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Wassu Stone Circles
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle
Country: Gambia
Visited: Yes on 14th Feb 2009

Wassu Stone Circles submitted by paulcall on 14th Feb 2009. I visited this site briefly during a birding trip to the Gambia. It is found just east of Wassu village, and is well signposted from the main road north of the river. This photo is of the most southerly of the eleven circles found here.
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Menhir des Droits de l'Homme
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 14th May 2009

Menhir des Droits de l'Homme submitted by paulcall on 14th May 2009. The reverse of the menhir, which faces the sea, has no inscription. Taken 5 May 2009, when the top third of the stone had gone missing.
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Chapelle Saint-Vio menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 14th May 2009

Chapelle Saint-Vio menhir submitted by paulcall on 14th May 2009. This small phallic iron age menhir is found approximately 20 metres north of the chapel from which it gets its name. There are several cup markings on the top of the stone which are just visible in the paler area as grey marks
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Dolmen de Lestriguiou
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 14th May 2009

Dolmen de Lestriguiou submitted by paulcall on 14th May 2009. This is the view of the northern end of the monument from within the copse, showing the two capstones in position.
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Pors Poulhan allée couverte
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 16th May 2009

Pors Poulhan allée couverte submitted by paulcall on 16th May 2009. A close up looking down the allée couverte
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Pennglaouic menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 16th May 2009

Pennglaouic menhir submitted by paulcall on 16th May 2009. This is first the view of the menhir as you approach from the west. It is about 3 metres tall and 1.73 metres deep from this view.
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Plage de Porz-Carn menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 18th May 2009

Plage de Porz-Carn menhir submitted by paulcall on 18th May 2009. This is the small menhir I found behind the Pors-Carn beach, GPS 47.82681 N 4.35320 W. It may be a much larger menhir than it appears, that has been buried under shifting sands over the years. It is now barely a metre tall. It is not marked on the IGN Bleu series map.
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Menhir de Kervedal
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 18th May 2009

Menhir de Kervedal submitted by paulcall on 18th May 2009. This would have been quite an impressive sight at the time it was vertical - sadly it is now 'sleeping'. It is 7 metres long and about 1.5 metres in diameter. GPS 47.82176 4.35833 W. It is lying rather forlornly at a road junction on the outskirts of St-Guénolé.
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Dolmen de Ménez-Liaven
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 20th May 2009

Dolmen de Ménez-Liaven submitted by paulcall on 20th May 2009. The edge of the capstone is attractively cracked. A view from the north.
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Menhir de Kerdalaë-Lesconil
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 20th May 2009

Menhir de Kerdalaë-Lesconil submitted by paulcall on 20th May 2009. This stone fell in 1929, after excavations in 1880. It is lying by a track 1 km west of Lesconil village, and measures 4m by 2.2 metres in size.
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Chapelle de Lannourec stèle
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 21st May 2009

Chapelle de Lannourec stèle submitted by paulcall on 21st May 2009. This 2 metre tall iron-age stele is found just south of the Chapelle St-Laurant, about 2 km east of the small village of Goulien. GPS 48.05969 N 4.56937 W.
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Kerbalanec Allée Couverte
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 21st May 2009

Kerbalanec allée couverte submitted by paulcall on 21st May 2009. This allee couverte is found about 1 km north of the D7 between Beuzec-Cap-Sizun and Poullan-sur-Mer, at the end of a farm lane. This view from the north shows that the west side is buried into the side of the bank. I apologise for the quality of this series of photos as I had just suffered impact damage on my lens (I fell over, in other words) and the originals were a little blurred.
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Lesconil allée couverte
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 21st May 2009

Lesconil allée couverte submitted by paulcall on 21st May 2009. This is an impressive buttressed (arc boutee) allee couverte, with the side stones resting against each other to make an allee that is trangular in cross-section. In this photo from the north-east the edge stones of the peristalith can be seen behind the tree.
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Léchiagat menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Léchiagat menhir submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. This was my favourite menhir from a recent trip to Finistere. It is particularly photogenic within the marsh, but it is a shame that it is surrounded on houses on all sides. I may have a go at Photoshop-ing them out.
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Reun menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Reun menhir submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. A fabulous 6 metre tall menhir, according to the notice-board, although it is so impressive I estimated it as being taller before I read the nearby sign.
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Men Briz menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Men Briz menhir submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. Found in a field 2 km inland from Pointe de la Torche, this menhir is 2.5 metres high, 2.5 metres wide and 1 metre deep. The base is somewhat overgrown
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Stèle À Bonnet D'Evêque
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Stèle À Bonnet D'Evêque submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. This iron age stele is found in front of the church in Ploneour-Lanvern. The name refers to the appendage on top, which is supposed to resemble a bishop's hat. It is about 3 metres tall. GPS 47.90322 N 4.28311 W.
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Lespurit-Quélen menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Lespurit-Quélen menhir submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. Clearly marked as a single menhir on the Bleu series IGN map, I was surprised to discover that there was a second fallen stone at this site. Perhaps the french cartographers don't count menhirs couchees. This standing menhir is about 7.5 metres tall, 2.5 metres wide and 1 metre deep.
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