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Kemerton Camp

Date Added: 27th Nov 2018
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Worcestershire)
Visited: Would like to visit

Kemerton Camp

Kemerton Camp submitted by Adam Stanford on 16th Nov 2006. Kemerton Camp the main hillfort on top of Bredon Hill, Worcestershire. There is another Iron Age enclosure on the sourthern slope called Conderton Camp and another possible at Elmley Castle. Kemerton Camp is a promontory fort with a steep escarpment dropping away on the north side of the Hill, it has two sets of ramparts and ditches to the south. The inner ramparts possibly date to 300BC. The stone tower is Parsons' Follyand was built in the 18th century on top of the inner rampart and in...
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Fairy Well (Harmby)

Date Added: 15th Jun 2012
Site Type: Holy Well or Sacred Spring Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Would like to visit

Fairy Well (Harmby)

Fairy Well (Harmby) submitted by Sunny100 on 7th Jun 2010. Fairy Well or Sacred Spring at Harmby, N.Yorks. SE.12448969.
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Round Hill (Ingleby Barwick)

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Artificial Mound Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 14th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4

Round Hill (Ingleby Barwick)

Round Hill (Ingleby Barwick) submitted by SolarMegalith on 14th Oct 2012. Round Hill mound near Ingleby Barwick - view from the north (photo taken on October 2012).
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Betty Watson's Hill

Date Added: 21st Oct 2012
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 20th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Betty Watson's Hill

Betty Watson's Hill submitted by durhamnature on 28th Jul 2012. Betty Watson's Hill, tumulus viewed from north.
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Howe Hill (Piercebridge)

Date Added: 21st Oct 2012
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 20th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Howe Hill (Piercebridge)

Howe Hill (Piercebridge) submitted by durhamnature on 28th Jul 2012. Howe Hill tumulus, close up.
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Log Text: Intervisible with Betty Watson's Hill.

Thimbleby Moor 1

Date Added: 13th Mar 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 11th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Thimbleby Moor 1

Thimbleby Moor 1 submitted by SolarMegalith on 13th Mar 2013. Close-up of the cup-mark (photo taken on March 2013).
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Thimbleby Moor 2

Date Added: 13th Mar 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 11th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Thimbleby Moor 2

Thimbleby Moor 2 submitted by SolarMegalith on 13th Mar 2013. Cup-marks on the sloping surface of the rock (photo taken on March 2013).
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Thimbleby Moor 3

Date Added: 13th Mar 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 11th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Thimbleby Moor 3

Thimbleby Moor 3 submitted by SolarMegalith on 13th Mar 2013. Four cup-marks at the NW corner of the stone (photo taken on March 2013).
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Thimbleby Moor 4

Date Added: 13th Mar 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 11th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Thimbleby Moor 4

Thimbleby Moor 4 submitted by SolarMegalith on 13th Mar 2013. Snow emphasizing the cup with double ring (photo taken on March 2013).
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Thimbleby Nine Stones

Date Added: 15th Mar 2013
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 11th Mar 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Thimbleby Nine Stones

Thimbleby Nine Stones submitted by SolarMegalith on 15th Mar 2013. Northern pair of standing stones - view from the south (photo taken on March 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 5a

Date Added: 25th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 5a

Feldom Ranges 5a submitted by SolarMegalith on 25th Jun 2013. Cup with three rings and a groove on Feldom Ranges 5a panel (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 6a

Date Added: 25th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 6a

Feldom Ranges 6a submitted by SolarMegalith on 25th Jun 2013. Cup-mark on Feldom Ranges 6a boulder (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 6c

Date Added: 26th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 6c

Feldom Ranges 6c submitted by SolarMegalith on 26th Jun 2013. Cup-and-ring mark on Feldom Ranges 6c/Gayles Moor C7 in the artificial lighting (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 8a

Date Added: 26th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 8a

Feldom Ranges 8a submitted by SolarMegalith on 26th Jun 2013. Both key-hole motifs on Feldom Ranges 8a/Gayles Moor C11 (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 12a

Date Added: 27th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 12a

Feldom Ranges 12a submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Jun 2013. Decorated surface of the boulder in the artificial lighing (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 13d

Date Added: 27th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 13d

Feldom Ranges 13d submitted by SolarMegalith on 27th Jun 2013. Cup with single ring and a groove (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 14a

Date Added: 28th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 14a

Feldom Ranges 14a submitted by SolarMegalith on 28th Jun 2013. Fantastic rosette pattern on the southern sloping surface of Feldom Ranges 14a panel (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 15c

Date Added: 28th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 15c

Feldom Ranges 15c submitted by SolarMegalith on 28th Jun 2013. Cup with arcs on Feldom Ranges 15c panel (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 15d

Date Added: 28th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Feldom Ranges 15d

Feldom Ranges 15d submitted by SolarMegalith on 28th Jun 2013. General view of Feldom Ranges 15d/Gayles Moor D4 panel (photo taken on June 2013).
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Feldom Ranges 15e

Date Added: 28th Jun 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: England (Yorkshire (North))
Visited: Yes on 17th Jun 2013. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

submitted by on .
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