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Valby Hegn Langdysse 4
Trip No.100 Entry No.51 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 3

Valby Hegn Langdysse 4 submitted by praeceptor on 17th Mar 2011. Site in Frederiksborg Denmark
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Log Text: Welcome to megalithic wonderland! Make a nice tour through the woods and visit 7 long barrows!
From Helsinge take road 223 to Valby. Turn right in the direction of Helsinge camping. Just after the camping there is large parking place on your left. We have cycled from there to the monuments, but a walk is certainly feasible, it's about 2,5 km (one way...). Pick up a leaflet at the parking place (in our case they were out of stock though).
Either continue from Langdysse 6 on the left fork or follow the right fork past Longdysses 5 and 7 and turn left at split in the road. The first one is faster, the second one takes you along other long barrows.
Valby Hegn Langdysse 7
Trip No.100 Entry No.49 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 1 Access 3

Valby Hegn Langdysse 7 submitted by praeceptor on 17th Mar 2011. Site in Frederiksborg Denmark
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Log Text: Welcome to megalithic wonderland! Make a nice tour through the woods and visit 7 long barrows!
From Helsinge take road 223 to Valby. Turn right in the direction of Helsinge camping. Just after the camping there is large parking place on your left. We have cycled from there to the monuments, but a walk is certainly feasible, it's about 2,5 km (one way...). Pick up a leaflet at the parking place (in our case they were out of stock though).
Continue from Langdysse 6 on the right fork of the road. Turn left at split and then it is on your left side just before the road splits again. You won't miss anything if you miss it though...
Valby Hegn Langdysse 5
Trip No.100 Entry No.50 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 3

Valby Hegn Langdysse 5 submitted by praeceptor on 17th Mar 2011. Site in Frederiksborg Denmark
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Log Text: Welcome to megalithic wonderland! Make a nice tour through the woods and visit 7 long barrows!
From Helsinge take road 223 to Valby. Turn right in the direction of Helsinge camping. Just after the camping there is large parking place on your left. We have cycled from there to the monuments, but a walk is certainly feasible, it's about 2,5 km (one way...). Pick up a leaflet at the parking place (in our case they were out of stock though).
Continue from Langdysse 6 on the right fork of the road. It is on your left side after about 200 m.
Valby Hegn Langdysse 6
Trip No.100 Entry No.48 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 3

Valby Hegn Langdysse 6 submitted by praeceptor on 17th Mar 2011. Site in Frederiksborg Denmark
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Log Text: Welcome to megalithic wonderland! Make a nice tour through the woods and visit 7 long barrows!
From Helsinge take road 223 to Valby. Turn right in the direction of Helsinge camping. Just after the camping there is large parking place on your left. We have cycled from there to the monuments, but a walk is certainly feasible, it's about 2,5 km (one way...). Pick up a leaflet at the parking place (in our case they were out of stock though).
From the parking place turn left onto the forest road. Walk for over a kilometer until the road forks. The monument is now on your right.
Gribskov Megalitgrav
Trip No.100 Entry No.47 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Couldn't find on 14th Jul 2015

Gribskov Megalitgrav submitted by praeceptor on 24th Apr 2011.
Site in Frederiksborg Denmark
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Log Text: Should be findable from Gribskov parking place but no such luck...
Gribskov Jættestue
Trip No.100 Entry No.46 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 5

Gribskov Jættestue submitted by praeceptor on 24th Apr 2011.
Site in Frederiksborg Denmark
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Log Text: Better known as Mor Gribs Hule (Mother Grib's Cave). It is nicely restored but the capstone is missing.
From Hillerød take road 251 to Helsinge. After about 3 km there is a parking place on your left. The monument is on the other side of the road.
Kongedyssen Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.45 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3
Kongedyssen Langdysse submitted by praeceptor on 26th Mar 2011. Site in Frederiksborg Denmark
A magnificent Long Barrow to spot and visit.
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Log Text: On road 201 from Blovstrød to Hillerød turn right to Kirkelte. Turn first right again on unpaved road called Frederik 7 vej. There is a big parking place on your right. Walk along the unpaved road for about 600 meters then turn right over a small bridge. You will find the monument after 100 meters on your right.
Harreskov Hørgen
Trip No.100 Entry No.44 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 2 Access 4

Harreskov Hørgen submitted by praeceptor on 11th Mar 2011. Site in København Denmark
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Log Text: Intriguing site, but there is not really something to see here. My wife still has fits of laughter when she remembers looking for the site. It's basically a small heap of small stones and it is a bit of a mystery how they know it is Neolithic. But if it is, then it is something I have never seen before.
Difficult to find in the suburbs of Copenhagen. From N6 take road 211 to Stenløse and continue on this road to Ballerup. There turn left to Værløse. In Værløse turn right before the railway and follow directions to Hareskovby. You will enter a wood. At the end of it you will find a parking place on your left. Park there and take a leaflet. Follow a path parallel to the road in the direction you came from. After 300 meter you will see the info panel and then you realise you are looking at a monument.
Truelstrup Runddysse 1
Trip No.100 Entry No.43 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 1 Access 5

Truelstrup Runddysse 1 submitted by praeceptor on 21st May 2011. Site in København Denmark
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Log Text: When I visited in July 2015 this site was disappointing. It was completely overgrown. It is easy to find though. From Viby / Birkede take road to Hegnede. Upon entering the wood (Klosterskov) immediately turn right on unpaved road and park. The monument is on your right now. In my case only the capstone could be seen from the road.
Truelstrup Runddysse 2
Trip No.100 Entry No.42 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Couldn't find on 13th Jul 2015

Truelstrup Runddysse 2 submitted by praeceptor on 21st May 2011.
Site in København Denmark
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Log Text: Unable to find it in the woods, probably as overgrown as Truelstrup Runddysse 1.
Søster-Svenstrup Videdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.41 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Couldn't find on 13th Jul 2015

Søster-Svenstrup Videdysse submitted by praeceptor on 21st May 2011. Site in København Denmark
We now have reached the time of the year where the green is so hefty that it almost hides the otherwise large stones. When I arrived I disturbed the owner in his work with cutting down the green.
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Log Text: Had not realised it was in a private garden...
Birkede Langdysse 2
Trip No.100 Entry No.40 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Couldn't find on 13th Jul 2015
Birkede Langdysse 2 submitted by praeceptor on 15th Apr 2011. Site in København Denmark
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Log Text: Not easy to spot either. Not my day apparently...
Lejre Hyldehøj
Trip No.100 Entry No.38 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Lejre Hyldehøj submitted by maddy on 8th Oct 2011. July 2011
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Log Text: It is a short walk from the Gammel Lejre ship setting. Very nice landscape here, dotted with barrows and stones.
Gammel Lejre Skibssætning
Trip No.100 Entry No.36 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Gammel Lejre Skibssætning submitted by Armand on 18th Jan 2011. Site in
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Log Text: The shipsetting itself is ruinous, but the full landscape is really fascinating here. A walk to the Ravnshøj on the other side of the brook will reveal this (see pictures). You really wonder if the strangely shaped Hestebjerg was the place where it all started.
From Roskilde take road 14 to Ringsted and immediately turn right in the direction of Ledreborg. After about 6 kms turn right in the direction of Gammel Lejre and Lejre Forsøgscenter. Park at the center and enjoy your walk.
Øm Jættestue 1
Trip No.100 Entry No.37 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 4

Øm Jættestue 1 submitted by Armand on 18th Jan 2011. Site in København Denmark
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Log Text: Øm sweet Øm (free after Kraftwerk). Very well preserved passage grave. From road 14 Roskilde to Ringsted turn right in the direction of Øm. The monument is signposted from there. It has a large parking place. At the parking place you will find a leftover from an archeological experiment that investigated how the the capstones could have been placed. On the left side there is a footpath that brings you to the passage grave.
From the info panel:
One autumn day in 1932, the sons from Øm Abbey Farm were sent into the field to dig potatoes. In their lunch break, they sat themselves down to enjoy their packed lunch on the raised mound by the field overlooking Ledreborg's forest. Quite by chance they discovered a hole in the top of the mound. They dropped a stone into the hole and there was a hollow CLONG - there was a tomb in the mound! On their next day off they looked for the entrance of the tomb and they entered the tomb chamber by removing the inner capstone over the chamber passage. Their efforts did not bring them any great riches however. They "only" found flint tools, a clay vessel as well as bone and amber beads, which lay among piles of bones from generations of people buried in the Neolithic period.
In the Neolithic period the 6.8 meter long, narrow chamber in Øm passage grave was completely covered over. From the outside only a small access opening a the foot of the mound was visisble.
The finds of bronze objects in the chamber and in urns buried on the outer side of the mound show that Øm passage grave was reused as a burial place right up to the Bronze Age around 700 BC - i.e. around 2400 years after the grave was constructed by Neolithic farmers.
Gravhøj ved Højby
Trip No.100 Entry No.39 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: Denmark (Hovedstaden)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 3 Access 5
Gravhøj ved Højby submitted by combuijs on 28th Sep 2015. Overview
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Log Text: From Lejre take road to Højby, aptly called Højbyvej. At fork in the road follow directions to Rorup (you guessed it, Rorupvej). Turn right on the first road and park there. The monument is on your right.
Stensby Megalitgrav
Trip No.100 Entry No.109 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Couldn't find on 25th Jul 2015

Stensby Megalitgrav submitted by holger_rix on 5th Aug 2011. Megalitgrav (Burial Chamber) near Odense (Fyn)
Rectangular burial chamber, oriented ESE-WNW.
Chamber is approx. 2.5 m x 1.5 m and clearance under the capstones are up to 1.0 m.
Outside stone chamber measuring approx. 3.5 x 3.5 m.
The tomb is covered with a heavy capstone closing the entire chamber.
At capstone seen at least 18 cupmarks.
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Log Text: None
Trip No.100 Entry No.108 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Carving
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 25th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 5

Glavendrup submitted by holger_rix on 5th Aug 2011. Glavendrup Runesten + Skibssætning
Juli 2011
Site near Odense (Fyn North) Denmark
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Log Text: Easy to find, signposted from Søndersø on the 311: Odense - Bogense. Lots of parking space.
In July 2015 there were some new explanation boards on the site:
The site at Glavendruplunden contains monuments from the Bronze age, Viking age and 1900s.
Two barrows, Flinthøj and Rævehøj, were constructed in the Early Bronze age, more than 3000 years ago. The most famous monuments at Glavendruplunden, however, are the stone ship and the great runic stone from the Viking age.
Today, all the heritage assets on the site have been designated as scheduled monuments, but just 200 years ago they were on the point of being lost to quarrying. Not until 1892, the entire site was scheduled, to preserve it for future generations.
By the 1900s, interest in prehistoric monuments was flourishing, and local residents formed the "Friend of the Glavendrup Stone" society, which planted the greenery around the ancient monuments. The society raised monuments for the Danish constitution in 1915, for the reunification with Southern Jutland in 1920 and the liberation from Germany in 1945.
The two barrows date from the Bronze age (1700-500 BC) and were used for burials for several centuries. Rævehøj was excavated in 1958 by Fyns Stiftmuseum. The excavations revealed that the barrow was originally 14 m in diameter and edged with kerbstones. The barrow held four burial chambers. In one of the burial chambers, a bronze wrist hanger was found together with charred bones. The other graves were from the late Bronze age. After the excavation, the southern end of the barrow was reconstructed.
In the case of Flinthøj, only a small part has been excavated. This revealed traces beneath the barrow of ploughing using an ard. This tells us that the land was under cultivation before the barrow was built. Like the stone ship, the barrows were disturbed by quarrying in the 1700-1800s.
The most famous site at Glavendruplunden is the stone ship form the early 900s, and the large Viking Age monolith, which bears Denmark's longest inscription on a rune stone. On discovering these great stones, locals quarrying for gravel nearly demolished them for use in buildings, stone walls and bridges.
All four monuments are positioned on one line. Its direction is somewhere between E-W and ENE-WSW.
Snave Skov Ringelshøj Langdysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.106 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 24th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 4
Snave Skov Ringelshøj Langdysse submitted by praeceptor on 29th Jan 2011. Site in Svendborg (Fyn South Langeland) Denmark
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Log Text: From road 305 to the north of Langeland turn left about 2km north of Tullebølle in Frellesvig. Turn first left again and drive into the wood. Monument is on the left (south) side of the road marked by a heritage sign. There is no place to park, but the road is very quiet.
In July 2015 this site was a bit overgrown and did not impress.
Pæregård Skov Runddysse
Trip No.100 Entry No.107 Date Added: 25th Jun 2016
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: Denmark (Fyn, Langeland and Islands)
Visited: Yes on 24th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 2 Access 5

Pæregård Skov Runddysse submitted by maddy on 14th Sep 2008. Site in Funen (Fyn):
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Log Text: From road 305 to the north of Langeland turn left about 2km north of Tullebølle in Frellesvig. Turn first left again, then turn first right and drive into the wood. Monument is on the right (north) side of the road, just after a bend. There is no place to park, but the road is very quiet.
Agree with maddy, worth a look while you are near.