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Cairnholy 2  Chambered Cairn  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  20th Mar 2020  4  5  4  I was meant to visit Stonehenge on Equinox and had everything booked. However, Coronavirus changed my plans and I went to Cairnholy instead, a good choice on a sunny day. Only other visitors were "Cairnholy Joe" and his friend, who were very informative about the stones and their shadows.     
Machrie Moor 2  Stone Circle  Scotland  Isle of Arran  Visited  2nd Mar 2020  4  5  3  Easy to find, small car park at the beginning of the walk, which is along farm tracks (can be muddy). Be prepared to walk about 2km to reach all sites.     
St Queran's Well  Holy Well or Sacred Spring  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  12th Feb 2020  4  5  4  St Queran's Well is easily accessible by a short footpath over flat (but muddy!) fields, signposted from the road. Two gates to go through and then enter a small wood to the left of the path at the end of which the well is visible. It is surrounded by a ring of stones. The trees around are decorated...
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Easthill  Stone Circle  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  4th Feb 2020  4  5  3  A friend had tried to find this site two weeks ago and failed. We had the OS Map and directions from this site, but decided to ascend to the top of the hill first and from the western end of the summit, looking down in a northerly direction, we easily spotted the stone circle.(I also spotted 2 foxes...
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Twelve Apostles (Dumfries)  Stone Circle  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  3rd Feb 2020  4  4  4  The largest stone circle on mainland Scotland and only 5 miles from our front door, so we do probably take it for granted..It is easy to find and you can park just next to the field. There is a gate, and a signpost. Sheep in the field.     
High Banks Farm  Rock Art  Scotland  Dumfries and Galloway  Visited  22nd Jan 2020  4  5  3  Not far fromKirkcudbright. The farm track requires careful driving. Walk from the farm is well signposted and easy going but 2 steep stiles to cross     

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