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Råbymagle Dyssen
Trip No.100 Entry No.20 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 9th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3

Råbymagle Dyssen submitted by maddy on 27th Aug 2008. Site in Denmark
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Log Text: From Stege follow road 287 to Møns Klimt. Turn right in the direction of Rabylille Strand, but don't continue to the Strand, just go straight on. The monument is just before Rabymagle on your left (north) side. No parking place available, no easy access to be seen.
Busemarke Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.21 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 9th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Busemarke Langdysse submitted by DrewParsons on 20th Dec 2009. The impressive stones at the north western end of the site
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Log Text: From Stege follow road 287 to Møns Klimt. Turn right in the direction of Rabylille Strand, but don't continue to the Strand, just go straight on. The monument is about one kilometer after Rabymagle on your left (north) side. Parking place is a bit cramped. You need to walk around 250 meters along a footpath.
Sømarke Stendysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.22 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 9th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Sømarke Stendysse submitted by Martin_L on 6th Jan 2009. Sømarksdyssen, Soemarksdyssen
Magleby sogn SB 73 (Mønbo herred, Præstø amt)
Octagonal chamber with one large capstone. There are cupmarks on the capstone. Passage of 2 pairs of orthostats covered by one large capstone. Slightly restored in 1939.
Picture showing chamber on the left, passage on the right.
Photo by courtesy of my brother. September 2008
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Log Text: From Stege take road 287 to Møns Klimt. In Magleby turn left to Sømarke and then turn right at the first road, this is the Stendyssevej. Drive for a few 100 meters and you will find the monument on your right, directly on the road on a high hill. No parking place, but the road is very quiet. In 2015 the info panel stated that the construction is unstable now and in danger. This will be solved in ... 2013/2014... Nope...
Æbelnæs Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.23 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 10th Jul 2015. My rating: Ambience 2

Æbelnæs Jættestue submitted by DrewParsons on 21st Dec 2009. Approaching the mound across the field from the road
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Log Text: From road 287 Bogø island to Stege go right into the Sparresmindevej after the village of Damholte. You will find the site on your left (north) from the road. No parking place available, but it is a quiet road. In summer 2015 there was no obvious way to the grave. It is locally known as Sparresmindestue.
Grønsalen Grønjægers Høj
Trip No.100 Entry No.24 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

Grønsalen Grønjægers Høj submitted by Aska on 9th Jan 2008. Grønsalen long barrow on the Møn island.
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Log Text: Well signposted, ample parking place, and while you are at it, visit the Fanefjord church as well.
Very impressive site.
Røddinge Klekkende Høj Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.25 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 4

Røddinge Klekkende Høj Jættestue submitted by Martin_L on 3rd Sep 2009. July 2008. Close-up of the two passage entrances.
By courtesy of my brother Mark.
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Log Text: Well signposted, ample parking space. Remarkable double passage grave, you can only enter one though. Another surprising feature is a terrace surrounding the mound.
Sprove Kong Asgers Høj
Trip No.100 Entry No.26 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

Sprove Kong Asgers Høj submitted by maddy on 27th Aug 2008. Site in Denmark:
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Log Text: Very well signposted. Ample parking space. One of the best passage graves in Denmark and that's telling something.
Sprove Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.27 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Sprove Jættestue submitted by maddy on 27th Aug 2008. Site in Denmark:
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Log Text: From the parking place of Kong Asgers Høj walk back to the road. The Jættestue is just on the other side.
Neble Jordehøj Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.28 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 10th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 4

Neble Jordehøj Jættestue submitted by DrewParsons on 20th Dec 2009. The entrance
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Log Text: On road 59 from Vordingborg to Stege go right onto the Pejdervej to the village of Neble. The monument is after 100 meters to your left (east side). No parking place, but it is a quiet road.
A relatively unknown passage grave on Møn, really worth a visit.
A new info panel tells that this passage grave had a special limestone shell to keep out water. From experience I can tell this is no longer working...
Knudsby Langdysse 2
Trip No.100 Entry No.29 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5
Knudsby Langdysse 2 submitted by combuijs on 22nd Dec 2015. Overview of the site (more or less)
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Log Text: From Vordingborg follow directions to Oreby. Turn left there and immediately on your left you will find this Langdysse (south side).
Knudsby Langdysse 1
Trip No.100 Entry No.30 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Knudsby Langdysse 1 submitted by Fortidsminder on 27th Nov 2010. Site in Præstø (incl. Møn) Denmark
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Log Text: From Vordingborg follow directions to Oreby. There go left to Knudsskov. The monument is on your right hand (north side) on a high place along the road.
Knudshoved Jættestue 1
Trip No.100 Entry No.31 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5
Knudshoved Jættestue 1 submitted by combuijs on 22nd Dec 2015. Right end of the chamber
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Log Text: Knudsskov itself is not signposted. From Vordingborg take road to Oreby and from there go west. At the entrance of the wood there is a large private parking place (pay in a box before entering the place). This monument is on the near end of the parking place. It has been fully restored. On my visit the mound was paved with turfs of grass. I don't know if this was an experiment or true to original. There is a beautiful tree just behind it. Really worth a visit.
Knudshoved Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.32 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Knudshoved Langdysse submitted by Flickr on 7th Oct 2015. Vacation 2012 Site in Præstø (incl. Møn) Denmark
Image copyright: Maltesen, hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.
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Log Text: Knudsskov itself is not signposted. From Vordingborg take road to Oreby and from there go west. At the entrance of the wood there is a large private parking place (pay in a box before entering the place). This monument is on the far end of the parking place.
Knudsskov Runddysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.33 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 3
Knudsskov Runddysse submitted by combuijs on 22nd Dec 2015. Not sure this is the right monument, but it looked like a runddysse to me, and it was on about the right place. There are a lot of stones in the wood and there are surely more monuments to be found if you start looking for it. To get there, take the footpath from Knudsskov parking place and walk for a quarter of an hour. The site is in a dip on your right hand (north side).
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Log Text: Not sure this is the right monument, but it looked like a runddysse to me, and it was on about the right place. There are a lot of stones in the wood and there are surely more monuments to be found if you start looking for it. To get there, take the footpath from Knudsskov parking place and walk for a quarter of an hour. The site is in a dip on your right hand (north side).
Remkolde Jættestue 2
Trip No.100 Entry No.34 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 3

Remkolde Jættestue 2 submitted by Fortidsminder on 27th Nov 2010. Site in Præstø (incl. Møn) Denmark
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Log Text: On road 22 Vordingborg to Næstved on the east side just before the road to Remkolde
Hothers Høj
Trip No.100 Entry No.35 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 5
Hothers Høj submitted by praeceptor on 15th Aug 2011. Site in Præstø (incl. Møn) Denmark
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Log Text: On road 209 from Faxe to Køge in the village of Hårlev near the church on the west (left) side of the road. Parking places available.
Gammel Lejre Skibssætning
Trip No.100 Entry No.36 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Gammel Lejre Skibssætning submitted by Armand on 18th Jan 2011. Site in
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Log Text: The shipsetting itself is ruinous, but the full landscape is really fascinating here. A walk to the Ravnshøj on the other side of the brook will reveal this (see pictures). You really wonder if the strangely shaped Hestebjerg was the place where it all started.
From Roskilde take road 14 to Ringsted and immediately turn right in the direction of Ledreborg. After about 6 kms turn right in the direction of Gammel Lejre and Lejre Forsøgscenter. Park at the center and enjoy your walk.
Øm Jættestue 1
Trip No.100 Entry No.37 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 4

Øm Jættestue 1 submitted by Armand on 18th Jan 2011. Site in København Denmark
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Log Text: Øm sweet Øm (free after Kraftwerk). Very well preserved passage grave. From road 14 Roskilde to Ringsted turn right in the direction of Øm. The monument is signposted from there. It has a large parking place. At the parking place you will find a leftover from an archeological experiment that investigated how the the capstones could have been placed. On the left side there is a footpath that brings you to the passage grave.
From the info panel:
One autumn day in 1932, the sons from Øm Abbey Farm were sent into the field to dig potatoes. In their lunch break, they sat themselves down to enjoy their packed lunch on the raised mound by the field overlooking Ledreborg's forest. Quite by chance they discovered a hole in the top of the mound. They dropped a stone into the hole and there was a hollow CLONG - there was a tomb in the mound! On their next day off they looked for the entrance of the tomb and they entered the tomb chamber by removing the inner capstone over the chamber passage. Their efforts did not bring them any great riches however. They "only" found flint tools, a clay vessel as well as bone and amber beads, which lay among piles of bones from generations of people buried in the Neolithic period.
In the Neolithic period the 6.8 meter long, narrow chamber in Øm passage grave was completely covered over. From the outside only a small access opening a the foot of the mound was visisble.
The finds of bronze objects in the chamber and in urns buried on the outer side of the mound show that Øm passage grave was reused as a burial place right up to the Bronze Age around 700 BC - i.e. around 2400 years after the grave was constructed by Neolithic farmers.
Lejre Hyldehøj
Trip No.100 Entry No.38 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Lejre Hyldehøj submitted by maddy on 8th Oct 2011. July 2011
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Log Text: It is a short walk from the Gammel Lejre ship setting. Very nice landscape here, dotted with barrows and stones.
Gravhøj ved Højby
Trip No.100 Entry No.39 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5
Gravhøj ved Højby submitted by combuijs on 28th Sep 2015. Overview
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Log Text: From Lejre take road to Højby, aptly called Højbyvej. At fork in the road follow directions to Rorup (you guessed it, Rorupvej). Turn right on the first road and park there. The monument is on your right.