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Dromatouk circle

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 19th Feb 2010

Dromatouk circle

Dromatouk circle submitted by frogcottage42 on 19th Feb 2010. Seen from the South West in winter the hawthorns have this place to themselves
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Dromatouk stones

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 20th Feb 2010

Dromatouk stones

Dromatouk stones submitted by frogcottage42 on 20th Feb 2010. Viewed from the ENE the centre stone is 2.45m tall and 1.6m wide and has an Ogham inscription on it's SE corner.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 21st Feb 2010


Lehid submitted by frogcottage42 on 21st Feb 2010. On the North facing slope of Knockatee mountain and next to a road which follows an ancient trackway.
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Cashelkeelty W

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 21st Feb 2010

Cashelkeelty W

Cashelkeelty W submitted by frogcottage42 on 21st Feb 2010. Three remaining stones of a 11 or 13 stones. The centre stone was re-erected after a dig in1977. Nothing but the sockets an debris remain of the other stones.
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Cashelkeelty Stone Row

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Row / Alignment Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 21st Feb 2010

Cashelkeelty Stone Row

Cashelkeelty Stone Row submitted by frogcottage42 on 21st Feb 2010. This is the stone row at Cashelkeelty East. T. A fourth socket was revealed by excavation to the east (right of pic) The mediaeval road is between the stones and the trees. The stones visible to the right are the circle. All around this site are relict field boundaries and unusual stone features which easily justify the walk up the hill.
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Cashelkeelty E

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 21st Feb 2010

Cashelkeelty E

Cashelkeelty E submitted by frogcottage42 on 21st Feb 2010. THIS is the East circle at Cashelkeelty. The small flat stone at the centre covered a cremation burial(which yeilded a date of 970 - 715 BCE) The socket for the other entrance stone is present under the gorse at near right. Behind is the relict West Circle alongside the mediaeval road. The stone row is just out of sight 1m to the left of this shot.
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Cashelkeelty Standing Stones

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 21st Feb 2010

Cashelkeelty Standing Stones

Cashelkeelty Standing Stones submitted by frogcottage42 on 21st Feb 2010. This stone is 1.1m tall and .93m wide aligned NE-SW it is usually surrounded by rubbish due to it's position in a car park!
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Gurteen Standing Stone

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 21st Feb 2010

Gurteen Standing Stone

Gurteen Standing Stone submitted by frogcottage42 on 21st Feb 2010. From the North West the true scale of this is not obvious but that is more reason to visit it !
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Drombohilly Stone Circle

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 21st Feb 2010

Drombohilly Stone Circle

Drombohilly Stone Circle submitted by frogcottage42 on 21st Feb 2010. At the centre of this circle where one would often find a boulder burial there is this stone with a fine prehistoric spiral carving and of course lots of modern "offerings". Alongside is a white quartz stone about 18" across. Even though they could be recent additions the carving at least looks contemporary.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Feb 2010


Glanmore submitted by frogcottage42 on 22nd Feb 2010. This stone is well over 3m in length and when standing on it's basal mound would have stood 4m tall. The base is to the right and the large slabs are beneath the tree
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Feb 2010


Clogherane submitted by frogcottage42 on 22nd Feb 2010. This view uses the horizon to hide the modern bungalow which is barely 30m behind these striking stones. The taller one is 2.6m high and from this angle looking west obscures the Shronebirrane valley which contains a circle and numerous prehistoric sites.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Feb 2010


Reenkilla submitted by frogcottage42 on 22nd Feb 2010. This is the NW and tallest stone of this unusual group. Measuring 2.4m high and about .75m at it's widest. The smaller SE and SW stones can be seen to either side. This monument can only be reached by wading at low tide and is at serious risk of being damaged by falling trees which almost totally obscure it from view.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Wedge Tomb Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 24th Feb 2010


Derrylough submitted by frogcottage42 on 24th Feb 2010. Generations of cattle grazing have collapsed most of these burials but the larger slabs still rest near their original position If you were to walk 3km in the direction of this view you would arrive at Uragh East
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Cairn Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 25th Feb 2010


Inchimore submitted by frogcottage42 on 25th Feb 2010. On a North facing slope this cairn with two small uprights is about 60m from an abandoned 19th Century farmhouse.
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Wedge Tomb Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010


Maulagowna submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. Looking uphill this is unusually intact.
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Uragh North

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010

Uragh North

Uragh North submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. The low stone in the centre foreground is the original axial stone and the Western portal stone is visible in the middle of the group
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010


Dromagorteen submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. Complete with helpful information boards and sizeable boulder burial in the centre. A fulacht fiadh stand 12m to the NE and a well preserved rath (ring fort) about 200m to the West
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The Cave of the Scribing

Date Added: 26th Oct 2010
Site Type: Cave or Rock Shelter Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 1

The Cave of the Scribing

The Cave of the Scribing submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. These are deeply incised. There are very few natural stones in the area hard enough to create these marks and the angle is more like the blade of an axe.
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Log Text: Take a guide! not for the unfit or unadventurous

Drombohilly Wedge Tomb

Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Wedge Tomb Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 1st Mar 2010

Drombohilly Wedge Tomb

Drombohilly Wedge Tomb submitted by frogcottage42 on 1st Mar 2010. From this lofty position the occupant of this tomb would have had panoramic views of the Kenmare River and Macgillycuddy's Reaks. There are many other less obvious burials in the immediate area and the site overlooks the field systems at Lehid
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Date Added: 18th Sep 2010
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Kerry)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Mar 2010


Lissyviggeen submitted by frogcottage42 on 2nd Mar 2010. Sitting in a circular banked enclosure topped with trees, this seven stone boulder circle is around 6m across. The entrance way is guarded by two huge standing stones around 20m to the South.
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