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Uragh North
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010

Uragh North submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. The low stone in the centre foreground is the original axial stone and the Western portal stone is visible in the middle of the group
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010

Dromagorteen submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. Complete with helpful information boards and sizeable boulder burial in the centre.
A fulacht fiadh stand 12m to the NE and a well preserved rath (ring fort) about 200m to the West
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Drombohilly Wedge Tomb
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Wedge Tomb
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010

Drombohilly Wedge Tomb submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. From this lofty position the occupant of this tomb would have had panoramic views of the Kenmare River and Macgillycuddy's Reaks.
There are many other less obvious burials in the immediate area and the site overlooks the field systems at Lehid
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Mar 2010

Lissyviggeen submitted by frogcottage42 on 2nd Mar 2010. Sitting in a circular banked enclosure topped with trees, this seven stone boulder circle is around 6m across.
The entrance way is guarded by two huge standing stones around 20m to the South.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stones
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Mar 2010

Lissyviggeen submitted by frogcottage42 on 2nd Mar 2010. Sitting in a circular banked enclosure topped with trees, this seven stone boulder circle is around 6m across.
The entrance way is guarded by two huge standing stones around 20m to the South.
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Park Standing Stone
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Mar 2010

Park Standing Stone submitted by frogcottage42 on 2nd Mar 2010. Looking SW the shallow bowl of the Rath can be seen and the snow capped Carauntuohill and Reeks in the distance.
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Ormonds Island
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stones
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Mar 2010

Ormonds Island submitted by frogcottage42 on 3rd Mar 2010. This unusual shaped stone still stands despite the cultivation ridges which run right around it.
Looking North West towards the reeks.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Mar 2010

Tuosist submitted by frogcottage42 on 3rd Mar 2010. This circle is in the garden of a house and has been extensively modified in the past
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Mar 2010

Doughill submitted by frogcottage42 on 3rd Mar 2010. This low small hill is the actual site of this destroyed stone circle.
This circle had been previously described as " a circle of sixteen stones, none over four feet high but some of them four feet broad"
Sketches showed a typical Cork/kerry style circle probably consisting of seventeen orthostats enclosing an area of about 9m dia.
((ONuallain) 1984a, 27 No.42)
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 3rd Mar 2010

Killowen submitted by frogcottage42 on 3rd Mar 2010. This sad, broken specimen is laying on the slope just below the original site of this circle.
Known to have been destroyed there may be other remnants in the hedge line above.
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Kealagowlane Stone circle
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2010

Kealagowlane Stone circle submitted by frogcottage42 on 4th Mar 2010. This is an 11 or 13 stone circle of which 10 are visible.
The two taller stones still standing are the portals, two others and the axial are also upright. the remaining stones are present but fallen.
This view from the North shows the commanding position looking over Bantry Bay.
The fence line is one edge of the former Glengarrif to Castletown-Bere mediaeval road.
This trackway has elements that suggest it was in use at the time of the circles construction and has remained in one form or...
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Kealagowlane Standing stone
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stones
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2010

Kealagowlane Standing stone submitted by frogcottage42 on 4th Mar 2010. From the West this almost 4m high stone stands 1.3m deep in a field wall
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2010

Lackaroe submitted by frogcottage42 on 4th Mar 2010. Overlooking the Sheen river valley this circle is a very complete example of the Cork/Kerry multiple type.
Only the stones to the side of the axial have fallen and it is unusual to see the central boulder burial surrounded by smaller stones
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Mill Little
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2010

Mill Little submitted by frogcottage42 on 4th Mar 2010. Sitting in a neatly cropped meadow this group consisting of a row, a circle and three or more burials is unusually visible
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Mill Little
Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Row / Alignment
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2010

Mill Little submitted by frogcottage42 on 4th Mar 2010. Sitting in a neatly cropped meadow this group consisting of a row, a circle and three or more burials is unusually visible
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2010

Dromkeal submitted by frogcottage42 on 4th Mar 2010. Looking from the South West over the axial at the portals.
This circle is impossible to photograph in it's entirety due to being completely enveloped in forestry.
Almost all the stones are here of which six are upright
There is a large boulder burial well off centre to the West
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 4th Mar 2010

Derrynafinchin submitted by frogcottage42 on 4th Mar 2010. This is actually a very complete circle, it is so close to the road that two stones have been uprooted and dropped into the circle to allow traffic to pass!
A fence bisects the site and the other stones are hidden in the gorse.
There is parking nearby
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 7th Mar 2010

Coulagh submitted by frogcottage42 on 7th Mar 2010. Shown from the east the fallen stones do look like they were original parts of the monument.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 7th Mar 2010

Travaud submitted by frogcottage42 on 7th Mar 2010. On a level site overlooking Coulagh Bay.
A magnificent view on a windy, bright March day
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Row / Alignment
Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Cork)
Visited: Yes on 7th Mar 2010

Barees submitted by frogcottage42 on 7th Mar 2010. Looking over the fallen stone.
This site is actually quite accessible being at the end of a farm track off the R571
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