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Alzoledda Dolmen

Date Added: 1st Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 8th Sep 2009. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5

Alzoledda Dolmen

Alzoledda Dolmen submitted by SolarMegalith on 19th Sep 2009. Site in Sardinia (Sardegna) Italy: However the dolmen is located between the playground and the houses, it has it's own atmoshpere. Like other dolmens in Luras, it's a monument of the neolithic Ozieri culture. (photo taken on September 2009)
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Am Baghan Galldair

Date Added: 31st Jul 2015
Site Type: Stone Fort or Dun Country: Scotland (Highlands)
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 5 Access 3

Am Baghan Galldair

Am Baghan Galldair submitted by SolarMegalith on 31st Jul 2015. Outline of the wall and view towards the coast (photo taken on June 2015).
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Amerside Law 1

Date Added: 26th Mar 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 17th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 3

Amerside Law 1

Amerside Law 1 submitted by SolarMegalith on 26th Mar 2013. Well-preserved motif under the artificial lighting (photo taken on March 2013).
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Amerside Law 3a

Date Added: 27th Mar 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 17th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 2

Amerside Law 3a

Amerside Law 3a submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Mar 2013. Rectangle, a square inscribed in it and several well-defined cup-marks (photo taken on March 2013).
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Amerside Law 3b

Date Added: 27th Mar 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 17th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 2

Amerside Law 3b

Amerside Law 3b submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Mar 2013. Irregular-shaped enclosing groove and cup-marks within it (photo taken on March 2013).
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Log Text: Yet another panel threatened by the acidic needles...

Amerside Law 4

Date Added: 22nd Jun 2014
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 23rd May 2014. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Amerside Law 4

Amerside Law 4 submitted by SolarMegalith on 22nd Jun 2014. Cup with faint single ring on Amerside Law 4 panel (photo taken on May 2014).
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Amerside Law Standing Stone

Date Added: 30th May 2013
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Northumberland)
Visited: Yes on 17th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Amerside Law Standing Stone

Amerside Law Standing Stone submitted by SolarMegalith on 30th May 2013. Amerside Law standing stone - view from the west (photo taken on March 2013).
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Amesbury 38 Bowl Barrow

Date Added: 27th Nov 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 25th Nov 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Amesbury 38 Bowl Barrow

Amesbury 38 Bowl Barrow submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Nov 2011. Amesbury 38 bowl barrow - view from the NW (photo taken on November 2011).
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Amesbury 39 Bowl Barrow

Date Added: 27th Nov 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 25th Nov 2011. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 4

Amesbury 39 Bowl Barrow

Amesbury 39 Bowl Barrow submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Nov 2011. Amesbury 39 seen from the west - you can see that the mound is partly cut by the road (photo taken on November 2011).
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An Dun 2 (Lismore)

Date Added: 6th Nov 2023
Site Type: Stone Fort or Dun Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Feb 2023. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

An Dun 2 (Lismore)

An Dun 2 (Lismore) submitted by SolarMegalith on 6th Nov 2023. An Dun - a general view of the dun (photo taken on February 2023).
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An Dun Broch

Date Added: 5th Nov 2023
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Feb 2023. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 5 Access 4

An Dun Broch

An Dun Broch submitted by SolarMegalith on 5th Nov 2023. An Dun broch - stretch of the outer wall-face (photo taken on February 2023).
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Date Added: 4th Jul 2018
Site Type: Ancient Temple Country: Greece (Crete)
Visited: Yes on 24th Apr 2018. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4


Anemospilia submitted by SolarMegalith on 4th Jul 2018. Central and western room of the sanctuary seen from the north (photo taken on April 2018).
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Angios Corruda Nuraghe

Date Added: 14th Dec 2014
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2014. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Angios Corruda Nuraghe

Angios Corruda Nuraghe submitted by SolarMegalith on 14th Dec 2014. The main tower of Nuraghe Angios Corruda - view from the east (photo taken on October 2014).
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Anstiebury Camp

Date Added: 2nd Dec 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Surrey)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Dec 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Anstiebury Camp

Anstiebury Camp submitted by SolarMegalith on 2nd Dec 2011. Inner rampart and perfectly distinguishable ditch in northern part of Anstiebury Camp (photo taken on December 2011).
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Anta da Laje dos Frades

Date Added: 12th Jul 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Portugal (Portalegre)
Visited: Would like to visit

Anta da Laje dos Frades

Anta da Laje dos Frades submitted by Magalhaes on 15th May 2006. Anta da Laje dos Frades
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Anta do Pombal

Date Added: 24th Feb 2013
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Portugal (Portalegre)
Visited: Would like to visit

Anta do Pombal

Anta do Pombal submitted by Magalhaes on 15th May 2006. Site in Alentejo Anta do Pombal
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Anta dos Coureleiros 1

Date Added: 20th Apr 2012
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Portugal (Portalegre)
Visited: Would like to visit

Anta dos Coureleiros 1

Anta dos Coureleiros 1 submitted by Magalhaes on 15th May 2006. Site in Alentejo Anta dos Coureleiros 1
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Antalya Museum

Date Added: 13th Jul 2012
Site Type: Museum Country: Turkey
Visited: Yes on 2nd Jul 2012. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

Antalya Museum

Antalya Museum submitted by AlexHunger on 30th Sep 2007. Museum with artifacts from nearby Aspendos, Perge and Side as well as many more ranging from Paleolithic to the Roman era.
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Antigori Nuraghe

Date Added: 22nd Oct 2019
Site Type: Broch or Nuraghe Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 17th Apr 2016. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Antigori Nuraghe

Antigori Nuraghe submitted by francescomanconi on 20th May 2012. The Northern tower. A close view.
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Antonitzo Domus de Janas

Date Added: 17th Oct 2018
Site Type: Rock Cut Tomb Country: Italy (Sardinia (Sardegna))
Visited: Yes on 8th Sep 2018. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 3

Antonitzo Domus de Janas

Antonitzo Domus de Janas submitted by SolarMegalith on 17th Oct 2018. Domus de janas Antonitzo - entrance to the tomb (photo taken on September 2018).
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