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Alderman's Barrow
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: England (Somerset)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2007

Alderman's Barrow submitted by paulcall on 23rd Apr 2007. Huge, and easy to find by the side of the road. Wish the same could be said for Madacombe Stone Row, just to the west.
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Bevis Thumb
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Long Barrow
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 14th Jan 2007

Bevis Thumb submitted by paulcall on 14th Jan 2007. This long barrow lies just south of a minor road north-east of Compton village. It lies on an east-west axis, and the road cuts into the barrow slightly at the eastern end. It is named after a giant, Bevis of Hampton, who is said to have been able to walk between Southampton and the Isle of Wight without getting his head wet. The barrow is about 50m long by 15m wide, and the fortuitously-parked car in the foreground gives some idea of its size. The barrow is also known as Solomon's Thumb or Bave...
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St Roche's Gate Cross Dyke
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Misc. Earthwork
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 15th Jan 2007

St Roche's Gate Cross Dyke submitted by paulcall on 15th Jan 2007. This is the outermost of the two linear earthworks to the north-west, with the ditch facing inwards and the bank outwards, unlike the innermost one. It is possibly bronze-age. The ditch is only 1 metre deep.
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The Trundle
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Hillfort
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 15th Jan 2007

The Trundle submitted by paulcall on 15th Jan 2007. This is the innermost of the two possible bronze-age linear earthworks to the north-west. It is about 100m long and ends abruptly.
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Devil's Jumps
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Feb 2007

Devil's Jumps submitted by paulcall on 2nd Feb 2007. Site in West Sussex
A panorama of the five bell barrows from the north. (See my comments for a description of the site)
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Harting Beacon
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Hillfort
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Feb 2007

Harting Beacon submitted by paulcall on 2nd Feb 2007. Site in West Sussex
Caption. The green strip is the southern 'rampart'. As I mentioned in my description this is in geat danger of disappearing under the plough altogether.
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Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Causewayed Enclosure
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 8th Feb 2007

Barkhale submitted by paulcall on 8th Feb 2007. As at the Trundle nearby, the neolithic causewayed camp here is hardly visible. There is a faint elevation (seen in the centre) in a field used for animals. All the surrounding fields are arable and ploughing would eradicate this site very quickly.
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Long Down Flint Mines
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 8th Feb 2007

Long Down Flint Mines submitted by paulcall on 8th Feb 2007. At the map reference given by Vicky in her origin post of this site there is copse used by humans for feeding pheasants, and by rabbits as a warren. The copse is surrounded by an arable field and there is a mass of loose flint on the surface of the ground. If it was like this in the neolithic no actual mining would need to have been done to collect the flint. There is no evidence on the ground of any depressions that might indicate mining activity.
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Barkhale Tumulus
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 11th Feb 2007

Barkhale Tumulus submitted by paulcall on 11th Feb 2007. This 15m diameter tumulus, probably bronze age, is situated in woodland to the southeast of the causewayed camp at Barkhale. There is still a ditch surrounding about half of it. Map Ref SU980124
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Bepton Down Platform barrow
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 30th Sep 2008

Bepton Down Platform barrow submitted by paulcall on 30th Sep 2008. This is a shot of the platform barrow from the south-east. The slight depression of the in-filled ditch can just be seen in front of the barrow, but the outer bank cannot. Behind is the nearby bowl barrow
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Cocking Down
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 30th Sep 2008

Cocking Down submitted by paulcall on 30th Sep 2008. This view from within the field to the north of the South Downs way shows the overgrown barrow and the large round modern stone.
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Linchball Hill
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2008

Linchball Hill submitted by paulcall on 1st Oct 2008. A view up Linchball Hill over the area marked on the map as containing four tumuli. The trig marker can just be seen on the horizon, about a third of the way across from the left. The lowest of the mounds can (with the eye of faith) be discerned in the right centre.
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Bepton Down Bowl Barrow
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2008

Bepton Down Bowl Barrow submitted by paulcall on 1st Oct 2008. Bepton Down bowl barrow as seen from the platform barrow. The dark nettles in the foreground are growing in the hidden ditch of the barrow on which I am standing. There is a cross dyke running across the far side of the field, although it is better seen on the other side of the South Downs Way, which is marked by the brown line of grass in the photo.
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Linch Down
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s)
Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2008

Linch Down submitted by paulcall on 1st Oct 2008. Linch Down tumulus looking towards the west. Harting Beacon is just to the left of the woodland on the horizon, about one quarter of the way in from the left.
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Dolmen de Peyre Nègre
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 27th Aug 2007

Dolmen de Peyre Nègre submitted by paulcall on 27th Aug 2007. This is a tricky one to find! Although only 15metres from the road the dolmen itself is hidden within a clump of bushes with a small tree, and is best viewed from the side away from the road. This is what you will find - its very delapidated.
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Puy de Bon Temps Dolmen
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 27th Aug 2007

Puy de Bon Temps dolmen submitted by paulcall on 27th Aug 2007. This dolmen is signposted from the D68, but the sign is only visible when travelling south down the road towards Ajat. I missed the sign, and approached the dolmen from the other end of the track and ended up walking about 1 Km instead of a few metres!
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Allée couverte de Blanc
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 27th Aug 2007

Allée couverte de Blanc submitted by paulcall on 27th Aug 2007. This is probably the best preserved megalithic monument in the south of Perigord, and is one of only 2 such monuments marked on the tourist maps.
It is signposted from the D676 south of Beaumont-du-Perigord, and so is easy to find.
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Le Breil Dolmen
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen
Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 30th Aug 2007

Le Breil Dolmen submitted by paulcall on 30th Aug 2007. A view of the dolmen from the south-west
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Maison du Loup dolmen 1
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave
Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 4th Sep 2007

Maison du Loup dolmen 1 submitted by paulcall on 4th Sep 2007. This is a tricky monument to find, even with ocdolmen's GPS co-ordinates, and its proximity to the east side of the D2 road north of Montpazier. It is found in a clearing just north of the turnoff to Borie-Neuve, but there is a lot of secondary growth and only the top of the largest stone can be seen from the road. This view shows the allee couverte from the west.
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Peyregude menhir
Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 4th Sep 2007

Peyregude menhir submitted by paulcall on 4th Sep 2007. Another view of the standing stone from the north side.
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