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Rowanfield Cottage

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 3

Rowanfield Cottage

Rowanfield Cottage submitted by caradoc68 on 30th Apr 2012. Very atmospheric stone, standing in a clearing of trees. Really enjoyed my visit to this stone and sure you will too. Not far from Rowanfield Kist.
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Log Text: Great walk. Stone is covered almost decorated with lichen. In the gap between two woods nice and peaceful a fantastic stone.

Rowanfield Cist

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Cist Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 3

Rowanfield Cist

Rowanfield Cist submitted by caradoc68 on 30th Apr 2012. This is Rowanfield kist not to be confused with Rowanfield cottage standing stone even though they are close. This kist is very atmospheric underneath it tree cover and a joy to see. Canmore site page.
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Log Text: Unlike me but I found this a little spooky. In the woods the light changes under the pine trees. There is a large natural rock outcrop to the southern end of the woods, lots of new animal bones on floor. There are numerous rocks all through which have been drawn up by the tree roots, there also appears to be other areas which have been dug out. Cist is to the northern end of the woods. Still well worth visiting.

Poltalloch House Rock Art

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 3

Poltalloch House Rock Art

Poltalloch House Rock Art submitted by rockartuk on 3rd Nov 2002. Poltalloch, Strathclyde. Scotland Grid Ref: NR 8126 9637. Located 3.5 km SW of Kilmartin, 200m SW of ruined Poltalloch House on private land. Detail of a cup-and-ring motif with gapped rings.
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Log Text: Hidden under autumn leave fall, most of rock covered in moss but some rings still visible

Ballymeanoch Stone Row

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Stone Row / Alignment Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Ballymeanoch Stone Row

Ballymeanoch Stone Row submitted by jeffrep on 15th Mar 2008. The Four-Stone Row at Ballymeanoch in Kilmartin Glen
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Log Text: Fantastic setting central to Kilmartin Glen

Baluachraig Rock Art

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 4

Baluachraig Rock Art

Baluachraig Rock Art submitted by caradoc68 on 18th Mar 2012. Kilmartin does it again !!!!!!!!!!
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Log Text: Great end to a circular walk through Kilmartin. Fantastic place to sit and look across the whole area. Magical.

Dunchraigaig Cairn

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Cairn Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Dunchraigaig Cairn

Dunchraigaig Cairn submitted by andy_h on 6th Mar 2003. Dunchraigaig Cairn, Kilmartin Valley, Argyll.
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Log Text: Car park on opposite side of road, good access. Great site.

Ri Cruin

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Cairn Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Ri Cruin

Ri Cruin submitted by caradoc68 on 23rd Feb 2012. This lovely cairn dates from the Bronze Age and is pretty new when it comes to the Kilmartin landscape. Hidden away in some trees just of the beaten track with its two kist's, this Cairn has a lot to offer with its large Kist's and its rock art of axeheads and possibly a caving of a boat in one of these kists !!.
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Log Text: Tucked away in a little grove a nice little site.

Kilmichael Glassary 1

Date Added: 14th Oct 2012
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 13th Oct 2012. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 4

Kilmichael Glassary 1

Kilmichael Glassary 1 submitted by hamish on 31st Jul 2005. What a great sight this is on the edge of a housing estate. For all the modernity around it is still enthralling to be here so much to see. Try counting them.
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Log Text: Nice stone slab fenced off. Deep cup marks with encompassing rings .

Nether Largie Stone Row

Date Added: 23rd Jan 2013
Site Type: Stone Row / Alignment Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 11th Jul 2012

Nether Largie Stone Row

Nether Largie Stone Row submitted by custer on 11th Jul 2012. Stone alignment facing towards Dunadd
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Log Text: None

Ri Cruin

Date Added: 23rd Jan 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 14th Oct 2012

Ri Cruin

Ri Cruin submitted by custer on 14th Oct 2012. Great little wooded grove with cairn in centre.
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Log Text: None

Ballymeanoch Dun

Date Added: 23rd Jan 2013
Site Type: Stone Fort or Dun Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 14th Oct 2012

Ballymeanoch Stone Row

Ballymeanoch Stone Row submitted by custer on 14th Oct 2012. A touch soggy but great stones in a fantastic setting
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Log Text: None

Ballymeanoch Rock Art

Date Added: 23rd Jan 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 14th Oct 2012

Ballymeanoch Stone Row

Ballymeanoch Stone Row submitted by custer on 14th Oct 2012. A touch soggy but great stones in a fantastic setting
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Log Text: None


Date Added: 9th Sep 2013
Site Type: Rock Art Country: Scotland (Argyll)
Visited: Yes on 8th Sep 2013. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 2 Access 3


Shemore submitted by hamish on 28th May 2005. The Shemore stone. The cup and ring marks show up once you have cleared a bit of moss.
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Log Text: Park at bottom of hill in layby, Short walk up the hill cross the road at top of runnaway lane and stone is just over the fence. Signpost just behing the stone can be seen from the road when braken has died down..

Devils Den

Trip No.1  Date Added: 27th Jan 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 16th Jan 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3

Devils Den

Devils Den submitted by custer on 24th Jan 2011. Windy day in January, Great place for a break before exploring Fyfield Down.
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Log Text: Short walk from the car park. Ideal point to further explore Fyfield Down and the fields of Sarsens. Nicely fenced off area, allowing access up to the stones. Great place.

Fyfield Down

Date Added: 27th Jan 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 16th Jan 2011. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 4 Access 3

Fyfield Down

Fyfield Down submitted by custer on 24th Jan 2011. Scatterings of sarsen stones all over the valley floor. Nice walk gentle slopes peaceful and still below the ridge out of the wind.
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Log Text: Fantastic to see fields of sarsens scattered around a lovely gentle sloped valley. Amazing that it still remains like this. A great walk, lovely setting.


Date Added: 17th May 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Oct 2010. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 5


Avebury submitted by h_fenton on 4th Aug 2009. Avebury, Oblique Kite Aerial Photograph 12 July 2009
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Log Text: Always a great place to visit. Notice something different each time. Some of the stones are enormous .The earth ditch is awe inspiring. Must be a fantastic sight from the air.
Returned on 15th May 2011. Great day out.

Old Sarum

Date Added: 27th Jan 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 13th Nov 2010. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 5

Old Sarum

Old Sarum submitted by JimChampion on 26th Jan 2005. January 2005. Eastern side of Old Sarum hillfort, viewed from the earthworks at Figsbury Rings, 5km to the east.
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Log Text: Photos dont do it justice. So difficult to capture the height. Again must be a great sight from all the small airplanes taking of from nearby runway.

Barbury Castle

Date Added: 26th Apr 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 1st Jan 0000. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

Barbury Castle

Barbury Castle submitted by h_fenton on 24th May 2010. Barbury Castle (hillfort), an Aerial Photograph taken from the east. May 2010
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Log Text: Aerial photo on website is great, The scale of the two concentric ditches is awesome. Some 11 acres enclosed within the walls.

Barbury Castle Barrows

Date Added: 30th Jan 2011
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 30th Jan 2011. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 3 Access 4

Barbury Castle Barrows

Barbury Castle Barrows submitted by custer on 30th Jan 2011. On left hand side of the path leading up to the Barbury castle hill fort can be seen a disc shape in the grass. A low mound is also just below this.
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Log Text: Barrows are barely visible on the western slopes of Barbury castle.


Date Added: 1st May 2011
Site Type: Misc. Earthwork Country: England (Wiltshire)
Visited: Yes on 1st May 2011. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 3


Wansdyke submitted by Thorgrim on 9th Jun 2005. Section of the Wansdyke where it crosses the road between Fyfield and Alton Priors. Wansdyke stretches for 45 miles from Bristol to Marlborough and can be walked for much of the way. As it is still quite high, it is free from 4x4 off road vandalism and can be a much pleasanter walk than the unfortunate and much abused Ridgeway.
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Log Text: Can be seen going off into the distance running E-W. In some places ditch is steep in others the ditch is smotherd in the undergrowth

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