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Léchiagat menhir

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Léchiagat menhir

Léchiagat menhir submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. This was my favourite menhir from a recent trip to Finistere. It is particularly photogenic within the marsh, but it is a shame that it is surrounded on houses on all sides. I may have a go at Photoshop-ing them out.
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Lesconil allée couverte

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 21st May 2009

Lesconil allée couverte

Lesconil allée couverte submitted by paulcall on 21st May 2009. This is an impressive buttressed (arc boutee) allee couverte, with the side stones resting against each other to make an allee that is trangular in cross-section. In this photo from the north-east the edge stones of the peristalith can be seen behind the tree.
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Lespurit-Quélen menhir

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Lespurit-Quélen menhir

Lespurit-Quélen menhir submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. Clearly marked as a single menhir on the Bleu series IGN map, I was surprised to discover that there was a second fallen stone at this site. Perhaps the french cartographers don't count menhirs couchees. This standing menhir is about 7.5 metres tall, 2.5 metres wide and 1 metre deep.
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Linch Down

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Round Barrow(s) Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2008

Linch Down

Linch Down submitted by paulcall on 1st Oct 2008. Linch Down tumulus looking towards the west. Harting Beacon is just to the left of the woodland on the horizon, about one quarter of the way in from the left.
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Linchball Hill

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Barrow Cemetery Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 1st Oct 2008

Linchball Hill

Linchball Hill submitted by paulcall on 1st Oct 2008. A view up Linchball Hill over the area marked on the map as containing four tumuli. The trig marker can just be seen on the horizon, about a third of the way across from the left. The lowest of the mounds can (with the eye of faith) be discerned in the right centre.
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Llanfechell 2

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Wales (Anglesey)
Visited: Yes on 18th Aug 2006

Llanfechell 2

Llanfechell 2 submitted by paulcall on 18th Aug 2006. Another view, showing the lean of the stone. A buzzard was using it as a perch as I approached.
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Llech Y Dribedd

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Chambered Tomb Country: Wales (Pembrokeshire)
Visited: Yes on 4th Sep 2008

Llech Y Dribedd

Llech Y Dribedd submitted by paulcall on 4th Sep 2008. This is a fantastic capstone, balancing on three of four uprights, one of which has a nasty crack in it.
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Long Down Flint Mines

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 8th Feb 2007

Long Down Flint Mines

Long Down Flint Mines submitted by paulcall on 8th Feb 2007. At the map reference given by Vicky in her origin post of this site there is copse used by humans for feeding pheasants, and by rabbits as a warren. The copse is surrounded by an arable field and there is a mass of loose flint on the surface of the ground. If it was like this in the neolithic no actual mining would need to have been done to collect the flint. There is no evidence on the ground of any depressions that might indicate mining activity.
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Maison du Loup dolmen 1

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: France (Aquitaine:Dordogne (24))
Visited: Yes on 4th Sep 2007

Maison du Loup dolmen 1

Maison du Loup dolmen 1 submitted by paulcall on 4th Sep 2007. This is a tricky monument to find, even with ocdolmen's GPS co-ordinates, and its proximity to the east side of the D2 road north of Montpazier. It is found in a clearing just north of the turnoff to Borie-Neuve, but there is a lot of secondary growth and only the top of the largest stone can be seen from the road. This view shows the allee couverte from the west.
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Meini Gwyr

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Henge Country: Wales (Carmarthenshire)
Visited: Yes on 6th Sep 2008

Meini Gwyr

Meini Gwyr submitted by paulcall on 6th Sep 2008. It is such a shame that only 2 stones remain of what would have been a lovely monument in its original state.
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Men Briz menhir

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 22nd May 2009

Men Briz menhir

Men Briz menhir submitted by paulcall on 22nd May 2009. Found in a field 2 km inland from Pointe de la Torche, this menhir is 2.5 metres high, 2.5 metres wide and 1 metre deep. The base is somewhat overgrown
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Menhir de Kerdalaë-Lesconil

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 20th May 2009

Menhir de Kerdalaë-Lesconil

Menhir de Kerdalaë-Lesconil submitted by paulcall on 20th May 2009. This stone fell in 1929, after excavations in 1880. It is lying by a track 1 km west of Lesconil village, and measures 4m by 2.2 metres in size.
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Menhir de Kervedal

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 18th May 2009

Menhir de Kervedal

Menhir de Kervedal submitted by paulcall on 18th May 2009. This would have been quite an impressive sight at the time it was vertical - sadly it is now 'sleeping'. It is 7 metres long and about 1.5 metres in diameter. GPS 47.82176 4.35833 W. It is lying rather forlornly at a road junction on the outskirts of St-Guénolé.
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Menhir des Droits de l'Homme

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 14th May 2009

Menhir des Droits de l'Homme

Menhir des Droits de l'Homme submitted by paulcall on 14th May 2009. The reverse of the menhir, which faces the sea, has no inscription. Taken 5 May 2009, when the top third of the stone had gone missing.
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Menires de Milrei e do Padrão

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: Portugal (Faro)
Visited: Yes on 1st Sep 2008

Menires de Milrei e do Padrão

Menires de Milrei e do Padrão submitted by paulcall on 1st Sep 2008. This menhir is the only one in the area of south-western Portugal which is, to my knowledge, upright, having been re-erected. It is also known as Menir de Padrao This stone is found south of Raposeira, by heading out of the village and turning right onto the first road, and driving about 500m.
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Moli del Vent

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Languedoc:Pyrénées-Orientales 66)
Visited: Yes on 1st Sep 2008

Moli del Vent

Moli del Vent submitted by paulcall on 1st Sep 2008. As Martyn has said, the capstone on this dolmen is a wonderful wedge shape, as viewed from both the west and south. This is taken from the west.
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Mulfra Quoit

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Portal Tomb Country: England (Cornwall)
Visited: Yes on 28th Nov 2006

Mulfra Quoit

Mulfra Quoit submitted by paulcall on 28th Nov 2006. A more distant view of the quoit situated right on the top of the hill. The climb up to see it after heavy rain was 'unpleasant'.
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Nine Stones (Dorset)

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 12th Feb 2007

Nine Stones (Dorset)

Nine Stones (Dorset) submitted by paulcall on 12th Feb 2007. Photographing the whole of this circle probably needs a fish-eye lens. This is a panorama from 3 photos taken from the north. Although perhaps emphasised by the perspective there is a large gap between the huge stone on the left and the small stone on the right. Were there once other, missing, stones in this arc of the circle?
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Normandy Down

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Chambered Cairn Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 31st Oct 2006

Normandy Down

Normandy Down submitted by paulcall on 31st Oct 2006. A view of the westerly entrance grave looking east. Centre right is the brown mound of the central tomb and centre left the easterly tomb. The area around the graves had recently been cleared of bracken and scrub at the time of my visit.
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Obadiah's Barrow

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 17th Oct 2006

Obadiah's Barrow

Obadiah's Barrow submitted by paulcall on 17th Oct 2006. Another Scillonian Entrance grave with a great view - this time over St Agnes
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