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Kingston Russell Circle

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 12th Feb 2007

Kingston Russell Circle

Kingston Russell Circle submitted by paulcall on 12th Feb 2007. A panorama of 4 photos taken from the south in February 2007. The ditch around the circle can be clearly seen, and presumably is the result of recent farming.
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Nine Stones (Dorset)

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 12th Feb 2007

Nine Stones (Dorset)

Nine Stones (Dorset) submitted by paulcall on 12th Feb 2007. Photographing the whole of this circle probably needs a fish-eye lens. This is a panorama from 3 photos taken from the north. Although perhaps emphasised by the perspective there is a large gap between the huge stone on the left and the small stone on the right. Were there once other, missing, stones in this arc of the circle?
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Grey Mare Processional Way

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 17th Feb 2007

Grey Mare Processional Way

Grey Mare Processional Way submitted by paulcall on 17th Feb 2007. Stone by the side of the path on the lefthand side walking in the direction of Kingston Russell circle from Grey mare and her Colts. It is triangular, about 1' thick and tapers to a point from a base about 5' across. At SU582875 approximately.
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Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Cornwall)
Visited: Yes on 17th Feb 2007


Duloe submitted by paulcall on 17th Feb 2007. The 'rotundly anthropomorphic' southern stone at Duloe. An unwieldy description, but......
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Larkbarrow Corner Standing Stone

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Devon)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2007

Larkbarrow Corner Standing Stone

Larkbarrow Corner Standing Stone submitted by paulcall on 23rd Apr 2007. A rather mean-spirited farmer shouted 'Oy' at me, and would not let me get anywhere near this stone. This is as close as I got !
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Caratacus Stone

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Somerset)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2007

Caratacus Stone

Caratacus Stone submitted by paulcall on 23rd Apr 2007. The inscription is quite clear on this photo.
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Whit Stones

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stones Country: England (Somerset)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2007

Whit Stones

Whit Stones submitted by paulcall on 23rd Apr 2007. Whit Stones with Easter Daffodils. View from the south.
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Alderman's Barrow

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (Somerset)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2007

Alderman's Barrow

Alderman's Barrow submitted by paulcall on 23rd Apr 2007. Huge, and easy to find by the side of the road. Wish the same could be said for Madacombe Stone Row, just to the west.
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Dolmen de Peyre Nègre

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 27th Aug 2007

Dolmen de Peyre Nègre

Dolmen de Peyre Nègre submitted by paulcall on 27th Aug 2007. This is a tricky one to find! Although only 15metres from the road the dolmen itself is hidden within a clump of bushes with a small tree, and is best viewed from the side away from the road. This is what you will find - its very delapidated.
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Puy de Bon Temps Dolmen

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 27th Aug 2007

Puy de Bon Temps dolmen

Puy de Bon Temps dolmen submitted by paulcall on 27th Aug 2007. This dolmen is signposted from the D68, but the sign is only visible when travelling south down the road towards Ajat. I missed the sign, and approached the dolmen from the other end of the track and ended up walking about 1 Km instead of a few metres!
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Allée couverte de Blanc

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 27th Aug 2007

Allée couverte de Blanc

Allée couverte de Blanc submitted by paulcall on 27th Aug 2007. This is probably the best preserved megalithic monument in the south of Perigord, and is one of only 2 such monuments marked on the tourist maps. It is signposted from the D676 south of Beaumont-du-Perigord, and so is easy to find.
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Le Breil Dolmen

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 30th Aug 2007

Le Breil Dolmen

Le Breil Dolmen submitted by paulcall on 30th Aug 2007. A view of the dolmen from the south-west
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Maison du Loup dolmen 1

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 4th Sep 2007

Maison du Loup dolmen 1

Maison du Loup dolmen 1 submitted by paulcall on 4th Sep 2007. This is a tricky monument to find, even with ocdolmen's GPS co-ordinates, and its proximity to the east side of the D2 road north of Montpazier. It is found in a clearing just north of the turnoff to Borie-Neuve, but there is a lot of secondary growth and only the top of the largest stone can be seen from the road. This view shows the allee couverte from the west.
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Peyregude menhir

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 4th Sep 2007

Peyregude menhir

Peyregude menhir submitted by paulcall on 4th Sep 2007. Another view of the standing stone from the north side.
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Le Bourdil Dolmen

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 4th Sep 2007

Le Bourdil Dolmen

Le Bourdil Dolmen submitted by paulcall on 4th Sep 2007. It is hardly recognisable as a dolmen from this view.
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Point du Jour dolmen

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 10th Sep 2007

Point du Jour dolmen

Point du Jour dolmen submitted by paulcall on 10th Sep 2007. This is a view of the dolmen from the south, where there are a few tables for a picnic. The site is easy to find as it is one of only 2 megalithic monuments in the south of Perigord marked on the tourist maps, and is signposted from the D2 between Monpazier and Villereal. There is a collection box to help upkeep above the left hand end of the capstone.
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Kittern Hill

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 12th Oct 2007

Kittern Hill

Kittern Hill submitted by paulcall on 12th Oct 2007. This is a view of Kittern Hill on the north side of Gugh, from the neighbouring island of St Agnes. The cairns and entrance graves are situated along the ridge , and Obadiah's Barrow can just be seen as the grey stones below the horizon on the far right of the picture.
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Carn of Works

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Chambered Tomb Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 14th Oct 2007

Carn of Works

Carn of Works submitted by paulcall on 14th Oct 2007. I had a terrible job finding this, and only recognised it when I came across the L-shaped combination of stones illustrated in a plan of the site in Jeanette Ratcliffe's excellent book 'Scilly's Archeological Heritage.' The view towards the island of St Mary's is marvellous (but then so are most of the views on Scilly!).
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Clapper of Works

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 15th Oct 2007

Clapper of Works

Clapper of Works submitted by paulcall on 15th Oct 2007. This photo from the north-east shows three of the four capstones, and two of the stones forming the surrounding kerb.
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Chichen Itza

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Ancient Village or Settlement Country: Mexico (Yucatan)
Visited: Yes on 16th Oct 2007

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza submitted by paulcall on 16th Oct 2007. A view of the main pyramid at Chichen Itza through the scrub surrounding the site
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