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Fertility menhir
Date Added: 26th Aug 2015
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 21st Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5

Fertility menhir submitted by mfrincu on 26th Aug 2015. Neolithic deity inside the Histria museum.
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Log Text: None
Date Added: 26th Aug 2015
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 21st Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Histria submitted by mfrincu on 23rd Aug 2015. Ancient Roman columns some of them intact.
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Log Text: None
Date Added: 26th Aug 2015
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 23rd Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 5

Callatis submitted by mfrincu on 26th Aug 2015. Callatis Roman era ruins.
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Log Text: None
Date Added: 21st Aug 2015
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement
Country: Romania
Visited: Saw from a distance on 20th Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4

Capidava submitted by mfrincu on 21st Aug 2015. Panoramic view of Capidava.
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Log Text: The site is being reconditioned and cannot be visited. Estimated completion time is end of 2015.
Adamclisi Museum of Antiquities
Date Added: 21st Aug 2015
Site Type: Museum
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 21st Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

Adamclisi Museum of Antiquities submitted by mfrincu on 21st Aug 2015. Original vs. replica of the Tropaeum Traiani. The exact replica can be seen a few km from the village.
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Log Text: Modern museum focusing on the Tropaeum Traiani monument.
Cernica Neolithic Tombs
Date Added: 21st Aug 2015
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 20th Aug 2015. My rating: Condition -1 Ambience 3 Access 4

Cernica neolithic tombs submitted by mfrincu on 20th Aug 2015. Modern cross marking the place of the 350+ neolithic tombs discovered at Cernica.
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Log Text: The place is on the shores of the Cernica lake. I found it by following a 1km dirt road. Park the car at the last house and follow the dirt road heading towards the lake. Turn left where it splits and keep looking for the cross on the right. Even if you miss it you are in the right place as the burial place covered the entire area.
Crangu Artifical Mounds
Date Added: 21st Aug 2015
Site Type: Artificial Mound
Country: Romania
Visited: Saw from a distance on 19th Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 3 Access 2

Crangu artifical mounds submitted by mfrincu on 20th Aug 2015. Mound near Crangu, Romania.
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Log Text: I have seen these mounds while driving along the road. The entire place is flat so my guess it that they have to be artificial.
Date Added: 21st Aug 2015
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 19th Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 2 Ambience 4 Access 4

Sucidava submitted by mfrincu on 20th Aug 2015. Remains of the public thermae at Sucidava.
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Log Text: The site is currently reconditioned with a new visitor center and paved trails. Estimated time of completion is late 2016. However it is still open to visitors.
Tabula Traiana
Date Added: 18th Aug 2015
Site Type: Carving
Country: Serbia
Visited: Yes on 17th Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 5

Tabula Traiana submitted by mfrincu on 18th Aug 2015. Tabula Traiana on the shores of Danube as seen from the boat.
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Log Text: A short 10 minute boat trip from the Romanian side took me to this ancient monument.
The face of Dacian King Decebalus
Date Added: 18th Aug 2015
Site Type: Sculptured Stone
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 17th Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 5 Ambience 5 Access 5

The face of Dacian King Decebalus submitted by mfrincu on 18th Aug 2015. Statue of Dacian King Decebalus, defeated by Roman emperor Trajan in 105 A.D.
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Log Text: I took a boat trip to this statue. Amazing masonry and splendid views!
Chindiei 2 Cave
Date Added: 18th Aug 2015
Site Type: Rock Art
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 15th Aug 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 5 Access 3

Chindiei 2 Cave submitted by mfrincu on 18th Aug 2015. Rock art in Romania near the Danube river. Chindiei 2 Cave.
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Log Text: Not easy to find. Follow instructions on the site or ask a local about it. You will need good boots and long pants and sleeves to protect you from the bushes.
Cornesti-Iarcuri Bronze Age Fortification
Date Added: 9th Aug 2015
Site Type: Misc. Earthwork
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 31st Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 1 Ambience 4 Access 4
Log Text: I have visited this place while filming an episode for my show on the first astronomers. On site it is hard to see the site given its size. From within the inner circle the closest earthworks are visible as earth waves near the horizon. The discoverer of the alignment explained me in detail where he took the readings and shot the solstice risings.
Parta Neolithic Sanctuary
Date Added: 9th Aug 2015
Site Type: Ancient Temple
Country: Romania
Visited: Yes on 31st Jul 2015. My rating: Condition -1 Ambience 3 Access 4

Parta Neolithic Sanctuary submitted by mfrincu on 9th Aug 2015. Panoramic view of the sanctuary as reconstructed in the Museum of Banat.
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Log Text: I have visited the reconstruction inside the museum while filming for an episode in my documentary on the first astronomers. The temple is awesome, way more impressive than the pictures. The statues are simply astonishing.
Qutab Minar Complex
Date Added: 22nd Jul 2015
Site Type: Ancient Temple
Country: India
Visited: Yes on 20th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5

Qutab Minar Complex submitted by DrewParsons on 14th Dec 2009. The Qutab Minar Tower photographed in November 2009
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Log Text: None
Date Added: 21st Jul 2015
Site Type: Ancient Temple
Country: India
Visited: Yes on 17th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 5 Access 4

Sravanabelagola submitted by mfrincu on 18th Jul 2015. The monolithic gateway, Akhanda Bagiluru.
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Log Text: The temple is located on a hill and requires a 15 minute climb - barefoot - on stone steps.
Date Added: 18th Jul 2015
Site Type: Ancient Temple
Country: India
Visited: Yes on 17th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5
Halebidu submitted by motist on 19th Nov 2006. Hoysaleshwara temples built from soapstone, in Hoysala dynasty capital Halebidu in Hassan, Karnataka
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Log Text: None
Kerareshwarah Temple
Date Added: 18th Jul 2015
Site Type: Ancient Temple
Country: India
Visited: Yes on 17th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5
Kerareshwarah Temple submitted by motist on 8th Aug 2010. Kerareshwarah Temple
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Log Text: None
Moralepara Dolmens
Date Added: 18th Jul 2015
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: India
Visited: Yes on 16th Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 3 Ambience 4 Access 4
Moralepara Dolmens submitted by Motist on 22nd Dec 2006. Megalithic burial ground at Mallachandiram, Krishnagiri district in Tamil Nadu.
+- 200 Dolmens of different sizes on the hill 500 Meters East of the village, in area measuring 800 x 800 Meters. There are rock drawings inside some of the dolmen. Cist burials with large ramp around them.
To get there: from Krishnagiri on NH 7 direction Bengalore ,19 Km -Sambahlpallam crossing, from there to the village 3 KM. Ask for Boopathi, he took me to the site.
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Log Text: The correct coordinates for the site are: 12° 38' 12.84" N and 78° 5' 55.93" E
The site is located on a hill and the dolmens are clearly visible while approaching from Samalpallam on the NH 7 highway (if you get to Samalpallam from Bangalore - as I did - turn left at the village). Park the car near the hill and hike one of the trails that head up. My choice was to take the one from the NW. It starts in the small village right before Beerapalli (village visible in Google Maps).
There are literary tens of dolmens and menhirs. There are so many megaliths that you can even spot them in Google Maps. Some have pictographs and I even spotted, possibly ancient, pottery in some. The view is spectacular allowing you to see the entire region. No wonder they picked this hill for their burial grounds.
NOTE: One thing I noticed while scouting for this place is that the village names listed in Google Maps do not always match the ones on the road. My directions use the names you can see on the road.
Hopewell Culture National Historic Site
Date Added: 5th Jul 2015
Site Type: Misc. Earthwork
Country: United States (Great Lakes Midwest)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 3 Access 5
Hopewell Culture National Historic Site submitted by bat400 on 27th May 2006. Hopewell Culture NHP, Mound City Group.
Inside the main enclosure, this is a view looking toward the west. The large mound farthest back is the "Central Mound," the largest of the group. Closer is an elliptical mound, and a smaller conical mound is closest.
* The "Central Mound" was erected over the remains of two timber buildings with 13 cremated burials. Artifacts found included falcon effigies cut from copper sheets and fragments of human skull that had been cut and drilled (perhaps ...
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Log Text: Rangers are very helpful and answer all questions. There is also a 20 minute film giving an overview of the culture.
Serpent Mound, Ohio
Date Added: 3rd Jul 2015
Site Type: Artificial Mound
Country: United States (Great Lakes Midwest)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Jul 2015. My rating: Condition 4 Ambience 4 Access 5

Serpent Mound, Ohio submitted by durhamnature on 26th Jan 2013. Old photo, from "Mound Builders..." via
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Log Text: Excellent preserved. The tall platform offers a great view of the mound except for the tail and part of the head. The alignments with the Sun and Moon are clearly marked. The museum offers a nice collection of books and souvenirs as well as a 20 minute movie.