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Larkbarrow Corner Standing Stone

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Devon)
Visited: Yes on 23rd Apr 2007

Larkbarrow Corner Standing Stone

Larkbarrow Corner Standing Stone submitted by paulcall on 23rd Apr 2007. A rather mean-spirited farmer shouted 'Oy' at me, and would not let me get anywhere near this stone. This is as close as I got !
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La Cabane del Moro

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: France (Languedoc:Pyrénées-Orientales 66)
Visited: Yes on 1st Sep 2008

La Cabane del Moro

La Cabane del Moro submitted by paulcall on 1st Sep 2008. I could not find this dolmen on a recent attempt, even though it is named on the IGN 1/25000 map just north of Llauro (but without the small dolmen symbol that is usually used). The closest I came was finding this sign, so it should have been nearby.
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Kittern Hill

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 12th Oct 2007

Kittern Hill

Kittern Hill submitted by paulcall on 12th Oct 2007. This is a view of Kittern Hill on the north side of Gugh, from the neighbouring island of St Agnes. The cairns and entrance graves are situated along the ridge , and Obadiah's Barrow can just be seen as the grey stones below the horizon on the far right of the picture.
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Kingston Russell Circle

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 12th Feb 2007

Kingston Russell Circle

Kingston Russell Circle submitted by paulcall on 12th Feb 2007. A panorama of 4 photos taken from the south in February 2007. The ditch around the circle can be clearly seen, and presumably is the result of recent farming.
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Kerbalanec Allée Couverte

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Passage Grave Country: France (Bretagne:Finistère (29))
Visited: Yes on 21st May 2009

Kerbalanec allée couverte

Kerbalanec allée couverte submitted by paulcall on 21st May 2009. This allee couverte is found about 1 km north of the D7 between Beuzec-Cap-Sizun and Poullan-sur-Mer, at the end of a farm lane. This view from the north shows that the west side is buried into the side of the bank. I apologise for the quality of this series of photos as I had just suffered impact damage on my lens (I fell over, in other words) and the originals were a little blurred.
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Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Class I Pictish Symbol Stone Country: Scotland (Highlands)
Visited: Yes on 30th Jun 2008


Inverewe submitted by paulcall on 30th Jun 2008. An attempt to show the crescent and V-rod markings of this Pictish stone superimposed over the stone itself. The dot markings are very difficult to pick out. Pictish stones are a rarity on the west coast.
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Innisidgen Upper

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 17th Oct 2006

Innisidgen Upper

Innisidgen Upper submitted by paulcall on 17th Oct 2006. A close up of the entrance. Shame you cannot look in this direction and see the view at the same time!
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Innisidgen Lower

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Burial Chamber or Dolmen Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 17th Oct 2006

Innisidgen Lower

Innisidgen Lower submitted by paulcall on 17th Oct 2006. One of my favourite views on Scilly, the north of St Mary's looking towards St Martin's. The fact that there are two burial chambers here is an added bonus.
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Harting Beacon

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Hillfort Country: England (West Sussex)
Visited: Yes on 2nd Feb 2007

Harting Beacon

Harting Beacon submitted by paulcall on 2nd Feb 2007. Site in West Sussex Caption. The green strip is the southern 'rampart'. As I mentioned in my description this is in geat danger of disappearing under the plough altogether.
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Hampton Down row

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 12th Feb 2007

Hampton Down

Hampton Down submitted by paulcall on 12th Feb 2007. This is the smallest stone within the circle, about 30cm across.
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Hampton Down

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 12th Feb 2007

Hampton Down

Hampton Down submitted by paulcall on 12th Feb 2007. This is the smallest stone within the circle, about 30cm across.
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Halangy Point Carn

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Cairn Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 17th Oct 2006

Bant's Carn

Bant's Carn submitted by paulcall on 17th Oct 2006. A view from the north of this reconstructed entrance grave.
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Gweal Hill, Bryher

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Chambered Tomb Country: England (Isles of Scilly)
Visited: Yes on 22nd Oct 2007

Gweal Hill, Bryher

Gweal Hill, Bryher submitted by paulcall on 22nd Oct 2007. This view looks south over the southwestern cairn of the three on Gweal Hill. The central cist can be seen centre-left, and there are two rings of kerbs both of which can just be seen on this photo, although the whole mound is now greatly weathered by its position on the most westernmost point of the inhabited islands on Scilly.
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Gwal y Filiast

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Chambered Tomb Country: Wales (Carmarthenshire)
Visited: Yes on 4th Jan 2007

Gwal y Filiast

Gwal y Filiast submitted by paulcall on 4th Jan 2007. Photo taken in 1996 before the tree was taken down down in front of the outlying stone. It is such a wonderful place that I make no excuses for submitting this old picture.
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Gun Rith

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Cornwall)
Visited: Yes on 13th Dec 2006

Gun Rith

Gun Rith submitted by paulcall on 13th Dec 2006. Shame about the concrete base, and the situation within the hedge, but otherwise impressive.
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Grianán of Ailech

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Fort or Dun Country: Ireland (Republic of) (Co. Donegal)
Visited: Yes on 13th Jan 2007

Grianán of Ailech

Grianán of Ailech submitted by paulcall on 13th Jan 2007. Another view of the interior terracing and the surrounding coutryside below the fort. (Scan of photo taken in 1997)
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Grey Mare Processional Way

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 17th Feb 2007

Grey Mare Processional Way

Grey Mare Processional Way submitted by paulcall on 17th Feb 2007. Stone by the side of the path on the lefthand side walking in the direction of Kingston Russell circle from Grey mare and her Colts. It is triangular, about 1' thick and tapers to a point from a base about 5' across. At SU582875 approximately.
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Grey Mare and her Colts

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Long Barrow Country: England (Dorset)
Visited: Yes on 8th Feb 2007

Grey Mare and her Colts

Grey Mare and her Colts submitted by paulcall on 8th Feb 2007. Faux Infra Red Photo. My first vist to this site. It reminded me of a smaller and more delapidated version of West Kennett, but was much more impressive than I expected.
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Giew Mine

Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Standing Stone (Menhir) Country: England (Cornwall)
Visited: Yes on 28th Nov 2006

Giew Mine

Giew Mine submitted by paulcall on 28th Nov 2006. There is some doubt about whether this menhir is a true bronze age standing stone, not helped by the fact that there is a one inch diameter hole drilled into the western face (seen here), but perhaps the local mineworkers used the already erected stone for their own purposes.
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Date Added: 14th Mar 2011
Site Type: Stone Circle Country: England (Cornwall)
Visited: Yes on 17th Feb 2007


Duloe submitted by paulcall on 17th Feb 2007. The 'rotundly anthropomorphic' southern stone at Duloe. An unwieldy description, but......
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