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Skovsgård Sten med skålgruber
Trip No.100 Entry No.89 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Rock Art
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Couldn't find on 22nd Jul 2015

Skovsgård Sten med skålgruber submitted by praeceptor on 11th Dec 2010. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: Unable to find it, one of the signposts was broken down...
Konabbe Skov Skibssætning
Trip No.100 Entry No.88 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Standing Stones
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 1 Access 2

Konabbe Skov Skibssætning submitted by praeceptor on 11th Dec 2010. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: This site was a disappointment in July 2015. I was overgrown and as the stones are very low, you really could not see anything. If the information panel had not been there, I might have overlooked it.
Lindeskov Hestehave Stenkiste
Trip No.100 Entry No.87 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Cist
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Lindeskov Hestehave Stenkiste submitted by praeceptor on 9th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: To be honest, more impressed by the tree closeby than by the monument itself. But not a bad place.
The dolmen was excavated by archaeologists. It contained grave goods from a burial of the early Neolithic period, approximately 3500 BC. In the mound above the chamber there were cremation graves from the latest bronze age.
Lindeskov Hestehave Runddysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.86 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Lindeskov Hestehave Runddysse submitted by praeceptor on 9th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: A bit overgrown, but the grass was in the process of being cut, so should have come a few hours later.
Lindeskov Hestehave Langdysse 2
Trip No.100 Entry No.85 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Lindeskov Hestehave Langdysse 2 submitted by praeceptor on 10th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark.
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Log Text: A bit overgrown, but the grass was being cut and the time of visit.
Lindeskov Hestehave Langdysse 1
Trip No.100 Entry No.84 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Lindeskov Hestehave Langdysse 1 submitted by praeceptor on 10th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: From the Lindeskov Langdysse follow signs to the Hestehave Forest. Easy to find.
Lindeskov Dyssekammer
Trip No.100 Entry No.83 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 4

Lindeskov Dyssekammer submitted by praeceptor on 9th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: As it is on a private road, you can only spot it from far. Can easily be seen while walking from Lindeskov Langdysse to Hestehave.
Lindeskov Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.82 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

Lindeskov Langdysse submitted by praeceptor on 10th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: Now, this is what you really call a long barrow. What a giant! Signposted from road 323 from Orbaek to Ringe. Lots of parking space.
It is 168 metres long. One burial chamber is visible, the capstone is missing. The dolmen was constructed as a burial place for the leaders of society in the early neolithic, 3500-3100 BC.
Stenbjerggård Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.81 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 5

Stenbjerggård Langdysse submitted by praeceptor on 10th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: Now, this is a real megalithic treat. There are 5 chambers on this monument. Four are more or less in line, the eastern one is located to the north of that line.
Easy to find on road 323 from Orbaek to Ringe. You can park your car on the side of the road.
Magelund Voldsted
Trip No.100 Entry No.80 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Misc. Earthwork
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Magelund Voldsted submitted by praeceptor on 10th Apr 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark.
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Log Text: Signposted from road 323 Orbaek - Ringe. Small parking place available. Impressive ruins, although far from prehistoric. The footpath giving a good view over the Voldsted (not the access path) was completely destroyed by woodmen.
Ladbyskibet Kongegrav
Trip No.100 Entry No.79 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Museum
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 5

Ladbyskibet kongegrav submitted by Boeddel on 13th Apr 2016. Ladbyskibet kongegrav
Photo by Bøddel / July 2013
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Log Text: Lovely place! They were building a modern reconstruction of a Viking ship at the time of our visit. Be sure to visit the mound itself, you have to leave the museum through a not too obvious backdoor...
Martofte Estershøj Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.78 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 19th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Martofte Estershøj Jættestue submitted by holger_rix on 3rd Aug 2011. Jættestue (Passage Grave) near Odense
Round Barrow with enclosed Passage Grave on a hilltop near the baltic coastline.
The tomb was excavated in 1880.
They found remains of 10 skeletons, especially the heads, probably everyone in the
chamber in a sitting position.
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Log Text: On road 315 from Kerteminde to Fyns Hoved turn right in Martofte into the Søvej. After 300 meter the road bends to the right. On the left side you will find a destroyed information board and a unpaved road. No real parking place. Walk a hundred meters, then turn right at a still existing sign. After 200 meters the site is on your left, across the fields.
Not easy to reach in the summer through the fields, a bit overgrown. You would expect that this Jaettestue and Marhøj one would be intervisible, but buildings and trees seem to be in the way.
Snave Runddysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.77 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Couldn't find on 19th Jul 2015

Snave Runddysse submitted by holger_rix on 2nd Aug 2011. Megalitgrav (Burial Chamber) in Odense
A free-standing dolmen formed by 3 carrying stones and 1 capstone.
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Log Text: Seems difficult to reach from Snave. Unclear how to proceed.
Mårhøj Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.76 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 19th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 4

Mårhøj Jættestue submitted by holger_rix on 2nd Aug 2011. One of the finest examples of the well preserved danish passage graves.
The biggest tomb of the island Fyn.
The beautiful passage grave Mårhøj lies on a natural hill and
therefore looks extra impressive. The 10 m long and about 2 m wide tomb
was excavated in 1868 by the local farm owner Sun.
He found some human bones and an amber bead as the only
remains of Neolithic burials.
In the corridor stood an urn with burnt bones, but it must have been
from the Late Bronze Age or per...
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Log Text: Easy to find, signposted from road 315 Kerteminde to Fyns Hoved. Visible from that road too. Good parking places available. Marvellous site, well worth a detour. After leaving the 315 be sure to look also at the right side. You can clearly see the Esterhøj Jaettestue there (but not from the parking place). Weird how high the entrance is.
Dalby Rævehøj Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.75 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Dalby Rævehøj Jættestue submitted by praeceptor on 2nd Jul 2011.
Site in Holbæk Denmark
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Log Text: From road 277 in Kirke Helsinge follow Dalby. In Dalby don't turn left to Mullerup Strand, but immediately after that park at the left side before a farm. After a short walk you will see two tombs. The front one (Vagthøj) does not have an entrance, the back one does. Beautiful view from the top, you can see other barrows nearby.
Dalby Vagthøj
Trip No.100 Entry No.74 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Dalby Vagthøj submitted by praeceptor on 2nd Jul 2011. Site in Holbæk Denmark
In front Dalby Vagthøj, in the background Dalby Rævehøj
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Log Text: See Dalby Rævehøj Jættestue for directions
Dalby Sandhøj
Trip No.100 Entry No.73 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 18th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3
Dalby Sandhøj submitted by XIII on 12th Jul 2015. Photo of Dalby Sandhøj
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Log Text: Seen from the Dalby Rævehøj Jættestue
Ruds Vedby Conradineslyst Langdysse 2
Trip No.100 Entry No.72 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 18th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5

Ruds Vedby Conradineslyst Langdysse 2 submitted by praeceptor on 2nd Jul 2011. Site in Holbæk Denmark
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Log Text: On road 219 from Sorø to Kalundborg in Ruds Vedby. On the right side of the road, just after the Moltkesvej. No parking, but you might stop for a while before the entrance of Conradinelyst.
Stenagergård Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.71 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 17th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 4
Stenagergård Langdysse submitted by combuijs on 14th Sep 2015. West end of the long barrow (seen from the south)
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Log Text: Better known as the Kellerøddysse and as such signposted. On road 157 Sorø to Skælskør turn left just after Lynge-Eskilstrup on the Brunemosevej. Signposted from there. There is a parking place, a short walk through the fields will lead you to the monument.
It is the largest long barrow of Sealand. Now it is covered by trees, but this was not the case in prehistoric times. There is one burial chamber visible at the end of the barrow, there might have been more.
Brunemose Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.70 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 17th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 4
Brunemose Langdysse submitted by combuijs on 14th Sep 2015. It is overgrown, but you still can see some stones
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Log Text: Site on private ground, but accessible using a bypass just outside the farm. On road 157 Sorø to Skælskør turn left just after the village of Lynge-Eskilstrup on the Brunemosevej. Pass the Kellerøddysse sign. From there it is the fourth farm on your right. Just after the official entrance there is a small path which leads you to the mound in a private garden. Beware of vicious horses, luckily separated from you by a wire fence.
I think the drawing placed here by Fortidsminder is the Kellerøddysse, not this one.