith on 8th Mar 2020. Cala Morell - promontory with Bronze Age naviformes (photo taken on April 2015).
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Date Added: 26th Jan 2020
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Spain (Balearic Isles (Menorca / Minorca))
Visited: Yes on 17th Apr 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4


Calafi submitted by SolarMegalith on 26th Jan 2020. The western talayot (photo taken on April 2015).
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Calhau de Teberno Dolmen

Date Added: 1st Oct 2010
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Aquitaine:Pyrénées-Atlantiques 64)
Visited: Yes on 1st Jul 2002. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5

Calhau de Teberno Dolmen

Calhau de Teberno Dolmen submitted by SolarMegalith on 21st Apr 2009. Site in Aquitaine: Pyrénées-Atlantiques 64 France: Very nice dolmen located near the road to Buzy (photo taken on summer 2002).
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Caller Crag A

Date Added: 4th Feb 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 31st Jan 2013. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 5 Access 3

Caller Crag A

Caller Crag A submitted by SolarMegalith on 4th Feb 2013. Caller Crag A rock outcrop - view from the SE (photo taken on January 2013).
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Caller Crag B

Date Added: 4th Feb 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 31st Jan 2013. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 5 Access 3

Caller Crag B

Caller Crag B submitted by SolarMegalith on 4th Feb 2013. Surface of Caller Crag B with possible cup-marks (photo taken on January 2013).
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Caller Crag C

Date Added: 5th Feb 2013
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 31st Jan 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 3

Caller Crag C

Caller Crag C submitted by SolarMegalith on 5th Feb 2013. Standing stone seen from the south (photo taken on January 2013).
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Caller Crag D

Date Added: 5th Feb 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 31st Jan 2013. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 5 Access 3

Caller Crag D

Caller Crag D submitted by SolarMegalith on 5th Feb 2013. Horizontal surface of Caller Crag D - neither NADRAP investigators nor me could spot any cup-marks (photo taken on January 2013).
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Calleva Atrebatum

Trip No.22  Entry No.2  Date Added: 1st Oct 2010
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: England (Hampshire)
Visited: Yes on 6th Aug 2010. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Calleva Atrebatum

Calleva Atrebatum submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Aug 2010. Roman walls surrounding the area of the town - the best preserved Roman city walls in Britain (photo taken on August 2010).
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Callitas Nuraghe

Date Added: 6th May 2016
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 17th Apr 2016. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Callitas Nuraghe

Callitas Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 6th May 2016. General view of Nuraghe Callitas (photo taken on April 2016).
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Callow Hill Camp

Date Added: 27th Sep 2012
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Shropshire)
Visited: Would like to visit

Callow Hill Camp

Callow Hill Camp submitted by TheWhiteRider on 30th Jul 2005. Part of the Southern Sector.
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Camp Barrow

Date Added: 30th Jan 2011
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery Country: England (Gloucestershire)
Visited: Yes on 1st Jul 2008. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Camp Barrow

Camp Barrow submitted by SolarMegalith on 7th Aug 2008. Remains of a burial chamber with a fallen capstone lies near the northern barrow. If it was realy a long barrow like the OS map claims, big part of it is destroyed now.
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Log Text: Perfectly visible from the road, but heavily overgrown.

Camp del Bisbe

Date Added: 19th Aug 2014
Site Type: Cave or Rock Shelter Country: Spain (Balearic Isles (Mallorca / Majorca))
Visited: Yes on 3rd Jun 2014. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

Camp del Bisbe

Camp del Bisbe submitted by SolarMegalith on 19th Aug 2014. Camp del Bisbe - view from the NE (photo taken on June 2014).
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Camp Hill (Alnwick)

Date Added: 26th Feb 2013
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 26th Feb 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 4

Camp Hill (Alnwick)

Camp Hill (Alnwick) submitted by SolarMegalith on 26th Feb 2013. This column is located in the middle of the Iron Age hillfort, it commemorates Horatio Nelson's victory at the battle of Trafalgar (photo taken on February 2013).
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