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Hamlets Grav Langdysse

Trip No.100  Entry No.60  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 15th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Hamlets Grav Langdysse

Hamlets Grav Langdysse submitted by hughmdk on 15th Sep 2014. Site in Holbæk Denmark
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Log Text: This monument is not easy to find as it is not signposted, but it is really worth a quest. On the road from Nykøbing to Egebjerg, pass through Egebjerg in the direction of Frenderup. Go right in the direction of Ostrup. Follow the road into a left sharp bend, then turn right into the Birketvej. After 100m you will find a parking place, park here. Follow the road on foot into the wood past a crossing. About 300 meters after the crossing there is a green path to your right into the wood (if you leave the wood then you have gone too far). Take this path, after 100m the monument is on your left side.

If you can't find it, ask your way around. Local people were extremely helpful here.

Harreskov Hørgen

Trip No.100  Entry No.44  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 2 Access 4

Harreskov Hørgen

Harreskov Hørgen submitted by praeceptor on 11th Mar 2011. Site in København Denmark
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Log Text: Intriguing site, but there is not really something to see here. My wife still has fits of laughter when she remembers looking for the site. It's basically a small heap of small stones and it is a bit of a mystery how they know it is Neolithic. But if it is, then it is something I have never seen before.

Difficult to find in the suburbs of Copenhagen. From N6 take road 211 to Stenløse and continue on this road to Ballerup. There turn left to Værløse. In Værløse turn right before the railway and follow directions to Hareskovby. You will enter a wood. At the end of it you will find a parking place on your left. Park there and take a leaflet. Follow a path parallel to the road in the direction you came from. After 300 meter you will see the info panel and then you realise you are looking at a monument.

Herslev Annemosehøj Jættestue

Trip No.100  Entry No.94  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 4

Herslev Annemosehøj Jættestue

Herslev Annemosehøj Jættestue submitted by DrewParsons on 21st Dec 2009. The passage with the chamber's capstones in view
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Log Text: On road 305 from Rudkøbing to Lindelse about 500 meters after the road to Herslev, on the right side. No parking place and it is rightout dangerous to park here. There is a parking place just after the Herslev road on the right side.

It is marked by a small post (so it was repaired after DrewParsons visit), you have to cross the field to get to the monument itself.

In July 2015 this site was overgrown. It was possible to enter the chamber, but at the cost of a t-shirt ripped in pieces by resisting vegetation. The site was not really worth a t-shirt...

Herslev Dyssekammer

Trip No.100  Entry No.93  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Herslev Dyssekammer

Herslev Dyssekammer submitted by DrewParsons on 21st Dec 2009. The site set in the field just 20 metres from the lane
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Log Text: This site was accessible in July 2015, even when crops were growing. There is a heritage sign. No parking place at hand, but indeed 100 meters south on the 305 road there is one.

Not a spectacular site, but somehow I liked its simplicity and its location.

Herslev Kumlehøj Dysser

Trip No.100  Entry No.95  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Herslev Kumlehøj Dysser

Herslev Kumlehøj Dysser submitted by praeceptor on 23rd Oct 2010. Herslev Kumlehøj Dysser in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: On the 305 road Rudkøbing - Lindelse after about 6 km at your left. if you see the road to Herslev you have just overshot by 500 meters. As the Danish generally are very friendly you can no doubt park at the garden center nearby. In July 2015 there was no obvious path to the dolmens.

Hesselbjerg Langdysse

Trip No.100  Entry No.92  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 5

Hesselbjerg Langdysse

Hesselbjerg Langdysse submitted by DrewParsons on 22nd Dec 2009. The prominent kerb stones on the southern side of the long barrow
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Log Text: This site was a great disappointment in July 2015. It was fully overgrown and badly maintained. The view over Nørreballe Nor is terrific, the site itself needs a make-over.

Hothers Høj

Trip No.100  Entry No.35  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 5

Hothers Høj

Hothers Høj submitted by praeceptor on 15th Aug 2011. Site in Præstø (incl. Møn) Denmark
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Log Text: On road 209 from Faxe to Køge in the village of Hårlev near the church on the west (left) side of the road. Parking places available.

Hulbjerg Jættestue

Trip No.100  Entry No.96  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

Hulbjerg Jættestue

Hulbjerg Jættestue submitted by DrewParsons on 23rd Dec 2009. The elegant barrow...
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Log Text: Superb site, one of the best in Langeland. The approach as described by Drew Parsons is lovely as the entrance can be seen from afar.

Inside there are some lintels at the left side, probably to support the structure. I guess they are modern?

Højby Toftebjerg Langdysse

Trip No.100  Entry No.57  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 15th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4

Højby Toftebjerg Langdysse

Højby Toftebjerg Langdysse submitted by hughmdk on 3rd Oct 2014. Site in Holbæk Denmark
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Log Text: From Højby take the road to Stenstrup. Just outside Højby take the small road called Toftebjergvej. You will see a row of trees at the top of the hill, the monument is there. No real parking place but the road is very quiet.

Karskov Langdysse

Trip No.100  Entry No.99  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Karskov Langdysse

Karskov Langdysse submitted by praeceptor on 22nd Oct 2010. Karskov Langdysse in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: On road 305 travel 7 km north of Tranekær. Turn right (very sharp bend) in Tressebølle and then left. At the edge of the wood there is a heritage sign. It's a short walk from here. No parking place, but it is a quiet road.

In July 2015 the site was somewhat overgrown, but still enjoyable. There are a plenty of stones to be seen.

Kinderballe Jættestue 1

Trip No.100  Entry No.97  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Saw from a distance on 23rd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Kinderballe Jættestue 1

Kinderballe Jættestue 1 submitted by DrewParsons on 23rd Dec 2009. View towards the passage..
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Log Text: No parking place and no obvious path to be found

Knudsby Langdysse 1

Trip No.100  Entry No.30  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Knudsby Langdysse 1

Knudsby Langdysse 1 submitted by Fortidsminder on 27th Nov 2010. Site in Præstø (incl. Møn) Denmark
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Log Text: From Vordingborg follow directions to Oreby. There go left to Knudsskov. The monument is on your right hand (north side) on a high place along the road.

Knudsby Langdysse 2

Trip No.100  Entry No.29  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5

Knudsby Langdysse 2

Knudsby Langdysse 2 submitted by combuijs on 22nd Dec 2015. Overview of the site (more or less)
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Log Text: From Vordingborg follow directions to Oreby. Turn left there and immediately on your left you will find this Langdysse (south side).

Knudshoved Jættestue 1

Trip No.100  Entry No.31  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

Knudshoved Jættestue 1

Knudshoved Jættestue 1 submitted by combuijs on 22nd Dec 2015. Right end of the chamber
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Log Text: Knudsskov itself is not signposted. From Vordingborg take road to Oreby and from there go west. At the entrance of the wood there is a large private parking place (pay in a box before entering the place). This monument is on the near end of the parking place. It has been fully restored. On my visit the mound was paved with turfs of grass. I don't know if this was an experiment or true to original. There is a beautiful tree just behind it. Really worth a visit.

Knudshoved Langdysse

Trip No.100  Entry No.32  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Knudshoved Langdysse

Knudshoved Langdysse submitted by Flickr on 7th Oct 2015. Vacation 2012 Site in Præstø (incl. Møn) Denmark Image copyright: Maltesen, hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.
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Log Text: Knudsskov itself is not signposted. From Vordingborg take road to Oreby and from there go west. At the entrance of the wood there is a large private parking place (pay in a box before entering the place). This monument is on the far end of the parking place.

Knudsskov Runddysse

Trip No.100  Entry No.33  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 3

Knudsskov Runddysse

Knudsskov Runddysse submitted by combuijs on 22nd Dec 2015. Not sure this is the right monument, but it looked like a runddysse to me, and it was on about the right place. There are a lot of stones in the wood and there are surely more monuments to be found if you start looking for it. To get there, take the footpath from Knudsskov parking place and walk for a quarter of an hour. The site is in a dip on your right hand (north side).
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Log Text: Not sure this is the right monument, but it looked like a runddysse to me, and it was on about the right place. There are a lot of stones in the wood and there are surely more monuments to be found if you start looking for it. To get there, take the footpath from Knudsskov parking place and walk for a quarter of an hour. The site is in a dip on your right hand (north side).

Knudstrupgård Langdysse

Trip No.100  Entry No.61  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Sjælland)
Visited: Yes on 17th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 5

Knudstrupgård Langdysse

Knudstrupgård Langdysse submitted by combuijs on 14th Sep 2015. The info panel is as worn out as the site itself
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Log Text: Known as Gulager in Julian Cope's Megalithic European. On road 239 Sorø to Næstved turn left after around 3 km. It is signposted there as a ringdysse. You will find it after 800 meter on the right side opposite a farm.

In july 2015 this site was disappointing as it was almost fully overgrown. Still, it was easy to see this was a long barrow, not a round barrow.

Konabbe Skov Skibssætning

Trip No.100  Entry No.88  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 1 Access 2

Konabbe Skov Skibssætning

Konabbe Skov Skibssætning submitted by praeceptor on 11th Dec 2010. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: This site was a disappointment in July 2015. I was overgrown and as the stones are very low, you really could not see anything. If the information panel had not been there, I might have overlooked it.

Kong Humbles Grav

Trip No.100  Entry No.90  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 4

Kong Humbles Grav

Kong Humbles Grav submitted by DrewParsons on 21st Dec 2009. Side view of the site with the burial chamber in the background
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Log Text: This site could be easily reached in July 2015. On road 305 from Lindelse to Humble there is a large signposted parking place now in the village of Kædeby. From there it is a short walk of around 200 meters to the place. You get a lovely overview before actually arriving.

The path mentioned by DrewParsons does not exist anymore (and is not necessary now).

This is really a great site, one of the best on Langeland. Well preserved and with lovely views over the landscape. You can see very clearly the relationship with church mound of Humble.

Kong Svends Høj Jættestue

Trip No.100  Entry No.4  Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: Denmark (Møn + Lolland-Falster)
Visited: Yes on 6th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

Kong Svends Høj Jættestue

Kong Svends Høj Jættestue submitted by RunaStera on 4th Sep 2006. The 5200 years old passage grave "Kong Svends Høj" near Horslunde is 24m long and 15m wide. It is on of the largest in Denmark. Location: 54° 54.706N, 11° 21.137E Next Village: Horslunde Next Town: Nakskov
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Log Text: On road 289 from Birket to Horslunde follow signposts to Kong Svends Høj. Parking is available but the site is busy. Brilliantly restored long barrow, really worth a visit. The surrounding landscape might not have been changed too much from the prehistoric past.

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